Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 537 - Surprise At The Casino

Chapter 537: Surprise At The Casino

Xiao Lin did not know why he suddenly remembered the third monthly examination. It might have been intuition or just a nonsensical thought, but the thought had deeply rooted itself into his mind. After much deliberation, he increasingly felt like it had the highest possibility.

Xiao Lin immediately returned to the embassy to let Liang Taibai, Luo Jianhui and the others know of his thoughts. Xiao Lin had gotten very familiar with the staff from the embassy, and everyone acknowledged the junior who was only a few months into the academy, with no one looking down on him.

However, they could not help but laugh when they heard of the guess, consoling Xiao Lin and believing it was a nonsensical thought. The possibility of it happening was practically zero.

“Xiao Lin, I can understand the pressure you’ve been under, but you’re telling us that Asabanor’s only goal from the start had just been to get into the city. The countless undead soldiers and all of the rebels were just the price of that. You know the amount of soldiers he has would be enough to take over a small country. What Asabanor needs at the moment is territory and soldiers; how could he give them up so easily?” Liang Taibai did not believe it, and was patiently analyzing the matter.

Not getting any help from the embassy was within Xiao Lin’s expectations. He continued to walk around the city after leaving the embassy, thinking hard about what Asabanor would want if he was really in the city. What would be worth such a large price?


Rosa might be a small kingdom, but as the hub of the kingdom, the royal city did have most of the wealth in the kingdom. Coupled with the jewelry amassed in the palace through hundreds of years, it was not a small fortune.

He would have all of that if he managed to take over the city.

Walking as he thought, Xiao Lin ended up stopping in front of a large building. It was the largest entertainment center in the royal city, Century Casino. An Fumin had spent a lot of money on this city, building the largest, most luxurious building in the entire city. It was a pity that the money would all be going down the drain with the war.

Xiao Lin did not have much pity for An Fumin–they were merely working together. It was a pity that, with the siege, it was impossible to bring back what An Fumin had asked him to.

Suddenly, Xiao Lin looked up in realization.

“Many people have searched all of Planet Norma looking for this, and countless people have lost their lives for it too. Too many people want it, but have never seen it...”

The boss of the casino, Sun Jia, had said those words. The thing An Fumin wanted him to bring back to Dawn City, that mysterious object inside the box. Xiao Lin had been completely disinterested in An Fumin’s secret, but thinking about Asabanor, he was suddenly uneasy.

Surely it could not be such a big coincidence?

With an apprehensive feeling, Xiao Lin walked into the casino. Even if they were being sieged, even with all the fighting outside, with the explosions from magic still able to be heard, the outside world seemed to completely disappear after stepping into the casino.

Century Casino was one of the few entertainment centers left open during the war. Even those who were trying to cause trouble in the royal city did not dare step into the place. That was because at least half of those from Earth regarded the casino as their last sanctuary. The amount of colonists gathered here caused everyone to avoid it.

Xiao Lin’s Earth attire caused the staff at the door to be even more enthusiastic. The local girls had very revealing outfits on, and put on alluring makeup–even a smile from them was seductive. There were plenty of people like that around; most of the girls hoped to attract a colonist and to be brought back to colonial territories. That way, they could enjoy a life of luxury.

It was a pity that Xiao Lin was not interested at all–not in the mood to enjoy the attractive women. It was not the first time he was in the casino, and he waved the girls away, walking straight to Sun Jia’s office.

After the war, Century Casino remained open, but had fired a lot of the non-essential staff, which was why there were not many people around the corridors. Brushing past someone covered in a grey robe, Xiao Lin paused, remembering something before reaching out to hold the man’s shoulder, saying, “Please wait a moment...”

He had not even finished when the grey-robed man suddenly moved, immediately shooting a green light at Xiao Lin. Xiao Lin was shocked; he was very familiar with that spell. It was Disintegration Ray, which could directly destroy the soul. Thankfully, he was prepared, and immediately took out his Holy Soul Sword from his spatial ring. The special material of the sword immediately blocked the ray, but at a price: traces of decay seemed to have appeared on the blade.

The grey-robed man did not want to fight, and immediately fled after using Disintegration Ray. Xiao Lin might have been slower to react, but he did not hesitate to use his Ruin state. During this time, he had been using Ruin with increasing frequency. The more he used it, the more familiar he was with it, and the longer he could maintain it.


In the narrow corridor, Xiao Lin shot out like an arrow, colliding right into the person. His Ruin state allowed him to catch up and tackle the grey-robed man. The two of them collided into the wall, and with the sudden sound of the impact, a hole formed on the wall.

Xiao Lin was the first to get up from the ground, and he used his Holy Sword to open up the person’s robe. When he looked at the royal cell with Time Rewind, he had seen a grey-robed man enter the cell, which was why he was alarmed earlier. What shocked him was that he had thought the grey-robed person who kidnapped them was Valen, but now that Valen had died, who was this person?

Under the robes was a refined woman with milky white skin and blonde hair. A woman with pointy ears!

An elf?

An elf!

It was not Asabanor like he had thought, but what was in front of him was even more shocking. The number of elves in the Rosa Kingdom could be counted with one’s fingers, and only occasionally would an elvish adventurer pass by.

Why was an elf here?

Why would the elves work with Asabanor, participating in the kidnapping and attacking the royal city?

Xiao Lin’s questions flooded his head in an instant.

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