Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 459: Forbidden Technique

Chapter 459: Forbidden Technique

Forbidden techniques, just as the name suggested, were spells that were prohibited. They could be understood as spells, but in Yu Mei’s words, it was a collective term for various sword skills, spells, and other techniques.

Xiao Lin certainly understood the meaning of this term, but he did not know what it meant in Dawn Academy, or on Planet Norma.

Yu Mei continued, “The system on Planet Norma has been developing for millions of years, creating countless spells and skills. It’s difficult to precisely count the numbers and types, but after our screening, we have classified some of these to be classified spells. No, it should be said that even in the natives of Planet Norma, these spells are not endorsed.

“These forbidden techniques can either allow the user to gain a great increase in strength in a short period of time or allow the user to obtain abilities that are difficult to obtain for ordinary people. These are called forbidden techniques after all, as these abilities come at a great cost, and the cost depends on the ability itself. However, most of them come at the cost of life, soul, or others of that sort. So, basically, all academies have clearly stipulated rules that prohibit students from using forbidden techniques.”

Xiao Lin understood. If that was the case, the scary speed and power that Wang Dalin suddenly gained could be easily explained. He thought for a while and said, “But if you only use your life as the price, then it shouldn’t be unacceptable. Uh, I mean, life points can be supplemented with Lifewater anyway.”

Yu Mei glanced at him. “It’s not that simple. This kind of life loss is permanent and irreversible. Lifewater itself is not omnipotent, and the loss of life caused by forbidden techniques cannot be compensated by any means.”

Xiao Lin nodded. “However, the price for that kind of power... I’m afraid that it’s a temptation that many would find difficult to withstand.”

Yu Mei sighed. “Indeed, many were not able to resist this temptation. That’s why it is listed as forbidden techniques. Many years ago, all academies signed a joint agreement for this. This probably means that the dissemination and learning of forbidden techniques are totally banned. I don’t know about other academies, but this agreement is strictly adhered to in Dawn Academy.”

Xiao Lin blinked, as he figured out why Yu Mei’s expression was so solemn before. It was not that bad for Wang Dalin to learn the forbidden technique itself. He was just a freshman who would not create much impact. However, how was Wang Dalin able to have a forbidden technique? How did he obtain the forbidden technique? Those were the key questions.

Xiao Lin looked with some pity at Wang Dalin who was in a coma. He had gone against academy rules, and the worst result was probably expulsion from the academy. He might never be recruited again.

Half an hour later...

The two were in the office of the student union president. The president, who came after hearing the news, did not look like his usual gentle self. He glanced at the passed-out Wang Dalin, frowned, and asked Yu Mei, “Are you sure it was a forbidden technique?”

Yu Mei did not have much respect for the president. There was no affiliation between the two of them, and therefore she spoke casually, “Do you still doubt my judgment?”

“Fine, skip this question. Does anyone else know?” The president looked at Xiao Lin, and a hint of frustration flashed across his face. “You really cause a lot of trouble. It’s only been half a month since the new semester began.”

Xiao Lin could only throw open his arms to indicate his innocence.

“The students all saw it, but they probably wouldn’t see it as a forbidden technique. Since the last total ban agreement, these kinds of stuff shouldn’t appear in the academy!” Yu Mei said, her temper flaring.

“Let’s wait for him to wake and ask him.” The president was very frustrated. To him, this incident was totally unexpected.

Wang Dalin, who was knocked unconscious by Yu Mei, soon woke up and saw that he was lying on the floor. He had a dazed look, the blood-red in his eyes was quickly fading. He recognized the president and Yu Mei as well. However, when his eyes fell on Xiao Lin, his gaze quickly became hostile, even looking as if he still wanted to rush over.

“Haven’t you had enough! Settle down!” The president’s voice was low, but when the voice reached their ears, it was as if they were struck by thunder. Wang Dalin trembled, and he actually calmed down.

“I think I should step out of this.” Xiao Lin rose and planned to leave. He felt that he attracted hatred here, despite not knowing why Wang Dalin hated him so much.

“No, you are also a party to his matter. If the dean asks about this, he will definitely ask you.” The president waved his hands, indicating that he did not mind. In fact, he had always been very tolerant with Xiao Lin.

“Your name is Wang Dalin, yes?” The president looked toward Wang Dalin, his baby-face full of dignity. He slowly asked, “Do you know why you are here?”

Wang Dalin shook his head and finally opened his mouth. In a hoarse voice, he pointed at Xiao Lin and said, “I... I couldn’t beat him. But I swear, one day I will beat him!”

“Competition is a good thing, but I want to know exactly what you learned during this period, and how you were able to have today’s strength.” The president already called up for a recording of the battle in the training hall, and his frown deepened the more he watched it.

“It’s because I endure, I work hard. How can a person like him be a class monitor? I want to make an appeal. Why is he favored by the student union and the dean!” Wang Dalin shouted with agitation.

The president was unmoved, and said with a blank expression, “Your jealousy has made you lose your composure. In fact, don’t think that we can’t find out what you’ve done. Your every move in this academy is recorded. All we need to do is call up the recording and everything is laid bare.”

Yu Mei went with the flow and said, “Just get to it. We know that you learned a certain spell or skill to achieve a temporary spike in your strength.”

Wang Dalin was silent for a while, turned his head and said coldly, “Why can’t I use skills that I thought of myself!”

“My *ss!” Yu Mei said angrily. “You learned a forbidden technique on your own? Don’t take us for idiots!”

The president’s tone was also very stern, but it was still slightly gentle. He warned, “Trust me, this kind of reinforcement comes at a great price. Maybe you won’t feel anything right now, but you will definitely regret it in the future.”

In this hour-long questioning and review, the president and Yu Mei were playing good cop/bad cop. However, despite various warnings and persuasions, they were of no use. Although Wang Dalin implied that he had indeed used a special method to strengthen himself, he was insistent that he had learned it himself.

Wang Dalin’s lips were very tight. In the end, the president was helpless, and he could only let him go for now. Although it seemed that Yu Mei had the urge to extract a confession from Wang Dalin through torture, it was obviously impossible to do so this in the academy. The president later sent two people to follow Wang Dalin.

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