Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 740 - A Sincere Heart

Chapter 740: A Sincere Heart

When the little girl cried, it was as if the sky and earth were going to collapse.

Deng Tianlin had no choice but to hug his daughter in his arms and comfort her:

“Be good, Yuer, don’t cry anymore. Daddy isn’t leaving. Daddy is going to do a mission. I came back from the mission last night. You stay here and play with your brothers and sisters.”

How could the little girl listen to him? The only thing son her heart was ‘daddy is leaving’. Both of her hands held onto her father’s neck tightly, refusing to let go.

There was no other choice. In the end, he could only switch places.

Chi En took the initiative to suggest:

“Village chief, I’ll switch to the Tianlin to go out to sea.”

Other than that, there was no better way.

The village chief nodded and agreed:


Chi En squatted down and looked at his daughter:

“Xiner, you’re the elder sister, can you take care of your younger brother and sister with your two older brothers?”


She held back his tears and did not cry.

After all, she was a little older and more sensible. She could also understand the adults’ words.

“Daddy, come back earlier. Xin Xin will wait for you.”

Chi En rubbed his daughter’s little face:

“Alright, daddy will come back earlier.”

The father and daughter simply said their goodbyes and the three dads left.

The little ones stared at their father’s back view as he left. Only when they could no longer see them did they finally turn around.

The village chief continued to announce:

“Dad Wu, dad Deng, there are two elders in the village who are not with their children, so we will need your help from now on.”.

“Dad Wu, go to grandma Hu’s house. The roof of her house is leaking, so dad Wu needs to help change the new tiles.”

Wu Mubai didn’t have any objections and agreed directly:


“Dad Deng, go to grandpa Fu’s house. The chicken and duck fence raised by Grandpa Fu’s house is broken, so father Deng needs to go to the mountain behind to cut a few more bamboos and then weave a new fence.”


“Village chief, cutting bamboos is definitely not a problem, but building a fence… I don’t know how to do that.”

Deng Tianlin said helplessly.

On the contrary, he had seen those craftsmen who used to weave things on television, but he himself…

“This is not a problem. Someone will teach you.”

“Ahem, alright then.”

After the fathers knew about their mission, they left with the villagers. Only a group of children were left waiting.

“Children, do you know what your mission is?”

Shi Tou was not afraid of strangers and he ran directly to the village chief and raised his head:

“Village chief, what do we need to do?” He asked.

Yang Yu gave a look to the staff next to him. Soon, someone came up with something.

Uh Huh?

The children also surrounded him.

“Village chief, why are there so much rice?” Wu Mubai’s son, Little An An, asked curiously.

Yang Yu narrowed his eyes and shook his head:

“That’s right, this is all glutinous rice!”

“Glutinous rice?” The children asked in unison.

“Yes, this glutinous rice needs to be grounded into powder and then sold at the market. The money from the sale will be donated to the children in the poor mountainous areas to buy learning tools.”

As soon as Yang Yu finished speaking, Little Shi Tou was the first to speak:

“That’s great. I must sell more. When I return home, I will donate all the pocket money I have saved.”

He really did not expect such a young child to have such a genuine and generous heart.

Yang Yu shouted, “Good!”

“Little Shi Tou, you’re not bad at all!”

The sudden praise by the village chief caused little Shi Tou’s face to turn slightly red:

“No, no, even when I was at home, I often heard my parents talk about it. Since they’ve all donated, I can’t fall behind.”

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