Divine Path System

Chapter 99 - Outer Zone Boss

Chapter 99 - Outer Zone Boss

Lost Dungeons were special.

Unlike normal Dungeons, the magic beasts inside these get stronger.

In the 100-year period of being 'lost' in the Inner Space, a Low Dungeon would improve to Mid Dungeon in around 20 years and take another 80 years to become a High Dungeon.

The difficulty in advancing to each level increases exponentially.

This Lost Dungeon was still transitioning from Low Dungeon to Mid Dungeon.

Once the magic beasts at the Inner Zone reach level 6, it'd be declared a Mid Dungeon.

As Varian headed forward, the aura concentration steadily rose. He thought of maximising his power before fighting the Outer boss.

For instance, he could search for more nests of magic beasts. However, that would take a lot more time. There was no guarantee he would find suitable resources either.

Besides, the Dungeon was still in its early years. That much was evident with the Outer Zone containing only Level 3 Magic Beasts.

Early years meant less natural resources.

'I can't wait that long. I want to grow strong the fastest and search for a way out.' Varian groaned inwardly.

As he gazed forward, it was a no-man's-land. There was not a single creature in sight for miles.

Not just on the ground, but even in the sky. Not a single thing flew above the land.

'The border.' He mused.

To be fair, there was no natural border between Outer and Inner Zones. That was to say, the aura concentration doesn't spike at the borders. They just increased continuously.

However, just like Old Earth, the residents of Dungeon, Magic Beasts, made up the border.

It wasn't exactly planned per se. If a weaker magic beast crossed the border, it'd be ripped to shreds in no time. Soon, no magic best crossed that land, and it turned into what it was today.

Of course, there were strong beasts that enter the Inner zone every once in a while. For them, Inner Zone was a heaven with more aura and resources.

But How to determine whether one was strong or weak?

Welcome the Bosses. These were creatures just short of entering the Inner Zone.


Varian stopped in front of an arid plain. It was dry and with lush mountains surrounding it; the plain looked out of place.

'Ha!' Even though he couldn't know who it was, a sharp gaze seemed to pierce his skin.

'Boss is Boss.'

Varian was sure he came to the right place.

His heart throbbed with excitement and he forcibly kept his cool.

The black sword was already unsheathed at some point.

"Come out…" Varian muttered.


A cool breeze blew and drifted the dust away.

There was nothing to be seen.

However, the gaze intensified, and Varian felt like something was cutting on his skin.

'Is this a peak Level 3?' He wondered.

After a few minutes of unsuccessful lure out, he stepped onto the plain.



There were only a few small plants here and there. They looked harmless, but Varian didn't take his chances and maintained his distance. He just killed something that looked like a plant, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.



As he walked forward, with his ears perked and space sense spread, he noticed nothing.

'Did I come to the wrong place?' He wondered, but with each step, the sharp gaze intensified.

'It must be somewhere.' He raised his foot to step forward when:


A huge serpentine like creature drilled out of the land, showing blotchy yellow spots on its light brown skin.

A Sand worm?


Varian rolled down and the sand worm drilled down into the ground he was standing a moment ago.

"Ha! Ha!" He breathed in heavily and right when he stood up—


The thing appeared.

This time, he saw its face.

Despite the sharp gaze he still felt, it had no eyes. As its unhinged mouth shot open, the hundreds of razor-sharp teeth inside glinted with a cold light.

"It's ugly." Varian cursed and swerved to the left.


This time, instead of drilling into the ground, the Sand worm aimed to devour Varian.

'You are strong. But—' Varian clenched his fist in the gauntlet.

He focused his chi onto his hand and slightly leaned backward.

Then he slammed his fist.

Boom! Boom!

As his fist connected with the Sand worm, Varian was sent flying.

His body was already injured, and his insides twisted from the shock.

As he barely got up and nearly fell from the internal injuries, things got worse.


The gauntlet cracked and broke into pieces.

The gauntlets were only level 2 treasures after all. But all the level 3 creatures he fought to date couldn't break them.

Only the creature in front was able to do it.

'Peak Level 3. Its physical strength easily broke through the space and lightning layers around my fist.' Varian estimated its strength.

[+10 Xp]

From his punch earlier, the Sandworm, on the other hand, crashed to the ground and writhed.

On its huge body, there was an inconspicuous char mark with brown blood dripping out.

Varian's punch was backed by his lightning and space powers.


It yelled and in the next moment, shot at Varian.


The Sandworm reached him in the split of a second and opened its mouth.

Varian's stomach churned seeing the red walls with mucus hanging inside its mouth.

He was considering the classic 'jumping into the monster's mouth and killing it from the inside.'

But now he gave it up. Unless he had no other choice, he'd not jump in.


As the Sandworm dived to bite him to pieces, Varian shot up.

He raised his arms and smacked down at the Sandworm's head. At the same time, the its tail lashed at him.

In a hurry, Varian punched back at the tail with one hand while he kicked its head.



Varian was once again sent flying. Blood gushed out of his chest and he felt his ribs turn mushy.

'The tail was much stronger.' He noted as he crashed into a mountain.


The Sandworm's head pierced into the ground with Varian's kick.


[+10 Xp]

"I'm complaining, but not complaining." The rising chi in his body convinced Varian of something.

This beating was worth it.

"Druah!" The Sandworm shot at him again, this time it used its tail directly.

Right when the tail was about to reach him, Varian solidified the space around it.


It easily broke the binding, but he was already in front of its mouth.


Varian space bound its mouth and tried to throw in the electric arc to internally injure the Sandworm.

It worked for the mother rat.



The Sandworm broke the space binding in no time and crashed into him.



[+20 Xp

Body Path Level 3: 80/400]

Varian's head spun as he coughed out blood. Literally this time.

The continuous increase in strength was good but he would need to heal before continuing this battle.


The Sandworm opened its mouth to devour him.

This time, instead of attacking, Varian dashed away from it.


It chased him at a higher speed. However, Varian wasn't panicked.

It stayed in the arid plains and didn't come out unless one entered its territory. So if he left the territory…



He dodged the constant attacks and exited the arid plain.

The Sandworm followed him for a certain distance and then returned.

Varian rested in a nearby cave and pumped his fist.

"Yes! What more can I ask for? I can train with it till I grow stronger than it. It won't even chase me. Boss Sand Worm, you're my Xp bank."

The Sandworm thought it warded off an intruder. But it didn't know. The nightmare was only about to begin.

After a few hours, the nightmare the Sandworm would never forget started.

"Boss, Xp please!"

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