Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 434: Shining Seal Technique

Chapter 434: Shining Seal Technique

That was the most magical part of the seal: it allowed the weak to have the power to go against the strong. As the civilization at the peak of Earth’s history, the sealing spell could be said to have been born from the collective expertise of Atlantis.

There was no way to reverse the seal once it started. As Xiao Lin and the others used their lifeforce as a resource, the bundle of light once again underwent an intense change. The bodies of light slowly began to dim and disperse, turning into countless bright spots, like stars in the night sky, bright and brilliant.

That was the second stage of sealing. The life force that they had contributed would serve as the key to the seal. The true sealing had just started, each spot of light started to rise up and expand, slowly turning into arrow-like shapes.

The Shining Seal Technique was the name. Utilizing a sword of light formed through life force, dragged to an equal state, Poseidon’s power had been suppressed to the minimum.

Silverlight could not help but cast a few glances at Xiao Lin. Even though it was not the time to be distracted, she had to admit that she was shocked.

Each arrow of light represented their life force, and life came from the soul. Basically, the number and quality of the arrows came completely from their souls. Souls were the purest things, and were something everyone was born with. Hard work and training could strengthen the mind and body, but that could never change the soul.

In front of her, the sky was split into two completely different scenes. Over Xiao Lin’s head was a sky filled with stars, as if the milky way had descended, while over Gu Xiaoyue and Silverlight’s heads, the arrows were noticeably lesser. There were more arrows produced by Silverlight than Gu Xiaoyue, but it absolutely could not be compared to Xiao Lin. It was like comparing a creek to the ocean.

It was not just Silverlight that was shocked; Poseidon was too. Even though he could not move, as he was restricted, he was still fully conscious. He quickly judged the sight in front of him, and the countless arrows in front of him were a huge threat.

“Is this the power of a talent holder? No, it’s not just that, Xiao Lin, you...” Silverlight’s murmurings were lost in the torrential winds.

Once the arrows of light had completely formed, the third stage of the sealing finally began. Each of them used their mental strength to control their own arrows, and each arrow started to glow brighter. Rushing sounds could be heard closely after, as each arrow started to pierce into Poseidon.

Firing thousands of arrows at once, the glow emitted was like a miniature sun over his head. Xiao Lin clenched his teeth, clearly feeling his own life force being drained. He could not help but want to turn to look at Gu Xiaoyue, wondering if she, who only had two years left in her life, was doing well, but the bright light had obstructed his view.

Xiao Lin let out a shout, exhausting his energy while under the Ruin state, as he did everything he could to allow the arrows on his head to absorb his life force.

A thunderous roar came from the sky: Poseidon’s cry of rage. As the arrows of light completely ignored his armor and pierced into the body, the Sea God started to feel like his life was in danger.

The arrows stuck to Poseidon’s body so densely that no skin could be seen anymore. The arrows did not possess any attack power, but they quickly started to form a chain of light-blue energy around Poseidon’s body. Each arrow was a chain, so the number of arrows determined the number of chains, as well as the strength of the seal.

The chains in front of them had formed an impenetrable prison. Poseidon was frantically struggling, trying to release himself from the chains, but the restrictions of the seal caused him to be unable to use any of his strength.

The process was quite short, but Xiao Lin’s lips were already trembling, his face shockingly pale. The life force that he had given was extremely shocking. Even though he did not know how much life span he had left, Xiao Lin could clearly feel that he would die soon. That was something that came from the weakness in his soul. He had already undone the Ruin state since he did not need to control anything anymore after the chains formed.

“At least we succeeded!” Xiao Lin let out a sigh of relief.

“Not yet!” Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue heard Silverlight’s voice at the same time. It was thick and powerful. Silverlight had used some technique to transfer her voice to their ears.

“The sealing technique won’t hold him for long. If we don’t completely finish the seal by then, and Poseidon recovers his strength, it will all be for naught!”

The last step of the Shining Seal Technique: suppression.

Using their life force, the Shining Seal had suppressed Poseidon’s strength to the lowest level, but it was impossible to rely on just them to maintain the energy needed to maintain such a seal. Even if they held on for a few more minutes, they would just die from the drain of the life force. Based on Silverlight’s plan, they had planned on suppressing Poseidon in a volcano or under the sea. Fire and water were the two most natural energies on Earth, and volcanos and the bottom of the sea had the richest elements, which they could use to maintain the seal.

Volcanoes were nowhere to be found, but the sea was everywhere. Xiao Lin took a deep breath and started to use all his strength to control the light cage, planning on throwing it into the sea and sinking him to the sea bed. He cast a glance at Onyxia, who was close by. The struggling dragon looked at him with large and tired eyes. In his stupor, Xiao Lin seemed to hear the dragon thanking him.

A mishap happened right at that moment. As they prepared to enter the sea, the sealed Poseidon once again roared, and the quiet sea started to shake. Under the large ripples, a jet black object sped toward them.

Xiao Lin immediately reacted, shouting behind him, “Leave!”

The few of them were not slow, but the sealing had exhausted them and the object in the water was way too fast. By the time they flew back into the air, Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue had sustained various injuries. Xiao Lin was still fine–his constitution could take it–but Gu Xiaoyue was in bad shape.

Xiao Lin had actually been curious how Gu Xiaoyue did not seem to have any issues after the sealing. He knew that he had expended a lot of his life force earlier, and Gu Xiaoyue definitely did not have more life force than him, but now, the both of them were in bad shape.

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