Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 257: Capture

Chapter 257: Capture

Chain Lightning!

Xiao Lin brandished his Peakfire Staff. Even though the staff was meant for flame spells, the staff still innately increased the speed that the elements were gathered.

A light-blue surge of electricity erupted from the staff’s energy stone like a snake slithering in the air, targeting the bodyguards surrounding the shaman. The moment the electricity landed on the first orc, it immediately spread. Since the replicated spell maintained the mastery from the original caster, the power of the Chain Lightning was quite impressive.

The lightning quickly wrapped the orcs in its web. Those orcs were not prepared to defend themselves at all—not that they would have been able to avoid it if they were. They used their bodies to stop the lightning from reaching the shaman behind them.

It would be troublesome if they did not remove those bodyguards quickly. Xiao Lin quickly shouted, “Anyone who can still move, come over to help. Chen Dao, we’ll both concentrate our attacks.”

The inexperience of the new students was, once again, obvious. When faced with such a difficult situation, a lot of the students did not know what to do. They started to ignore their orders, frantically fighting whatever foes that were in front of them. Thankfully, Zhou Feng had been beside Xiao Lin, and once he realized Xiao Lin’s intentions, he immediately brought over a few others that he could trust.

Chain Lightning was a complicated spell; if there was any interference in the casting process, the success and strength could not be assured. Chen Dao hurried over to help as well, but even if his Flame Balls were impressive, it still paled in comparison to Chain Lightning.

Being protected, Xiao Lin could finally move his attributes to Intelligence with Miracle, not having to worry about being attacked while his strength and physique were low.

The priest shaman was shocked that Xiao Lin could use the same spell as himself, but he did not show any surprise on his old face. He was confident that he would be able to defeat Xiao Lin with so much experience under his belt.

The battle quickly turned into a magical standoff. The humans were in a state of disarray after the orcs started their counterattack due to their individual skills being lower. The orcs might have been strong, but the advantages the humans earned for themselves at the start of the attack were holding firm. The flames that burned across the camp could not be easily dealt with in a short time.

Xiao Lin and the priest shaman were absolutely key to the battle. Their Chain Lightnings would determine which way the temporary standstill would shift toward. That served to highlight the importance of magic on Norma: magic would often decide the outcome of battles.

Chain Lightning was extremely potent on both sides. Each cast of that spell would usually take about ten to twenty seconds, but thanks to Miracle, Xiao Lin only needed seven to eight seconds to cast it.

The orc shaman quickly realized something was wrong. In the situation where both sides were not interrupted, he had quickly been suppressed. Each cast of his Chain Lightning would be met with two casts from the human.

Magical battles were usually determined by these small differences. Xiao Lin did not even have to wait for the Replication skill to end by the time he and Chen Dao eliminated all the bodyguards around the shaman, in which his Chain Lightning spell obviously contributed more.

Seeing no more obstacles in front of him, Xiao Lin immediately drew his sword, activating his Phantom Steps as he avoided various long range attacks with his afterimages and rushed toward the shaman.

He had wanted to summon the Holy Soul, but the skill needed a lot of blood as an offering, which meant he needed to use his Holy Soul Sword to kill enough orcs. He did not have enough time to do that. Judging by how powerful the shaman’s Chain Lightning was, most of his companions would have been felled by the time he had enough to offer as tribute.

More importantly, Xiao Lin had some doubts in his heart after the elves attacked the holy spirit last time. He had yet to figure out why, but if the elves really hated the spirit that much, then summoning it again and incurring their wrath was not a wise decision.

Even though there were many problems that arose, based on the result, their night assault had earned them quite a surprising win.

When Xiao Lin’s sword pointed at the priest shaman’s throat, the battle was thoroughly over. None of the orcs dared to even move. Xiao Lin’s guess was right. With how important the priest shaman was toward the orcs, they did not dare toy with the shaman’s life, no matter how brave or ferocious they were.

“Quickly, knock this guy unconscious. Stop him from committing suicide!” Han Manman moved over and tried to take the valuable prisoner away from Xiao Lin, but was rejected. Compared to Han Manman, Xiao Lin was much more confident in his own strength. Even though the shaman was old and looked weak, Xiao Lin still did not dare to risk anything.

“Suicide? I think you should head back to history class. The shamans are figures that can speak to the dead among the orcs. Suicide is an insult to the dead spirits. Priest shamans are only allowed to die in battle–never by suicide!” Chen Dao marched over, looking furious.

Xiao Lin noticed that a part of Chen Dao’s leg was bleeding and asked, “Are you injured? Isn’t the battle over? Were some orcs really stupid enough to risk their shaman?”

“F*ck! I was hit by the idiots from Class Four!” Chen Dao glared at Han Manman, who was the monitor of Class Four, with rage in his eyes. He shouted, “How do you control your class?! Xiao Lin and I had already said to stop fighting. Why are your people still fighting! Do you know that, thanks to your class not stopping in time, setting aside my injury, a good number of our classmates are dead!”

Xiao Lin quickly understood the gist of it. Chen Dao’s magical abilities were great, but he was different from Xiao Lin. Chen Dao had devoted all his attention to magic, which meant his strength and physique were very average. The attributes did not change much in three months, leading to him not being able to defend himself in close combat.

Class Twelve knew that as well, which was why there were always a few students around Chen Dao, protecting their monitor. That young man managed to use his impressive magic to gain the confidence of his entire class.

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