Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 352: Life and Death

Chapter 352: Life and Death

The Dragon Breath Sword was derived from the much-reduced dragon breath which the black dragon used earlier. However, it could be attached to the blade of the sword and slashed out.

When the dragon lady raised the sword again, Xiao Lin activated his replication skill. It had been a while since he used it because it was saved for emergencies. Even so, he was still unsure whether or not it would remain effective in such a situation.

[Replication target: black dragon; replicated skill: dragon breath; skill evaluation: E+; use: limited to dragon race only. Replication complete!]

In an instant, the information pertaining to the Dragon Breath Sword was transmitted to his brain. Xiao Lin thought that it could not be replicated, especially since the skill was limited to one race, but it turned out to be successful.

The power of dragon breath itself was immeasurable, though much reduced in human form. In addition to the black dragon deliberately manifesting the sword aura’s form and reduce its power even more, the replicated Dragon Breath Sword only ended up with an E rating, which amounted to a reduction several times over.

As soon as the glow of dragon breath shone on the Holy Soul Sword, the dragon lady’s expression finally changed for the first time, and after the initial surprise, she became completely serious and even began to have some killing intent.

Lilith’s expression changed slightly too. She tried to stop Xiao Lin, but unfortunately it was already too late.

“Dragon breath is a unique ability of the dragon race, but it’s not exclusive to our race alone!” The black dragon explained slowly in an icy tone, “As long as you have the dragon race’s aura, other races can possess the same ability of using dragon breath. Humans like you are usually called dragon slayers! I can’t believe that a human like you could reach such a level, but since that seems to be the case, you absolutely cannot be forgiven!”

‘Dragon slayer? What?’

Xiao Lin’s mind went blank for some time. He felt that it was too big of a misunderstanding. What a joke! At his level, if he encountered the weakest member of the dragon race, whether he could slay or be slayed remained to be seen!

Although he was surprised that he was able to copy dragon breath and even speculated that it might be related to the dragon blood fed to him by Song Junlang, it would not be worth it if it annoyed the black dragon. Its anger was simply not something that he could contend with.

He wanted to offer up an explanation but the opportunity to do so no longer existed. The copied Dragon Breath Sword could be described as an arrow on a drawn bow. He could feel the huge power surging from the hilt of his sword, but the dragon lady in front of him was already having a cold expression. With a roar up to the sky, the armor disappeared from her entire body in an instant.

Xiao Lin did not even have the time to glance at her curvy naked body as the black dragon had already soared up into the sky. After turning around in a circle, she swooped down again, with her head opening gradually for gray gas to accumulate inside it like a surging ocean wave. Even though Xiao Lin and Lilith were hundreds of meters away, the majestic temperament made them feel as though they were inside a boat that could capsize at any moment.

The black knight fared slightly better than them, but it was only barely able to move under the support of its black sword. Regardless of how it attacked, the gray sword aura disintegrated before even coming into contact with the dragon’s scales.

“This is true dragon breath! It’s the aura that belongs to the legendary black dragon!” Lilith sighed blankly, then turned to look at Xiao Lin’s Holy Soul Sword before saying thoughtfully, “But I finally have a rough idea of what your ability is.”

Xiao Lin froze, then realized that Lilith was referring to his SS-level talent. In fact, the two of them were well aware of each other’s abilities since The Final Land but simply feigned ignorance.

“I seem to have caused some trouble.” Xiao Lin smiled bitterly. The development did not go according to his plan.

“Dragons, especially the dragons of ancient times, hate dragon slayers. Well, at least we saw an ancient dragon’s real aura before we die. This isn’t something that any ordinary person can witness.”

The resurrection tower did not cover the area they were in, and they would not resurrect anymore if they died. However, Lilith’s tone seemed quite relaxed. She had little fear of death and did not blame Xiao Lin either.

In fact, the outcome was not that surprising regardless of what they did. Like the many remains lying there, they would add to the collection of skeletons once the black dragon gets tired of the game. It was only a matter of time.

“At least let me finish this move!”

Xiao Lin glanced at the Holy Soul Sword in his hand. The energy condensed by the Dragon Breath Sword was already quite sufficient, but the difference between it and the black dragon’s dragon power was like the stream and the sea.

Real dragon power was definitely not something they could hold out against, but Xiao Lin seemed to have calmed down in the face of the inevitable, perhaps because he had enough time to process everything.

There was little one could consider before one’s death. Although there were many things he could think about, such as his parents or his friends, he had spent enough time thinking about that already.

It went without saying that Xiao Lin did not want to die, as he would have a lot of regrets too. However, when he delivered his last swing of the sword, he felt that there was nothing more to think about because there was not much time left for him.

The sword aura which contained the power of the dragon breath surged into the sky. As expected, it hardly amounted to an itch in the fact of a genuine black dragon, and the next second, true dragon power descended from the sky with a roar.

Such authentic legendary power was, as Lilith said earlier, not something that they had the chance of seeing. Under that power, the entire blood-colored sky turned white and the earth began to vibrate slightly. Even the remains of those who had been dead for so many years began trembling, with dead souls succumbing to the dragon as well. The wind between the sky and the earth wreaked havoc along with the engulfing energy storm, reminding Xiao Lin of a doomsday scene in the movies.

Xiao Lin could not help but close his eyes when facing the impending dragon’s breath. In a moment of life and death, he seemed to feel something pouring out of his body, followed by a sharp decline in physical strength. He felt tired and sleepy, and the entire process lasted no more than the time it took for him to take a breath. He had already fainted to the ground just before the dragon’s breath came over.

Lilith did not react any better than him as she could not do much under the dragon power. Her only way of expressing resentment was with her clenched fists. However, she was completely conscious, and in the final moments, she could only hear sporadic sighs of shock and incredulousness, as well as some confused self-mumbling.


“How could it be you!

“It’s been so many years! Why are you here! ”


The black dragon’s tone gradually turned into a questioning one while also containing a monstrous anger. Lilith soon fainted too, but it was due to exhaustion after having resisted the dragon might’s pressure. Just before she fainted however, she could clearly sense that the dragon power’s pressure had disappeared above her head.

Could she have survived?


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