Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 514: Liang Taibai’s Concern

Chapter 514: Liang Taibai’s Concern

The succubus was quite surprised. As far as she knew, most of the otherworlders did not understand a lot about the dark races, especially since Dawn Academy was friendly with the Rosa royalty, and they did not need to interact with the powers in the dark.

However, the succubus did not approve of Xiao Lin just because of that. Her smile still contained a coldness that rejected everyone as she used her sweet voice to say, “That’s right, after ancient times, we’ve been rejected by Planet Norma’s society. In truth, we don’t really need much. We would not, at least most of us, won’t have ambitions like that madman Valen. Returning to past glories and bringing forth the power of darkness are things we’ve stopped caring about. We only want a country that can be considered ours.”

“Humans would not exist in our country, and hunters should not be able to find us. It should be somewhere completely safe, and would be somewhere we can forever be happy!”

The succubus got more and more emotional, as if she was venting. The dark races had resided in the darkness for thousands of years, which was something everyone had thought was logical. However, who could possibly not want the ability to live without hiding.

Unfortunately, it was something that seemed impossible on Planet Norma. The world rejected them, and hunters were constantly after them. They never knew if they would wake up with a knife to their throats. Every time they went to another city, they could not divulge their identities easily, or they would not be able to enter, and could even be jailed.

Even the Rosa Kingdom, that tolerated the dark races, had various segregation. Those clans did not have too bad a time living in the royal city, but their lives were definitely not great.

The rest of them looked at Xiao Lin, but their faces were full of mocking. They felt that, even if that otherworlder knew what they needed, they would never be able to get it.

A country, or at least a city that really belonged to them, was something that was impossible.

Xiao Lin understood as well. He could not even guarantee that Dawn Academy would completely hand over the royal city to them. Even if they cooperated and prevented the rebels from attacking, Dawn Academy could very well continue to support the Rosa Kingdom’s royalty.

Xiao Lin suddenly thought of something, and said, “I think all of you know Ibeiya. She has the prestigious St. Claude clan’s blood, and is also of the Rosa Kingdom’s royalty. If this city is handed to her, I think all of you should be fine!”


“The St. Claude clan?”

“I’ve heard that she really was born from royalty, but...”

“If it’s Ibeiya, I don’t mind, but would Dawn Academy accept it?”

“There’s still the matter of the rebels.”


The crowd that had been quiet was suddenly in a clamor. Xiao Lin understood that they would not be able to make a decision in a short amount of time; after all each clan looked for different benefits. He needed time to convince a lot of people as well. Regardless, the night could be considered a success.

Xiao Lin promised that he would do his best to pursue a conclusion that would satisfy everyone. The succubus represented the other clans in guaranteeing that, if Ibeiya was really given the right to rule over the city, then they would do their best to protect the royal city against the rebels, and would also be willing to be vassals of Dawn Academy.

With that verbal promise, the exhausted Xiao Lin finally returned to the embassy, stumbling upon Ibeiya who was full of worry. The girl’s white dress had been ripped, and there was even some blood, leading to Xiao Lin exploding.

“Who! Who attacked you!” Xiao Lin’s face was full of anger.

“It’s nothing. I met some pursuers that Valen sent earlier, and I faked my death to escape.”

Xiao Lin let out a sigh of relief. Ibeiya’s combat strength was nothing much, but she could often rely on her extremely strong regenerative abilities to fake death and trick enemies.

“That’s why there was such a delay. I was very worried that I affected your plans.

Xiao Lin naturally did not blame her for anything, and brushed it aside, telling Ibeiya that Valen was dead to her happy cheers.

Ibeiya was also tired after a night of running around. Xiao Lin helped her look for a room to rest in before going to the lounge to wait for Liang Taibai’s return.

Liang Taibai slowly walked in at dawn. Xiao Lin was not surprised. Destroying a resurrection tower was simple in itself, but there were countless things to deal with in the aftermath.

Liang Taibai looked exhausted, slumping right into the sofa before angrily saying to Xiao Lin, who had started everything, “You really caused a huge mess last night! You actually got a little vampire to get me to destroy a resurrection tower! Do you know that, if anyone else were the ambassador, they would probably have killed Ibeiya for being a spy!”

“But you’re not an ordinary ambassador,” Xiao Lin sincerely said. Liang Taibai being bold enough to destroy a resurrection tower had helped him greatly.

“My trust for Ibeiya was purely out of my faith in you. You’re lucky that I’ve heard about the corrupted resurrection tower.” Liang Taibai referred to the corrupted resurrection tower back in Wildfire Town. The case had been classified to everyone, so anyone who knew of it would not have a low standing.

Xiao Lin was just about to voice his admiration, but Liang Taibai had a difficult look on his face, staring at Xiao Lin. “You really gave me a lot of trouble. Destroying a resurrection tower is very complicated.”

“I know, resurrection towers have self destruct mechanisms. As the ambassador here, you definitely had the activation scroll. Did you not use it?” Xiao Lin joked.

“That’s right, I destroyed the corrupted resurrection tower, which is why this city is not under the protection of one at all. The royal city is the Rosa Kingdom’s largest city and we have a lot of merchants here. The resurrection tower is their greatest protection. What do you think they would say?”

Sighing, Liang Taibai continued, “To be safe, I’ll gather everyone we have who hasn’t left the city yet tomorrow and ask them to leave quickly. Compared to the approaching rebels, I’m more worried about the fact that someone corrupted a resurrection tower before our own eyes!”

“Since you’re back, Valen Argos is definitely already dead. You should go back to rest.” Liang Taibai was not surprised at Xiao Lin’s victory. He had heard of Xiao Lin’s skills.

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