Divine Path System

Chapter 733 Aether Pendant

Chapter 733 Aether Pendant

When Kreo drew his last breath, Kristine finally caught hers.

At the same time, she slowly realized something was off.

"D-Dad…" With trembling hands, Kristine reached out to Kreo's corpse.

Her mind started to spin as she started to realize something.

If her father was really an abuser, why did he visit her every time with such earnest eyes?

If he really used his mother's death, why did he grieve on her death's day every year?

If he's really, really that heartless, then it made no sense for him to give up his life.

Even if she tried a billion times, she wouldn't be able to kill him. So, why…why did he give up his life like that?

As questions flooded her mind, the golden energy in her mind shone lightly verifying Kreo was dead.

Then, it began its final operation.

The operation Varian put just in case.

Kristine's memory was once again rewritten.

Her original memories were restored. The artificial hatred against Kreo disappeared in a flash.

Then, her memories twisted a bit more and she started to forget about the identity of her father.

Kreo Bell.




Konan Bell.

Kristine 'remembered' her father's name. He had the same personality as Kreo, did the same things for her, and loved her the same. But his name was Konan Bell.

At the same time, Kristine 'realized' that she was under trauma after her mother's death.

To cure her, her father participated in a dangerous mission and died. The cure she got, later on, was the reason she was able to become normal.

"D-Dad…" Kristine's eyes welled up in tears.

Her head started to spin and she collapsed next to Kreo.

Rami, the woman in black clothes, appeared in the room and gasped at the situation.

Master Kreo…he was collapsed in a pool of pitch black blood.

'Poison, but how!' Rami's gaze landed on the sword thrown at a corner.

Since there was a sword, poison, the murderer…

Rami looked at the unconscious Kristine and raised her hand to kill her.

As she was about to slash down the unconscious girl, she recalled Kreo's last words to her.

'I have a task, no, a request for you.'

'Take care of my daughter.'

Rami's body froze as she realized. 'So you knew.'

She looked at Kreo's body with a complicated expression and picked up Kristine. With a twist of space, she 'disappeared'.

Her identity would no longer exist.

She'd become Kristine's guardian and live a 'normal' life.

*** ***

"H-How the hell did this happen?" Varian rubbed his forehead as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Anna was on her feet, hopping from place to place, panicking like an ant on a stove.

Richard was pacing back and forth, and Varian was really worried the old butler might have a heart stroke.

Sia looked at him in worry. She didn't seem worried about the situation that much. Rather, she was worried about how he would be affected by it.

"Kreo died to give his daughter a normal life." Varian sighed as if he couldn't believe it.

The strand of soul power gave him a final message informing him of the 'outcome' before their connection was severed.

Still, the revelation struck Varian like a lightning bolt.

A man as cruel and calculating as Kreo…how was he capable of sacrificing his life for someone else?

'Understanding a person is really har—' Varian's arm was pulled and he turned to the side.

"I-It's supposed to be a normal revenge, right?" Anna bit her lip as she looked at Varian with teary eyes. "You killed him!"

"The implications of a Sovereign's death are just too much…you should've at least waited until you were a level 9." Richard nodded as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Varian glanced at the old man's shirt and realized it was completely drenched.

'The fuck. How nervous are you, really?'

Noticing Varian's gaze, Anna put her hands on her hips and leaned forward. "Why are you not nervous at all? Do you know what will happen without a Sovereign?"

Richard's forehead now started to rain with sweat. The old man's face also turned pale as he muttered. "M-Mars will be conquered….the planetoids will be gone…the balance breaks and we'll slowly lose everything!"

The more he spoke, the more he sweated. In the end, the floor under Richard turned into a puddle of sweat.

Varian gave Richard a concerned look. 'Heart problem and now this. You should retire soon.'

But he didn't say it out loud.

"I think things will turn out fine," Varian said as he stood up and stretched his body. "Bali will take up Kreo's place. He's already on his way to becoming a Sovereign."

"Bali? What Bali?"

Varian sighed and summoned Boo. The little ghost looked at him with resentment but explained the situation to the elderly.

Anna's expression noticeably brightened and Richard certainly started to sweat less.

Still, Boo placed a bucket under him. 'Is this what they call sweating buckets?'

"Bali…" Anna's eyes flashed as she looked at Varian and controlled herself from showing her bewilderment.

To think he did this during Solar Banquet, Varian was really thinking ahead.

"Even if he's reaching the Sovereign state, it'd take time." Anna still shook her head with a regretful expression.

Varian narrowed his eyes. "Heaven's Will pushes those closest to level 9 to Sovereign state."

This time, without asking, Boo explained.

Anna still wasn't convinced. "And how long would that take?"

"Well, I was going to ask." Varian smiled.


A hologram popped up in front of the sofa and Varian smiled at the woman.

"Sovereign Irene."

Anna froze.

*** ***

In the pink castle:

Since it was Kreo's order, even though hours passed since his death, no one entered.

But an obscure figure whose strength far surpassed the officers entered the castle.

Not even the level 9s near the castle found the slightest clue of the person's movements.

Arriving in the room with plush toys, the Sovereign bent down at Kreo's corpse.

"To think you'd die like this…what a waste."

There wasn't a hint of grief in his voice, only irritation.

The Sovereign picked up the pendant hanging on Kreo's neck.

"Aether Pendant."

He injected his aura into the artifact and became its master.

The next moment, Heaven's Will responded to his achievement.

The Sovereign felt a surge of power.

He was now closer to the Celestial Rank.

"Three more to go."

That'd be the day he'd destroy the abyssals once and for all.

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