Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 413: Strange Rain

Chapter 413: Strange Rain

Xiao Lin’s prediction was correct. Gu Xiaoyue found it difficult to accept it if her sister entered Dawn Academy. He smiled bitterly and waved his hand, “It’s useless if you get angry at me. I didn’t decide this matter.”

After a pause, Xiao Lin continued, “Don’t worry, I’ll clarify this with Department Head Song. This whole thing is a bit weird. Logically speaking, it isn’t the time for enrollment, so there might be some leeway to go around this.”

Gu Xiaoyue calmed down a bit and said a soft thank you, which made Xiao Lin feel at ease. He knew that Gu Xiaoyue was not someone who thanked others easily, especially not when she was averse to relying on others.

“By the way, is there anything special about your sister?” Xiao Lin asked casually again. Since the admissions department sent someone to inspect Gu Chengyun, it meant that Gu Chengyun had something which attracted people’s attention.

Gu Xiaoyue found it a little strange but she still shook her head.

Xiao Lin looked at her hesitant answer and surmised that she probably did not want to tell the truth, which was understandable. If Song Junlang’s guess is correct and Gu Xiaoyue was half-elf, then her sister must surely be the same too. Gu Xiaoyue had already shown extraordinary talent in the academy, and Gu Chengyun might not be that far behind.

Three days have passed since the holiday and Xiao Lin did not want to delay things until the end. He called Song Junlang again, but the phone was still turned off. It was quite irritating for Xiao Lin and he was at wit’s end. If Department Head Song did not come forward, it was very difficult for him to solve everything by himself.

He tried contacting Wang Yuelan again, but she said that she had already left the city and returned to give her report. She further said that she would help Xiao Lin inquire, but she made a point to tell Xiao Lin not to put his hopes too high.

Gu Xiaoyue was obviously brooding, but fortunately she always looked indifferent. Due to that, Gu Chengyun did not notice anything abnormal in her expression.

Although Gu Chengyun was in her second year, she did not enjoy herself that much. Gu Xiaoyue had little time in the past, so at Xiao Lin’s suggestion, Xiao Lin and Gu Xiaoyue accompanied Gu Chengyun around the city for the next two days. They walked around and visited zoos, botanical gardens, as well as parks.

Xiao Lin was not that interested in such pastimes, but Gu Chengyun was thrilled. The innocent smile on her face can easily spread happiness to everyone around her, and even Gu Xiaoyue’s face was beginning to show signs of a shallow smile.

It was a pity that the good times did not last long. On the fifth day of the holiday, there was a continuous light drizzle. Gu Chengyun pouted and complained repeatedly, because the weather forecast stated that the weather would be very good for the coming week. However, the light drizzle went on for an entire day, and even seemed to grow stronger instead of stopping.

Xiao Lin first found a hotel to live in temporarily, but was bored and could only turn on the TV in the hotel and constantly change channels. He then discovered that several television stations were talking about the same thing. The rain in recent days was not in a small area, and it was said that the entire southern part of China is covered by continuous rain, However, none of the weather stations forecasted rain, and experts from all over were talking about it.

Those experts soon discovered that the rain was not limited to that country. All the cities on the Pacific coast were experiencing that strange heavy rain. The area of rain was like a disc that decreased progressively in terms of severity the farther a place was from the center. In other words, the fringe areas would have smaller rain. There was already a heavy downpour in several of the Pacific’s island countries. The scenes on television looked terrifying, and the water accumulated in many of those country’s places could even sweep an entire person away. Many people could only use boats as a means of travel.

Experts have analyzed and come up with many reasons, but Xiao Lin had the nagging feeling that it was all nonsense. Finally, someone calculated the intensity of the rain and discovered that the strongest, or the core of the disc, was Hawaii.

Xiao Lin, who was originally just watching the expert opinions to pass the time, jumped out of bed after lying around for half a day. There was a look of surprise and uncertainty on his face, and he once again thought of Song Junlang’s visit to Hawaii. Although he did not say what he was going to do, Xiao Lin originally thought that he was just going to go on vacation.

Although the rain was a bit strange and the experts said that they had never seen such a thing for over a hundred years, it was still just ordinary rain after all. If it were anyone else, Xiao Lin would probably not associate the rain with them, but Xiao Lin immediately thought of Song Junlang, as the man was fond of making all sorts of hybrid creatures.

What did Song Junlang do in Hawaii?

Since he could not get through to Song Junlang on the phone, Xiao Lin thought of going straight to Hawaii to check things out. Unfortunately, it would take a long time to apply for a visa and go through the necessary procedures if he went there by himself. A few days of vacation would definitely not be enough, so he called Mao Tianying again and explained the situation, as it should not be a problem for the Earth Division.

However, Mao Tianying refused and warned him in a very low voice, “Something has probably happened in Hawaii. I advise you to stay away from there. Several academies are sending people over to investigate right now.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know, and the student union has already issued an urgent notice. The freshmen’s holidays are now cancelled. I actually wanted to inform you that your group will be required to rush to the meeting point as soon as possible. I’ll send a vehicle to pick you up!”

Mao Tianying’s words were very vague and Xiao Lin did not know if he was trying to hide something or whether he knew nothing at all. In any case, such vague answers would only make Xiao Lin more restless, and the feeling of forgetting something continued to bother him in his mind.

Hawaii was quite far away, and whatever it was that happened there, Xiao Lin was still far beyond the affected area. Nevertheless, Xiao Lin was aware of the equilibrium in Earth’s space, and it was inevitable that those worries would arise in his heart. Could it be that the current rain was also a sign that the balance had been broken?

He remembered Song Junlang saying that if the balance of the earth continued to be destroyed, it would become cosmic dust sooner or later. As his homeland, he remembered that his parents would live on that planet, and for them to continue living, Xiao Lin absolutely did not want such a thing to happen.

Gu Xiaoyue soon came looking for him too. It seemed that she had received the urgent notice Mao Tianying mentioned. The notice did not state any reason, but it directly compelled the students who were still on the earth to return to the academy as soon as possible. Even Gu Xiaoyue felt that something was wrong after getting the inexplicably hasty order. She had a faint feeling that it might be related to the rain she was looking at, which by then had already covered half of the world.

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