Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 423: A New Passage?

Chapter 423: A New Passage?

In a flash, the light that shot out of her forehead caused Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue to take a few steps back, only opening their eyes when they got used to the brilliant light. They waited quietly.

When her third eye opened, Silverlight’s usual two eyes turned extremely cold, as if she was an emotionless robot. She stood there quietly, staring at the orbs that were constantly rotating within the ball. Xiao Lin noticed that only her third eye was looking at the ball.

This time, Silverlight did not take that long, shutting the eye on her forehead after a few minutes, but the fatigue on her face looked serious enough that she could collapse at any moment. However, she did not care. Just as Xiao Lin was worrying, Silverlight dropped a bomb: “Poseidon is not here.”

Xiao Lin swallowed his words, furrowing his eyebrows. “Were you not extremely confident that he was here earlier?”

“I said that, but I only said that I could feel Poseidon’s energy. That was correct; the ball does have his energy.”

Xiao Lin paused, not understanding the difference for a moment. The energy was definitely coming from Poseidon, he had felt it as well. He hesitantly said, “Is it a fake?”

“I’m very familiar with his energy, I’m sure that it’s not fake.”

Looking at Silverlight’s pale face, Xiao Lin did not put any blame onto her at all. Silverlight did not look like she was in a good state. It was unclear if it was because of her using her third eye or if she had seen something unbelievable.

Silverlight sighed, pointing toward the red orb at the center that represented the sun in the solar system. Silverlight slowly said, “Poseidon’s energy is here, but when I used my eye to observe it, I noticed that the energy only came from that red orb. You can enter your meditative state and focus on that area. I think you’ll understand what I mean.”

Silverlight hesitated before deciding to let Xiao Lin see it for himself. Gu Xiaoyue shut her eyes as well, and both of them entered their meditative realms.

Xiao Lin’s realm was an infinite galaxy, but the stars around him were extremely scarce, symbolizing that the density of the elements around here were much lower than normal. Of course, that was no surprise. What caused him to be surprised was not far away, which was where he felt Poseidon’s energy.

This time, Xiao Lin was prepared, and activated Miracle to suppress the sea god’s power within the meditative realm. It paid off, thanks to the mysterious black hole that appeared due to Miracle. The pressure that came from Poseidon’s energy was dissipated. It was like a veil was lifted.

And the truth behind the veil was yet another black hole.

No, when Xiao Lin observed it closely, even though the dark orb-like black hole emitted a strong suction, it was not a black hole. This was the meditative realm; even his mysterious black hole was just a symbolic phenomenon.

Xiao Lin tried to check the interior of the orb; it was obvious that the sun-like orb had some secrets hidden. However, just as he projected his thoughts toward it, a sharp pain immediately shot through his head, and he hastily retreated from the meditative realm, unable to focus.

Xiao Lin opened his eyes, and Gu Xiaoyue had retreated from meditation at the same time as him. The two of them looked at each other with pained gazes. It was obvious that the two of them had done a gutsy experiment, using their mental strength to probe the unknown was extremely dangerous; any mistake could cause them severe damage.

“I somewhat understand it, but I’m still unsure.” Xiao Lin’s tone turned as strange as Silverlight’s was. It was a mix of disbelief and shock.

Gu Xiaoyue nodded. “I seemed to have seen a tiny golden speck that was similar to the sands of time, but I’m not sure if I was mistaken.”

Xiao Lin had a look of revelation. If only one person had seen it, it could have been a mistake, but if it was the two of them, then things were no longer that simple.

He hesitantly looked at Silverlight. “Are you trying to tell us that this orb actually contains another wormhole that offers passage to Planet Norma?”

Silverlight’s expression answered his question, and an ugly look appeared on Xiao Lin’s face. That was absolutely not good news. He remembered Song Junlang’s words: the wormhole was a miracle created by God, pulling two distant planets together in a stable manner, allowing them to pass in the shortest amount of time.

It was absolutely not something that could easily be made. Even the greatest experts of all the academies would not be able to do it together. That was why there were only a fixed number of wormholes discovered at that time, and it had never increased or decreased in a long time. There were even those that hypothesized that there would no longer be any new passages formed unless they were capable of doing it some day.

It looked like that assertion was wrong, but no one had thought that there would be a brand new wormhole discovered under the Pacific Ocean, in an ancient ruin.

However, Xiao Lin had no shred of joy at discovering it, because the problem it presented was even more severe. Poseidon’s energy was constantly emitting through that passage, which meant that Poseidon was on Planet Norma.

Xiao Lin threw his questioning gaze at Silverlight. Everything originated from Atlantis all those years ago. Whatever happened then had already long since been lost, and there was only one person that could offer any answers.

Silverlight was in distress, even getting close to tears as she shook her head, muttering, “I don’t know, I really don’t know. This is something that’s impossible.”

Silverlight constantly repeated those words, causing Xiao Lin to get a little impatient. They were there to seal Poseidon, but now they discovered that Poseidon was not even on Earth. It was turning into quite the joke.

“No matter what happened then, I want to understand. No, as someone from Earth, I have a right to understand what the truth is.”

“I wish to know as well.” Silverlight’s face reverted to her cold expression.

“Yes, so what now?”

“So let us go witness the truth for ourselves!” Silverlight’s expression turned into one of determination.

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