Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 801 - Ningning Doesn’t Want an Infusion

Chapter 801: Ningning Doesn’t Want an Infusion

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


“Mo Zhining, you should be glad that you’re our biological child!”

Only their son could get away with such cheek.

Mo Boyuan spoke through gritted teeth. Not only did mother and son hear his words, but also the nurse accompanying the two.

The young nurse coughed to conceal her laughter. After bringing the patient to the VIP ward, she hurried away. Once she was certain they would not hear her, she burst into peels of raucous laughter.

In the midst of her laughter, the young nurse was interrupted by someone.

“Excuse me, may I know how to get to the VIP ward?”

Startled, the young nurse looked around, searching for the interloper who had spoiled her good laugh. Her dissatisfaction evaporated like a puddle in the midday sun when she discovered who it was.

“Are you Gu Ranzhi?” She stuttered, taking a step back, her face a vivid shade of crimson. She was feeling shy.

Shy? Of course!

Gu Ranzhi blinked, chuckling mirthfully.

“Yup! That’s me. The one and only Gu Ranzhi!”


The young nurse’s looked like she had stepped into a sauna, her skin burning bright red. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it – I was just too excited. I-I’m a fan!”

Gu Ranzhi had already seen through this, so he deliberately teased her.

It did not take much to see through the young nurse’s ruse; Gu Ranzhi merely wanted to have some fun.

Unfortunately, if he continued teasing her, he would disturb his nephew resting in a room down the hall. That would have been too thoughtless of him.

“Would you like an autograph?”


Gu Ranzhi’s autographs were incredibly hard to come by. Who would turn away a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?!

Even if the Head Nurse were there to stop her, she would not falter. Opportunity only knocks once, and she would be a fool to look the other way.

Autograph… autograph… autograph!

Gu Ranzhi grinned. “Give me a pen.”

“O-oh, okay.” The young nurse whipped out a pen from who knows where and offered it to Gu Ranzhi.

“Where would you like me to sign?”

The young nurse turned around without hesitation. “O-on my scrubs!”

Once signed, she would never wear this set of scrubs again. No. A treasure as important as Gu Ranzhi’s autograph had to be preserved for the sake of posterity!

Gu Ranzhi signed his initials on the young nurse’s scrubs with a flourish.

“Okay, it’s done.”

The young nurse was so excited that she almost skipped about in delight.

“Thank you! Thank you, Mr Gu. I’m a die-hard supporter of yours; I’ll support you now and always!”

“Now, can you tell me how to get to the VIP Ward?”


The young nurse quickly pointed in the direction of the ward. “Just head straight on! The VIP ward is that way.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“No, no. I would not dare accept your thanks. I’m merely performing my duties.”

In the VIP ward, Ningning continued ignoring his father and stuck to his mother like glue.

“Mom! Mom! Mom!”

The little boy’s pitiful cries caused Jiang Tingx’s heart to clench in pain.

“Shh… Mother hears you. You need to rest. Why don’t you lie down for a bit?”

“Okay…” Ningning whined petulantly but did as his mother bade. It was an endearing sight to behold.

However, just as the little boy laid down, the nurse wheeled an IV Drip into the private ward.

“Young Master Mo, Madam, the Young Master needs an infusion.”

When the little boy on the bed heard those words, he bolted upright.

“Mom, Ningning doesn’t need an infusion, don’t Waa Waa Waa Waa.”

Children often cry when they are upset, a natural physiological process by which they express their desires.

Ningning was smiling just a second ago, yet now he was bawling his eyes out.

Not even the weather in June changed so quickly…

Jiang Tingxu comforted her son, “Ningning, you have a fever. The drip will lower your temperature. You wouldn’t want to feel worse than you already are, would you?”

“B-but Ningning is scared… Ningning doesn’t want an infusion! Ningning doesn’t like needles!

As if afraid his mother would not understand him, Ningning flailed wildly.

This matter affected her son’s safety and wellbeing. Ordinarily, Jiang Tingxu had no qualms about giving in to her son’s demands, but where his life was concerned, she put her foot down. There were some things she could and would not budge on even if the sky collapsed: her son’s health was one of them.

“Baby, everything’s going to be alright. The nurse will be gentle. A small prick is all you’ll feel. Mother promises it won’t hurt.”

Ningning stunned expression spoke volumes, and before his mother could say another word, he cried an ocean of tears. “Waa! Mom doesn’t love Ningning anymore. Ningning doesn’t want it.. Ningning doesn’t want it! It hurts!”

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