Dr. Jiang’s Daily Adversities

Chapter 720 - More Than One!

Chapter 720: More Than One!

Wow, was this a revelation?

“Last question, out of the four uncles, who do you like the most?”

“Uncle Tianlin, I’ve seen him in competitions before. He was very dashing on the piste and even won a gold medal!”

This child had a good personality. The one he admired the most was the world champion of the Olympics!

“Next, Deng Yu’er.”

Yu’er was carried in by the staff. She was so nervous that her little body was shaking incessantly.

Yang Yu quickly comforted her, Yu’er, don’t be afraid. I just want to ask a few questions. After that, we can go and look for Dad.”



Only then did the staff leave.

After preparing herself mentally, Yu’er spoke, “Village Chief, then please hurry up. I miss dad already.”

“Alright, then let’s begin. The first question, do you like your mom or your dad more?”

Giving an unbiased reply, she said, “I like them both!”

“What do you dislike the most about your dad?”

“Daddy is injured very often. I’m always worried about him.”

Deng Tianlin was the World Fencing Champion. Injuries were unavoidable during training. Not only Yu’er, but the entire family was also probably worried as well.

But what could they do? They couldn’t possibly lock him up and not let him go for training and competitions. It would have caused unrest within the entire nation.

Heart aching for Yu’er, Yang Yu patted her on her shoulders saying, “Alright, I have one last question. Among the uncles, which one do you like the most?”

“I like dad.”

“I know that. But besides him, who do you like best? You need to choose from the other four uncles,” Yang Yu explained.

Yu’er ran their faces through her mind, but she did not know them well.

“Uncle Boyuan, I think. He’s the most good-looking.”

As expected, females, no matter the age, all went for looks!

“Next, Mo Zhining.”

Finally, it was Ningning’s turn. After entering, he customarily observed the situation in the room and concluded that there was nothing wrong with it.

Yang Yu saw the alertness in his eyes and asked in amusement, “Ningning, what are you looking at?”

Ningning glanced at Yang Yu before replying, “Dad said no matter where we go, we must first observe our environment. In case of an unexpected situation, we can mitigate or avoid the risk at the first opportunity!”

This boy was trained in crisis awareness!

Yang Yu was scrutinized so closely by Ningning that he felt uncomfortable.

He was truly worthy of being the little grandson of the Mo family! Look at the natural dominance exuding from his body.

“Alright, so what was your observation?”

“There is no danger and the situation is good!”

“Since that’s the case, can we get to the main topic?”

Ningning glanced at him in arrogance and said faintly, “Let’s begin!”

Now, who was in charge?

The corner of Yang Yu’s mouth twitched again in amusement, and he took several deep breaths to suppress his mirth before starting, “Three questions. First one, do you like your dad or your mom more?”


Instantly, his eyes shot to Yang Yu once again, as if implying, “Of course it’s mom, do you even need to ask?”

“Okay, the second question. What is one thing you dislike the most about your dad?”

Ningning snorted loudly, “There is more than one. I dislike many things about him!”

It seemed that he had been holding a grudge against his dad for a long time, and he was filled with displeasure.

Yang Yu gasped, clearly surprised, “Many?”

“Yes, it’s too many!”

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