Elite Mages’ Academy

Chapter 171: Return to The Academy

Chapter 171: Return to The Academy

Xiao Lin had an apologetic look on his face. All of this might not have been his fault, but he still caused all of it. Song Junlang waved and smiled. “Don’t worry about it too much. Americans are all like this. I’ve disliked them for a while. No one likes being held hostage like this after all. The formula for lifewater was a collaboration of all the academies, and our academy was one of the frontrunners.”

After returning to the inn in New Washington, Xiao Lin did not stop for anything. Song Junlang even rudely rejected some officials from the Foreign Affairs Department who came to understand the situation. It seemed like Xiao Lin was really worried about being captured by the Americans.

The two of them packed up their things and hurried to board the interspatial carriage, heading back to Pennsylvania in America before heading back to China in a plane. Song Junlang only let out a sigh of relief when the plane landed, telling Xiao Lin, “You can stay on Earth a few days if you want. I’ll help you make the arrangements.”

Xiao Lin thought to himself before saying, “Time in The Final Land was very chaotic. I don’t really know how long I left, in terms of the time at the academy.”

“It has been three weeks since you left Dawn Academy. You’ve definitely missed out on the second monthly examination. There’s still half a month to go to the third one. Yes, according to academy regulations, the official monitor will be decided after the third monthly examination.”

Xiao Lin quickly shook his head. “I’ve already visited home, so there’s no need. Let’s head right back to the academy.”

Song Junlang looked at him with approval before saying, “Rules are rules, but you’re a special case. The dean might be willing to delay the third monthly examination to give you enough time to prepare.”

“Would the dean really do that?”

“Why do you think the special investigation team and the warship was sent over? He didn’t even care if he offended Judge Academy. I understand the dean quite well. He’s always cared for the students, but never to this extent.” Song Junlang looked at Xiao Lin meaningfully.

Xiao Lin realized that the dean definitely knew of his SS-rank talent. However, Department Head Song had not mentioned anything the entire time. He was smart, and he knew that the dean would not go so far for just a regular student, but he knew not to push it in his questions.

If it was a secret, then the less people who knew about it the better.

After the plane landed, the two of them headed to the Earth branch of Dawn Academy without any delay, getting on an interspatial carriage once again. Xiao Lin had finally returned to the academy after three weeks away. He suddenly felt a wave of relief. No matter what, New Washington was someone else’s territory; nothing felt as safe as his own academy.

With the eventful journey at an end, the two of them felt extremely tired. After verifying that it was a weekend with the carriage staff, Xiao Lin headed right back to the dormitories after bidding Department Head Song farewell.

There were not many people around during the day on a weekend. Everyone was either resting in their rooms or busy training. He did not meet any familiar faces on the way back, and no one from the other classes really remembered who Xiao Lin was.

Xiao Lin had a good rest, and by the time he opened his eyes again, the sun had already set. After waking up, he impatiently hurried to the computer. He was curious to see how much his attributes had grown.

[Name: Xiao Lin]

[Student ID: 201235]

[Rewards earned: 50 credits, 550 Redemption Points]

[Strength 10 Agility 6 Intelligence 12 Physique 12]

[Basic Swordsmanship LV8]

[Basic Hammer-series Weapon Mastery LV5]

[Basic Blocking LV5]

[Basic Fitness LV 5]

[Basic Mastery of Planet Norma’s Common Language: LV3]

[Basic Perception LV3]

[Basic Meditation LV3]

[Slashing LV3 (max)]

[Holy Light Blessing LV3 (max)]

His attributes all seemed to have doubled, and all his basic skills had greatly improved, especially Basic Swordsmanship, which rose all the way from LV4 to LV8. With the added difficulty of leveling up as the levels increased, the improvement was staggering.

Of course, Xiao Lin had spent most of the battles in The Final Land with a blade, and life or death situations were very helpful for improving swordsmanship.

However, that was all within his expectations. The next part left Xiao Lin flabbergasted.

[Special skill detected. No match found on the database. Please give it a name, Student.]

Staring at the naming form that popped up, Xiao Lin was in disbelief. He could not help but laugh out loud. It was as he guessed. He had created a new skill in The Final Lands. With his time at the dragon-eagle knight regiment camp, he familiarized himself with the skill, and was quite adept with it. Since there were no records in the database, he might be the first and possibly the only user of the skill.

Xiao Lin wanted to call it Attribute Swap, but he felt it too simple, straightforward and lacked impact. After some consideration, he entered the following.

[Skill Name: Miracle]

[Level: LV1]

[Skill Description: Can convert a maximum of 50% of one attribute into other attributes. Time limit for the conversion is one minute. Every conversion will use up stamina, and the user will become incredibly weak after using up the limits of their stamina, and each attribute would temporarily decrease.]

It was different from when he used it in The Final Land. There was a big limit to the attribute conversion, and there was no way to use it repeatedly. It was more suited for temporary bursts, which made the name Miracle very suitable.

However, he remembered he had the Lightstream Jade’s draconic power aiding him in The Final Land. That was probably why he could use it without any care.

Xiao Lin could not resist touching the Lightstream Jade. He was now very clear on the value of the jade, but he did not own it. After listening to Song Junlang, he knew that Dawn Academy’s pressure on Judge Academy in the incident was only thanks to the dean’s approval.

Xiao Lin could not possibly have returned so soon if not for Dawn Academy’s pressure, so he was extremely thankful to the dean he had only met once during the opening ceremony.

With those thoughts, Xiao Lin felt like it would be better if he returned the Lightstream Jade on his own volition. Even the dean might not have a second piece of such a valuable jade, and he really wanted to thank the dean in person.

It would be hard to contact the dean, so he tried giving Song Junlang a call, but it was not picked up. Xiao Lin wondered if the man was sleeping or busy tending to his cross-bred animals.

Meanwhile, the small dragon-eagle that Song Junlang had secretly obtained was handed over to the special investigation team and brought straight to the Dawn Academy’s territories in the New World. The Americans might have realized it later on, but under the watch of the warship, there was not much they could do

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