Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 534 - Ibeiya And The King (3)

Chapter 534: Ibeiya And The King (3)

The king crawled up and grasped the pendant in front of his chest, opening it before pouring the liquid into his mouth. Quickly, the wound on his face began to recover. His face was calm, not seeming angry at all. However, he warily looked at Xiao Lin, saying, “If you’re planning on doing anything more, you’ll need to get me more potions. All I have with me is this.”

Xiao Lin composed himself, looking at the calm king, Xiao Lin’s fist that fell to his side. The king understood very well that Xiao Lin could not kill him right there. Even if the king was injured, they would need to cure the king. Even if Dawn Academy did not like the king, the king could not die while they were still defending the city.

“We have a saying in my hometown; as evil as a tiger is, they do not eat their children. Even if you didn’t acknowledge your son-in-law, were you willing to let Ibeiya turn into an orphan?” Xiao Lin mocked.

“I’ve heard of such a saying, I’ve read a lot of your books after all. However, I’ve also read that men of character do not bother about trifles.” The king had no hint of regret, and only stared back at Xiao Lin.

The king quickly looked at the furious Ibeiya, calmly saying, “I’ve wronged your mother and you, I admit that. However, I’ve never wronged this country. I’m Rosa’s king first, your grandfather second. There has never been any absolute rights or wrongs in this world. The otherworlder next to you came to our world with their kind; that is the true origin of all this evil. If you want revenge, he should be one of them.”

“Nonsense!” Ibeiya shouted. “Don’t think I’m some child you can manipulate! Big Brother Xiao Lin is a good person; our conflict with their people has nothing to do with us. All I know is you killed my father!”

“I’m not treating you like a child. In truth, I’m quite happy that you knew to borrow the strength of Dawn Academy. It’s a pity that no one among my children has your intelligence.”

Pausing for a moment, the king continued, “You really want to kill me?”

Ibeiya glared, but it was at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin sighed. He had kept himself in between Ibeiya and the king. It was to prevent Ibeiya from doing anything, and also to stop the king from making a move. He mocked the king, “You’re a smart person, you know we can’t do anything to you now, but you won’t live for long.”

If they really managed to secure the city, once everything was done, Dawn Academy would definitely deal with that disobedient king.

The king smiled coldly. “I don’t need you to remind me. However, it seems like it won’t take that long now. If I don’t die, how will my granddaughter take my place?”

Xiao Lin and Ibeiya were shocked. They had never mentioned the dark races wanting Ibeiya to be queen, and had never told any one of Rosa’s officials either.

“You’re spying on me?” Ibeiya’s tone was very harsh.

“It’s not that hard to guess. You’ll need the power of the dark clans to protect the city, and they would need something in return if you want them to help willingly. With your current struggles, the only thing you can offer is this throne.”

Talking to intelligent people really saved time, Xiao Lin decided against hiding it, saying, “You’re right. What we need is your throne.”


The king’s answer was very quick, and Xiao Lin and Ibeiya looked at each other. Xiao Lin felt like the cunning old man might have had some tricks up their sleeves.

The king returned to the throne, touching the cold seat, saying in self-mockery, “This seat isn’t actually valuable anymore. Ever since your people came to our kingdom, most of the military and financial power had fallen into your hands. You might even get rid of royalty before too long. I’ve read your books; monarchy doesn’t exist in your world! Compared to letting you choose another puppet, I’d rather let Ibeiya do it.”

Xiao Lin understood what he meant. If they did not pick Ibeiya, Dawn Academy would just choose one of his children as a puppet. However, Ibeiya was different. Ibeiya had the dark races behind her. When the time came, it would be a contest between Dawn Academy and the dark races. No matter what happened, the Rosa Kingdom would not be completely hollowed out.

“It looks like you’ve done a lot of research into our world.”

“It’s just about knowing your enemy.”

“Then can you at least produce a document of sorts; it would make it easier for me to let the dark races know.”

“Why would it need to be so troublesome? Do you really think those races, who’ve lived for centuries, would trust in a document? Wait for tomorrow. I’ll make things clear tomorrow.”

Make things clear? Make what clear?

Xiao Lin and Ibeiya were both suspicious, but the king’s calm expression seemed to have led them to understand something and they did not press on. Before they left, Ibeiya seemed to have wanted to say something, but the cold expression on the king’s face caused her to leave.

“Big Brother Xiao Lin, do you think that old man will willingly give up his throne to me?” Ibeiya suddenly asked on the way back.

“Of course he won’t be willing, but he has no choice. It’s the only thing he can do for the city.” Xiao Lin remembered the assessment Liang Taibai gave the king. Pushing aside his standing in Dawn Academy, the king was very responsible. He might not be a good person, but he worked hard for the country, even if that hard work was not beneficial to Dawn Academy.

Sighing, Xiao Lin said gently, “Ibeiya, can you answer me now? Do you want to be the queen?”

Ibeiya blinked, asking, “Would you let me be the queen?”

Xiao Lin more or less knew her answer, saying, “Ambassador Liang told me, the last long-range communication from Dawn City had given him temporary power over everything.”

“Then I’m willing to try.”

“Very well. Good luck then.”

Xiao Lin encouraged her with a smile. He was not surprised at the answer. As the last of the St. Claude bloodline, Ibeiya had too much on her shoulders. That was probably her uncle’s wish as well. If she became the queen, it would help the clan.

Xiao Lin did not know if that was the right choice, nor was he sure if Dawn City would allow Ibeiya to continue as the queen, but at least her wish would be fulfilled for now.

Xiao Lin reported to Liang Taibai when they returned to the academy. Liang Taibai did not say anything, merely nodding before saying he would reach out to the higher-ups. He said that, as long as Ibeiya was willing, Dawn City would not cause any trouble. At least for now, the most important thing was still defending the city.

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