Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 555 - Agreement With Bell

Chapter 555: Agreement With Bell

“He was searching for my information?” Xiao Lin gaped.

“He has very high clearance.”

“My clearance should be higher than his.” Xiao Lin vaguely remembered the dean saying that his clearances had been increased.

“That’s only in certain aspects, but when it comes to public information, Professor Zhang can find it; that includes information such as your year and dormitory.” The girl had a naughty smile on her face, saying, “You shouldn’t have said so much; that professor is famous for being stubborn, and he will get to the bottom of something no matter what. You caused him to be confused, so he naturally wants an answer from you.”

“You know what happened in the library? Wait, let me retract that question; you can observe everything, and so you naturally know about it.” Xiao Lin smiled bitterly before looking at the girl hopefully. “Then, can you help me block off my information? I don’t want that professor to camp in front of my dormitory every day. It will cause me too much trouble.”

“Why should I help you?” Bell asked.

“Then what do you want me to do?” Xiao Lin asked in exasperation. That girl was either just there to tease him, or she definitely had a request, even though he did not know what he could help with.

“Time can’t be rewound. It’s not like there’s no one who ever doubted that theory, but all of them lacked convincing evidence, so they did not have much behind their arguments. But you... Why were you so sure?” The girl suddenly wiped the playful smile from her face before looking at Xiao Lin with her bright eyes.

“I was just spouting out some nonsense.”

“Oh, then I’ll just forward all your information, including stuff about your ancestors, to Professor Zhang.”

Xiao Lin was speechless.

Xiao Lin looked closely at Bell, and after a few minutes, he asked with a strange expression, “Why do you want to know that?”

The girl averted her gaze. Even though she was just a virtual image, she did not seem to want Xiao Lin to look at her current expression, so she impatiently said, “You don’t need to know the reason!”

Even though that artificial lifeform always seemed very friendly to him, Xiao Lin knew that he was not very familiar with Bell, who had seemingly been born with and grew with the academy. Strictly speaking, she was definitely at a higher rank than him, and since she did not seem happy, Xiao Lin did not pursue the matter.

“Blocking my information is just a casual action for you, and I could just ask the president to do it for me. Even though I don’t really want to trouble him right now, compared to what you want to know, it’s not worth it for me at all,” Xiao Lin suddenly said.

Bell glared at Xiao Lin, saying, “Cunning man, you still want to enter the restricted area of the library?”

“So you have been spying on me!” Xiao Lin said indignantly.

Bell said, “Who would be so free to observe a man’s life the whole day. I’m not a pervert! Only, the president looked for me yesterday, and reminded me not to give you any special rights.”

“You agreed?”

“He’s the president; he has the rights to govern the academy, so I naturally need to promise him that.”

“What if I give you the secret behind rewinding time in exchange?” Xiao Lin immediately asked.

“Then I can promise to help you get this thing done.” The girl fluttered her large eyes.

“Your promises are really cheap...” Xiao Lin’s lips twitched.

“Oh, only the dean can give me direct orders. I can even ignore the Supreme Council. Unless it’s an order from the dean, I can always change my actions based on the situation,” Bell said.

“Fine, then should we sign an agreement?” Xiao Lin was afraid that she would not pay up.

“You don’t trust me!” The girl widened her eyes.

How could Xiao Lin trust a girl who just sold out the president without any hesitation right in front of him? However, that was all in his mind. The only person that could help him right now was Bell, who held the biggest power in the academy at that moment. That was why Xiao Lin lied, “You’re so cute, how could you lie to you? I do trust you.”

After that, the two of them stared at each other, entering an awkward silence.

“Quickly tell me how you rewind time!”

“Then tell me how to get to the restricted area of the library.”

“You first!”

“You first!”

Then there was over ten minutes of silence before Xiao Lin said helplessly, “Fine, let’s just compromise. I’ll first say half of it, then you bring me to the restricted area, then after that I’ll tell you the rest.”

“I can only tell you the location first. After that, you tell me the rest before I consider bringing you there.”

“Fine, it’s a deal.”

They finally reached an agreement, and Xiao Lin was worried she would regret it, so he did not delay, immediately saying, “Rewinding time actually needs one to break the wall of time.”

“After that? You basically said nothing!” Bell was not satisfied with that answer.

The girl mumbled to herself, floating back into the air, seemingly investigating something before she quickly went back down, standing in front of Xiao Lin as she said sternly, “This is the first time I’m doing something like this, so you have to keep it a secret for me.”

“Of course, of course.” Xiao Lin nodded like a chick eating rice.

Bell was not too happy with Xiao Lin’s dismissive answer, but her glare was ineffective. She changed to a low voice, and slowly started talking. As she spoke, Xiao Lin noticed that his dormitory seemed to be filled with a shadow.

“Don’t worry, that’s just the most basic of precautions. I don’t want anyone else to hear what I’m about to say. The restricted area of the library was not restricted during the early days of the academy. It was only when Ivan’s rebellion happened. It had involved a lot of people, and caused a big shift in power. The library ended up with a lot of restricted materials. It’s not just books in the library, there’s also a lot of evidence from back then.”

“Hold on, I’m a bit confused. Ivan’s rebellion? What happened there?”

Bell shrugged with a helpless expression. “I can’t tell you that, my programming has been restricted in that regard. I can’t tell you anything personally, but I can help you find it. The true history from that period will help you find the answers you want.”

Bell had stirred his interest, and Xiao Lin could only nod and say, “Fine, where is the restricted area? If you can’t bring me there, can you at least tell me where it is, and how to get in, such as the passwords?”

Bell once again laughed. “Password? Do you think such an important place would have such archaic protections?

“Come, I’ll have you look at it yourself. This will be a very mystical journey, you should be mentally prepared.” After Bell’s words, the room suddenly got brighter and brighter until it shone like a star, swallowing everything in the light.

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