Divine Path System

Chapter 574 Meal With A Sovereign

Chapter 574 Meal With A Sovereign

"Sovereign Kreo, I leave this to you." A voice said from the comm.

"Hoho. This is my responsibility as well. Don't worry." The old man stroked his beard and laughed.

The voice said in a neutral tone. "Some things need to be paid for in blood."

"Indeed. Your honor will be re-established through their blood." Kreo said and ended the call.

He leaned back in the chair and looked over the dinner table. Exquisite dishes filled the table and sweet aroma filled the air.

On the other side of the square table, exactly opposite him, there was an empty chair.

Sovereign Kreo was waiting for someone!

The sunlight from the two suns shone on the silent old man who held the power to destroy a planet.

It also illuminated every inch of the small space sub-station he was in. It was in the shape of a disc and was only a few miles wide.

There was an invisible barrier shielding it as it moved through space.

It was like a private room but in space. It was accessible only to very privileged people.

And the substation Kreo was currently on was the best.

It had a perfect environment simulator. So, the area surrounding the dining table was serene green plains.

But if Sovereign Kreo wished, he could change it to chilling arctic or hot deserts.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Sovereign Kreo tapped his chair as he waited for his guest to join him in dinner.

It was a very unusual scene. Sovereigns wouldn't wait. Nah. No one dared to make them wait.


"I had a small battle, Sovereign Kreo." A handsome middle-aged man walked to the dining table and sat down.

His moves, while respectful, showed no traces of subservience.

"Been a long while, Evan." Kreo chuckled and raised a glass of fine wine.

"I didn't think you would visit so suddenly, Sovereign Kreo." Evander raised a glass and clinked.

Kreo made a sudden visit to one of the space cities between Mars and Earth. After finishing the work he had, he invited Evander for a parting dinner.

Even though he was busy, Evander managed to squeeze out some time.

"Aww, don't be so distant. You can call me Uncle Kreo like you always did." Kreo twirled the glass and gave a warm smile.

"…" Evander paused for a moment and wondered what to say. On the outside, his facial expression remained stern.

"I am no longer a kid." Finally, Evander shook his head and looked Kreo in the eye. "So, is this dinner just a catch-up, or do you have any important news?"

"Busy as always, heh." Kreo didn't feel annoyed by the question, rather he laughed brightly.

"I need to take up Bali's work too. It'd be weird if I am free." Evander said lightly, but the fatigue in his voice was clear.

"Bali, huh," Kreo muttered.

Evander nodded lightly but made no further comments.

Kreo took the hint and skipped the topic. He lifted a fork and gestured for Evander to start the meal.

Evander hesitated, but in the end, started eating.

"I wanted to meet your father, but that old fellow is busy like always," Kreo said with loud laughter.

Evander sighed under his breath. An unease was growing in his mind.

Albert was the oldest Sovereign. Kreo was the second oldest.

But before they became Sovereigns and went to different planets, they were close colleagues.

Their families were neighbors.

In fact, Kreo's daughter was his close childhood friend.

They went to the same school, had the same circle of friends and shared a great childhood.

Particularly, for Evander, Kreo's family was very important.

Evander lost his mother at a young age. So, Kreo's wife took care of him. She was the closest thing to 'mother' he ever had.

'Can I call you mom?'

'But Kristine said she'll marry you. How can you call me mom?'

'Eh…then what should I do?'

'Grow up, Evan.'

She even convinced both Kreo and Albert to set up a marriage contract. It'd have really happened if not for…

"Whenever I see you, I feel like I'm seeing Kristie." Kreo propped his chin on his hand and said in a low voice.

Evander sighed deeply and gulped down the wine. "Please. It's been years. You have to—"

"Get over it?" Kreo chuckled, but it was a mocking laughter.

Then, he stood up from the chair, leaned forward on the table, and looked at Evander. He said in a low, but strong voice that pricked Evander's mind.

"Evan, did you get over your wife's death."


Evander clenched his fists and his breathing turned ragged. Realizing what he had done, he controlled himself and coughed lightly.

"Apologies, I—"

"Nothing to be sorry for." Kreo sat back in his seat and waved his hands.

Evander looked at Kreo with a neutral expression. But his mind was a mess. The proof of it was the light headache he felt.

"I lied to you, Evan," Kreo said lightly.

'What?!' Evander's body stiffened and he was ready to act any time. It wasn't that he didn't trust Kreo, but most of his waking hours were dedicated to fighting and planning. So, his first instinct was to fight.

Kreo noticed Evander's reaction and chuckled softly.

"I didn't want to meet your father at all. I wanted to meet you." Kreo filled his glass and took another sip. His old face reddened lightly.

"…Why?" Evander asked, and took another sip. He was drinking more than he should.

Kreo smiled wryly. "Because I am not so cold hearted that I can ignore my wife's death or my child's fate."

Evander froze at his words and lowered his head.

Under the table cloth, he clenched his hands involuntarily.

Both Kreo's and Albert's wives died.

One dealt with it cold heartedly and completely focused on his job.

The other, while still managing his work, couldn't get over it.

Evander raised his head and looked at Kreo.

The old man's grey eyes seemed to show a distant scene from the past.

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