Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 805 - Likes to Drink

Chapter 805: Likes to Drink

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Even if it was temporary, it would need to be eliminated as soon as possible!

Never leave any weakness for the enemy to exploit!

Since this was the general consensus among men, Jiang Tingxu naturally did not doubt anything. Her gaze shifted to her son’s face and she felt plenty of heartache for him.

The only fortunate thing was that the child was saved in time and there weren’t any major problems.

Knock, knock.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the ward.

“Come in.”

Zhou Xian came in with the packed food that had just been prepared by the hotel staff.

“Brother Mo, sister-in-law.”

Jiang Tingxu nodded at Zhou Xian but didn’t say anything. She was a little depressed because she was worried about her son.

Mo Boyuan stood up and pointed at the coffee table.

He said, “Put it here.”

Zhou Xian quickly placed the packed food, all in boxes, on the coffee table one by one. Then, he took off the lids and stood by the side obediently.

Mo Boyuan took a few steps closer and held Jiang Tingxu’s hand.

“Let’s eat first.”

“Wait, the liquid is almost gone. You eat first.”

How could Mo Boyuan leave his wife alone to eat first?

He gave Zhou Xian a look and Zhou Xian hurriedly said,

“Sister-in-law, you and Brother Mo should eat first. I’ll watch over.”

Jiang Tingxu did not decline, but she still explained to Zhou Xian in detail.

“After the liquid is gone, you should turn this off. This is an old-fashioned one. You need to turn it off manually, slide it down to the bottom, and then press the bell.”

“Okay, I got it. Sister-in-law, you should go and eat.”

Jiang Tingxu then came over to the sofa and sat down. There weren’t many dishes, but after a closer look, it was a quite a spread.

There were two meat dishes, two vegetable dishes and one soup. The soup was thick and was made with pickled cabbage, tea tree mushrooms and Mandarin fish.

There were also abalone with goose feet, butter baked shrimps, and two servings of stir-fried vegetables: Chinese yam stir-fried fungus and wild bamboo shoots.

Mo Boyuan personally scooped a bowl of rice for his wife. Jiang Tingxu was not a pretentious person, so she took the bowl and started eating.

On the other hand, her husband frowned evidently after tasting a few mouthfuls of the dish.

Jiang Tingxu looked at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“The goose feet are too old, and the prawns are not very fresh.”

Hearing his extremely disdainful words, the corners of Jiang Tingxu’s eyes raised.

“You can tell from just that few bites?”

Instantly, he looked like he was hinting, “Wife, stop talking nonsense.”.

Who do you think your man is?

He had been eating high-quality food since he was young. Basically, he could tell the difference between inferior and high-quality food with just one bite.

“Okay, okay. What do you expect? If you don’t want to eat, then don’t eat. Just stay hungry!” Jiang Tingxu couldn’t stand the man being so fussy.

After being despised by his wife, what else could Mo Boyuan do? He could only quietly eat. However, he only picked up the two stir-fried vegetables and ate them.

Zhou Xian had already pressed the bell, and the nurse came over to change the liquid.

The couple ate quickly and finished eating in about ten minutes. Jiang Tingxu tidied up a little and threw all the boxes into the garbage bag.

At this moment, Mo Boyuan took a bottle of mineral water that had already been opened and passed it to his wife.

“Honey, drink some water.”

Jiang Tingxu didn’t stand on ceremony. She took it and gulped down a few mouthfuls before handing the bottle back to him.

Who knew that after he took it, he actually raised his head and drank the water from it.

Jiang Tingxu’s face flushed red.

“Mo Boyuan, there’s still water over there!”

There wasn’t only just this bottle!

However, the man’s lips curled into a brilliant smile.

“Hmm, I like drinking what my wife has drunk, can’t I?”

Hiss ~

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