Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 436: Return to Reality

Chapter 436: Return to Reality

After a moment, Onyxia let out a long snort, and asked warily, “What are you thinking of doing? Indeed, that wormhole is with me, but it has always belonged to me!”

Xiao Lin gradually woke and took a look around. Suddenly, he figured it out. Silverlight said that during the time of Atlantis, all wormholes leading to Planet Norma were sealed. Onyxia happened to accidentally fall into a wormhole that unexpectedly opened and arrived on Earth in this time period.

In this period, there was only one wormhole to Planet Norma, and that was the one that Onyxia took.

Xiao Lin did not waste time on idle talk, and asked earnestly, “In any case, please help us find that wormhole. Regardless of the grudge between you and Silverlight, we have a common enemy.”

Onyxia’s gaze once again fell onto Poseidon. With fiery eyes, she looked as if she was rearing to beat him to a pulp. However, this black dragon was sensible. It was obviously not the time to take revenge, and she also had concerns of her own.

Onyxia said, “I took a look at your seal earlier when I was out there. This planet is indeed quite magical. In my world, we have never even heard of this kind of theoretical seal technique. But, if you’re thinking of putting Poseidon in my world, you can forget it!”

“No! Not Planet Norma, but to exile him to the wormhole!” Xiao Lin thought of what Song Junlang once told him about wormholes, but he did not expect to actually put that knowledge to use. He explained hastily, “The wormhole is not stable. Unless you build a fixed fulcrum in the middle of it, I doubt getting to Planet Norma will be easy. There is a real possibility you will get completely lost in endless time and space.”

“Our seal on Poseidon will last for some time, and this time is enough to get him completely lost in the chaos. By the time the seal is released, he will never be able to find the exit!”

“So, we don’t need to worry about this guy harming Planet Norma,” Xiao Lin surmised confidently. There had never been any trace of Poseidon in all of Planet Norma’s history. This was proof enough that he had no way of getting to Planet Norma.

“We’re out of time!”

Poseidon’s struggles were getting increasingly violent. Onyxia thought of his earlier humiliation of her. She finally gritted her teeth and nodded her agreement. There was no time for them to slowly deliberate things.

Onyxia let the others withdraw, and then used Control on Poseidon to get him mid-air, in the center of the space. The Shining Arrows had now greatly dimmed compared to the beginning. Fortunately, there were enough arrows, thanks to Xiao Lin. The majority of the arrows were formed by Xiao Lin, and these arrows that were now of great assistance.

Onyxia pulled out the Silver Greatsword, which was one Xiao Lin had seen before. Even after thousands of years, this sword had not changed at all. Onyxia waved it toward the void, and the fabric of space was suddenly torn open. She then reached out into the tear, fiddled around, and pulled out an object.

Both Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue’s eyes went wide when they saw the object.

It was that mysterious sphere that contained a replica of the solar system. Onyxia grunted. “This was originally taken from your planet’s royal treasury as my compensation. I’ll return it to you!”

The large sphere was placed in the center. Onyxia’s dragon powers were barely able to transport the sphere toward the centermost object that represented the sun. Golden sands of time spilled out from the inside, and the wormhole was finally opened again.

Xiao Lin’s expression turned a little strange. Now that things have developed, he felt a little unsure. As he pondered, Onyxia’s urging sounds could be heard. It was simply not the time to think about other matters.

Poseidon, who was locked within a cage of shining brilliance, was forcibly stuffed into the wormhole. The entrance may have been small, but the sheer absorption power was unimaginable. Like light seeping into a black hole, Poseidon’s body became continuously deformed and distorted, and then he gradually disappeared into the wormhole.

“It’s over!”

Xiao Lin finally let out a long breath of relief as he no longer needed to maintain the seal. As Poseidon disappeared, the light-formed connecting line on his chest also disappeared. Xiao Lin slumped to sit down, but the main hall was already covered with seawater, which was a concerning matter. If the sphere drifted out into the sea, there was no way of telling if somebody might find it and accidentally release Poseidon. That would be a disaster.

“Allow me!”

Onyxia took charge and said, “Leave this matter to me. I need to stay here for a while anyway. I will deal with this hall.”

“You still don’t want to leave!” Silverlight said, glaring.

“Hmph! Did you not hear him earlier? It is easy to get lost in the wormhole. I’m not going in before my strength is fully restored. What if I accidentally get lost? Am I to be with that d*mned Poseidon forever!”

Onyxia replied without hesitation, “What about you all, then? Your people probably have yet to completely disappear. Do you need me to send you all there?”

Silverlight’s gaze suddenly shone with lively energy, and she hastily said, “Did you-did you just say that our people have yet to disappear completely?”

“Hmph. As a princess, don’t you know this? Your king had secretly transferred some people to a safe location ahead of time. He probably anticipated this to happen.”

Silverlight’s eyes became a little moist. She sniffed and sobbed a whisper, “I thought I was the last one. I didn’t think that there are still survivors on Earth! This is splendid, just splendid!”

Silverlight looked very excited. It was the first time she expressed such emotion ever since Xiao Lin met her. Xiao Lin felt a little sympathy for her. He could hardly imagine experiencing the destruction of an entire country to the point that every person in her clan was extinct. What was left must be the feeling of being totally alone. It was not a good feeling.

Xiao Lin sighed. He wanted to comfort the poor woman, but realized that the surrounding light suddenly became blurry. Colorful light burst out of nowhere, and his head started to become dizzy until he once again lost consciousness.


When Xiao Lin suddenly popped his eyes open, he found himself lying in the main hall. However, there was no freezing water, only the cold hard floor. It was an empty hall with the spheres placed in it.

He was back. Xiao Lin had walked the corridor of time and was once again back to the era that truly belonged to him. It was as if he woke up from a very long dream. As he tried to recall the details of all that had transpired, it all felt a little unreal, but the scars on his body were clearly there.

“Silverlight! Silverlight! Xiao Lin, come quick and see!” Gu Xiaoyue’s voice snapped him out of his stupor.

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