Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 426: The Truth Behind History (2)

Chapter 426: The Truth Behind History (2)

The temple they walked out of was very special, remaining unharmed despite the intense battle going on outside. The rest of the surroundings were in bad shape, causing Xiao Lin to think about apocalyptic scenes he had seen in movies. The believers had all already died, not even leaving flesh and blood behind. It was not just destruction, but pure annihilation, causing everything to be vanquished.

“Is this the power of the Sea God?” Xiao Lin suddenly felt a sense of regret; they could not feel the intensity of the power through the passage of time, but could only witness what was happening in front of them.

“Onyxia can’t beat Poseidon,” Silverlight said calmly as she walked forward.

“I can see that.” Xiao Lin nodded. “It’s strange. You said Poseidon was around Legend-ranked, and Onyxia had to be at that power level as well. The gap between their skills should not be so obvious.”

“That’s due to the restriction of natural laws. Onyxia does not belong to Earth, so her powers are greatly suppressed here. On top of that, she’s been injured by my father.”

“Then why is she fighting Poseidon?” Xiao Lin could not understand it.

“You’d have to ask her.”

“Fine.” Xiao Lin continued watching the battle. He noticed an even greater change after that: a very obvious crack had appeared on the dark sky. It was like glass that was about to shatter at any point, which made for a shocking sight.

Xiao Lin was familiar with such a scene since he had seen it in The Final Lands. He did not think too much about it back then, but he suddenly realized something upon close observation: it was what happened when the laws of a given space were starting to crumble.

Poseidon and Onyxia’s intense battle was a fight of Legend-rank proportions. Even if Earth was still quite stable back then, it could not withstand a battle of such a scale, so it was not surprising that the space around them was starting to crumble.

Could that be the root of Atlantis’s demise?

Xiao Lin observed Silverlight. The woman might still be maintaining her calm facade, but it was obvious that her feelings were complex since she did not know what had happened then.

If the space were to crumble, then even Earth itself would cease to exist, as would modern civilization, so this battle could not be the reason for Atlantis’s disappearance.

The few of them patiently watched on as the battle waged on for about half an hour. The black dragon had even used her destructive dragon breath, but under her restrictions, the power was not even half of what it could be. Comparatively, Xiao Lin was far more interested in Poseidon.

Silverlight saw through his thoughts and waved her hand. They suddenly rose into the air, floating in mid-air. They were merely observers, so they could naturally choose what perspective they wanted to look from, be it lying down, standing, or even flying...

Poseidon had the face of a middle-aged man, his body extremely large and well-built. He was at least twice the size of a modern male. On his body was silver-colored armor, and his hands held a massive trident. There was also a third eye on his forehead which was open at the time, exuding a glow that had the same color as the blue of the sea. The light was locked onto Onyxia, causing layers of web-like objects to litter around Onyxia’s body.

“He’s also of the three-eyed race?” Gu Xiaoyue asked.

“If the legends are true, and he created Atlantis, that would not be strange,” Xiao Lin answered. Silverlight did not say anything.

The cracks in the dark sky were getting increasingly severe; it seemed ready to shatter at any time. The ground began to shake as well, and lava could even be seen flowing out of several places. Xiao Lin believed that this was just a part of the destruction that befell Atlantis before its downfall. There were probably a lot of other disasters happening in places they were not able to reach.

If this went on, the spatial collapse would happen in a matter of seconds.

The black dragon was using more and more power, and Poseidon seemed to have unlimited strength and energy. Meanwhile, Onyxia was weakening rapidly. She slowly seemed unable to even raise her wings, and her hard scales were unable to protect her as her heavy breaths were getting abnormally erratic. She was obviously at her limit.

Poseidon slowly descended from the sky, only indifference exuding from his freezing blue eyes. He did not hurry to kill Onyxia. Instead he fiercely hurled his trident, nailing the dragon’s wing. A lightning-like energy followed.


The pitiful cry of a dragon filled the air as the trident flew through the sky by itself, returning to Poseidon’s hand. The next second, the trident once again shot into the air, piercing into Onyxia’s other wing.

It happened a third time, a fourth time, a fifth time...

Onyxia’s body was quickly covered with wounds. Xiao Lin then understood that Poseidon was just toying with the dragon, not hurrying to kill her.

The black dragon’s cries had slowly softened. She seemed to be quickly losing even the power to cry out. The dragon lay powerlessly on the ground, her large eyes exuding hatred.

Xiao Lin and Onyxia were not really friends, but the black dragon had let him go back then. Even if he knew it was the past, he could not help but want to do something. With how hopeless the battle looked, Onyxia’s plight caused him to feel pity for her.

“Silverlight, what would happen if I were to attack right now?” Xiao Lin suddenly asked.

Silverlight rolled her eyes. “You can try.”

“It would be pointless,” Gu Xiaoyue reminded him in a low voice.

Xiao Lin smiled bitterly. He already knew. It was just like trying to fight with someone in a TV show–an utterly stupid and laughable act.

However, Poseidon’s next action caused Xiao Lin’s temper to flare even higher. The light from Poseidon’s forehead had completely shrouded Onyxia. In the blue light, the black dragon’s body slowly faded, and what appeared in its place was a curvaceous woman with a stunning, naked body.

The black dragon was female; Xiao Lin had known that before, but the fact that Poseidon could force the dragon to transform with his power was incredibly hard to imagine.

Onyxia lay on the floor, half-conscious, no longer possessing the might of a dragon. She looked incredibly pitiful, but Poseidon’s eyes had no trace of empathy. After a flash of surprise, his eyes turned profane and sadistic. He kept his trident and walked toward Onyxia. On the way, his armor slowly disappeared, revealing a strong and nude male body.

Gu Xiaoyue could not help but look away, her red face filled with rage.

Silverlight remained calm as usual.

As dumb as Xiao Lin could be, it was obvious what Poseidon was planning to do next.

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