Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 487: Rewinding Time Again

Chapter 487: Rewinding Time Again

Xiao Lin could not afford any delay, and immediately activated the power of Time Rewind. It was his first time using that ability after gaining the third eye. Silverlight had warned him against using it casually, but he had no other choice. If he did not manage to figure out where his fellow class monitors were, and if they really were taken away by Asabanor, nothing good could come out of it.

When Silverlight transferred the eye to him, she had also planted her memories on how to activate it.

The mental and physical cost of activating Time Rewind was immense. Even in his Miracle state, Xiao Lin did not feel like he had enough, and had to raise his power even more. Thankfully, he had gotten enough rest yesterday, allowing him to activate Ruin easily.

Following the memories that Silverlight had given him, Xiao Lin focused all his mental strength toward his forehead to enlarge his third eye, which started to emit a warm glow.

‘Time Rewind, activate!’

As the light enveloped the cell, Xiao Lin’s mind fell into a strange state of emptiness. Countless scenes were rapidly being played in front of him. It was the start of the reverse flow of time. His next step would be to pick out the appropriate stop. It was a little like watching TV.

Xiao Lin focused his whole attention on it until a familiar sight flashed by in his mind. He immediately opened his eyes, and the light on his forehead exploded outward, completely covering the prison cell. The scenery outside was all swallowed in white light.

It was not his first time experiencing Time Rewind. When Xiao Lin’s vision cleared up, he did not feel the shock he did the first time, but was still surprised by that mysterious skill.

Each time Time Rewind was used, the power needed was based on the time and scale. It was different from when they returned to ancient times. This time, he only rewinded it by two days, and the scope was only the prison cell, so even though the immense cost had Xiao Lin feeling dizzy, even with Ruin activated, it was still something he could withstand.

Xiao Lin still stood in that prison cell, but his surroundings had been cut off by the wall of time, placing him in a completely different world. He had been worried he would accidentally break the wall like the last time and cause unexpected results, but after waiting for a few minutes, everything seemed peaceful.

Xiao Lin let out a sigh of relief. The prison cell at that moment was when Xiao Lin had just committed suicide. His body was already turning into spiritual fragments, returning to the resurrection tower.

For someone who had used Time Rewind for the first time, the timing he had returned to was quite accurate. Xiao Lin had wanted to know what happened after he died as well.

His death led to the other monitors to be in a brief state of shock, but they awkwardly fell silent. No one dared to follow suit just yet.

Two hours passed by just like that; the monitors were still arguing with each other. All of them had their own opinions, but no one managed to convince anyone else.

The first to make the decision was Chen Dao. He had just had an intense quarrel with Han Manman and a few others. Since he was the youngest among them, he had been mocked as naive. In his fury, he decided he no longer wanted to bicker there, and followed Xiao Lin.

After that, Cheng Ming had slowly started to trust Xiao Lin’s judgement after repeated deliberation, but his method of suicide was a bit sad. Since his physique was too strong, a simple rock was unable to pierce him, so he chose to ram his head into the wall to kill himself. His brain juices splattering everywhere shocked all of those who could not make a decision.

What surprised Xiao Lin were An Luo and Li Jiayi. The two of them did not speak much usually, and had not interacted with Xiao Lin much either. When Cheng Ming committed suicide, they made the same choice.

Those who remained continued to quarrel. As it got later, they had lost their last chance because the entrance of the prison cell opened for the first time. Xiao Lin, who was falling asleep watching the ‘movie’ was immediately shocked awake as he narrowed his eyes and appraised the situation.

The man in front had black robes, and on his head was a grey hood that covered most of his face. Xiao Lin could not see what he looked like, regardless of the angle, so it was obvious that he was a very careful man. The man walked around the prison cell twice before muttering in a low voice.

“No! We’re missing five people! Missing five people!”

Someone rushed in behind him hurriedly, probably the guards of the palace, since Xiao Lin had seen quite a few people in similar attire that day. He hurriedly counted before stuttering, “No! Impossible! We guarded this place strictly; no one could possibly have escaped. We followed your instructions strictly and even applied restrictions on them!”

“You thought that the restrictions would be perfect, and did not have anyone guard them the whole time, right?! Did you forget what I told you! These heretics can resurrect! They only need to kill themselves to leave this place!” The man’s shouts were very sharp, and the monitors in the cells could not help but close their ears.

“But-but it’s suicide. How could that be possible? Who would just kill themselves.” The guard’s face wore disbelief.

“Useless trash!”

The man coldly roared, his hands suddenly shooting out of his robes as a strange green energy ball quickly condensed before spreading to hit every one of the guards. They did not even have the time to cry out before the green light enveloped their bodies, and they decayed into puddles.

“Tell Sheiksa I’ll be bringing them away, but the one I really need isn’t here. Make him think of a way!” The man left one guard alive, using the guard to pass on the message.

The dumbfounded guard immediately nodded in acknowledgement before stumbling away.

The monitors were shocked, but they were not scared, and immediately started to challenge, “Kill us if you dare! You’ll never get any information from us!”

The person was obviously an enemy, and was definitely targeting Dawn Academy. They were naturally worried about being tortured. Compared to that, death was a release. It was only 20 years of their life they would lose.

“You don’t have to be afraid. I’m just inviting you back for some experiments. As for the resurrection tower... Ah, you’ll see it soon, as you so wish to.” The man’s sinister laugh only made them feel even more terrified.

After that, the man used some method to cause all the monitors to fall unconscious before getting someone to wrap them all up in black cloth. In the cover of night, they left.

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