Divine Path System

Chapter 416 - Lady Sia

"An all out war? For what?" Haedon slammed his desk and glared at the Despair Queen.

"I-I failed the mission. So, for retaliatio—"

"Retaliation? All I see is equal losses from both sides." Haedon's voice turned cold.

"Are you out of your minds? You fail the mission and I give you punishment. Are you overriding my authority by deciding the punishment yourself? And this isn't punishment to you, but to our men and women." With each word, Haedon's voice grew colder and colder.

"I don't dare, your majesty."

"You failed the mission and you'll have your punishment. For what they've done, we'll retaliate. But not these stupid actions. Retaliation should be effective." Abyss Emperor said calmly.

Despite being shocked at the mission's failure, he didn't lose his mind.

"Stop everything now."

*** *** ***

"Enigma, what's the matter?" Varian frowned. His clothes were drenched in green blood and with injuries all over his body, he looked like he just crawled out of hell.

After the war, he dropped Han Nial on a cluster city and Seth on a planetoid. He himself started fighting on a lower end planetoid until a call interrupted.

"She wants to see you." Enigma said a bit stiffly.

That stiffness was a bit strange, but Varian felt it was normal. Last time, Enigma was pissed at him about Sarah.

But 'she'…could it be?

A brown haired girl with beautiful golden eyes appeared next to Enigma. Her dress was also drenched in green blood.

Yet he'd never mistake that silhouette. Not even in his dreams.

"Sia…?" Varian muttered, feeling a surge of emotions. Despite wanting to meet her all the time, when he saw her face to face, he was at a loss for words.

During this time, he recovered more of his memories. It only made him feel closer to her.

"Varian…" Sia looked at him and tried to smile, but it came off as a stiff, painful smile.

That hurt him more than any physical injury.

Varian clenched his fists. "I'm sorry."

"…why?" Sia opened her lips in confusion.

"You want to stop me from joining the war, don't you?" Varian said with a bitter smile.

Sia's face froze, then she nodded with a pleading face. "Please…"

Varian couldn't bear to look at her pitiful face and teary eyes. If he did, he'd really accept her request.

So, he turned his gaze away from her and repeated. "I'm sorry."

"Why?" Sia yelled, her voice hoarse. "Why can't you listen to me just once…Seventh thousand three hundred and twenty five…that's the count of deceased level 6 so far. And it's only been 1 hour! I just want you to be safe."

Varian raised his head and looked at her.

She looked at him stubbornly, refusing to let the welling tears drop.

If it was Enigma, then even if she threatened him, Varian would've ignored her.

But Sia…she wasn't threatening, she wasn't demanding, she was pleading.

And looking at her, all he felt was pain in his heart. What was his insistence in putting his life at risk?

He could focus on growing stronger and then participate in this war. Anyway, this all out war would last for years.

Maybe, just maybe, he could not participate…?

"Sia, I have a protection guard. It can teleport me away if I'm in any danger. So…" He said slowly.

Varian didn't understand why he was being so headstrong, but he felt compulsively responsible.

Perhaps it was his trauma of losing his father in a war at play. Perhaps…he wanted to do what he could so that others didn't lose their fathers?

"It's a second chance for you. Do you want to sacrifice it?" Sia bit her lip and asked.


"Fine! I'll request Enigma and send Rudolf, that level 9 you saw earlier to protect you."

"But doesn't he have more important things?" Varian frowned.

"Of course he does." Sia nodded. "At the cost of protecting you, many level 8s will die." Sia said nonchalantly.

"Are you cra…why are you doing this? I have a second chance. They don't. If they die, they die! Don't sacrifice anyone for me!" Varian said in an agitated voice.

"You do what you wish and I do what I wish." Sia shrugged.

"You…." Varian didn't know how to refute.

"You have more potential than them all. So, I put your life above them. Enigma also agrees." Sia said and Enigma nodded stiffly.

"Is there any other way out?" Varian asked with hope. He really didn't want to cause the death of many level 8s.

"Yes." Sia said, causing his expression to ease. "You don't join the war and I won't send Rudolf. Lot of lives will be saved."

"You aren't making any sense!"

"Exactly!" Sia nodded. "So, just don't go or I promise I'll send him."

"Y-You are too stubborn." Varian looked at her with a helpless expression.

Sia suddenly smiled. "I learnt this from you. Hehe~"

Varian fell into a trance when he saw that smile.

Despite being in the midst of an all out war, despite being tired after battles, Varian felt at peace. Her smile was the warmth that calmed his heart and comforted his mind.

Finally, he thought of the consequences and took a deep breath. Raising his hands, he exhaled. "You win."

Sia's smile widened and she was about to say something. But suddenly, she her smile diminished and her expression turned normal.

Varian knew that expression. It was controlling your emotions through mental powers.

Why was she doing this?

"I-I'm sorry." Sia turned around. "It isn't my place to take these decisions. I-I should've asked S-Sarah to do it."

Uttering the name 'Sarah', Sia's shoulders shook and her voice quivered.

"…S-Sia," Varian didn't know what to say. Perhaps he could've stayed silent, but something in him roared not to. He couldn't be silent or he'd regret it forever.

Emotions were a delicate thing. Some things needed to be said to be understood.

"Sia!" Varian called with a calm voice.

"I'll contact her, by—" Her voice turned normal, but Varian wasn't going to buy that she was feeling normal.

"Sia, look at me." Varian said in a calm but irrefutable tone.

Sia paused for a moment and then turned around.

She removed the tear stains using her powers…but she forgot that her eyes were still red.

"Sarah is indeed important to me. But, no one can take you away?from my life. Not even you." Varian said with a firm face.

Sia's body trembled and she bit her lip. "You will hate me soon. I am the villain of your life."

Varian rubbed his forehead. "I…I think I know why're you think I will hate you."

Sia flinched and took a step back as she looked at him in shock.

"But…life gave me a second chance. Why shouldn't I give you one? And more importantly, why don't you give yourself a second chance?"

Sia closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. But she couldn't stop the whimper of pain nor the tears of guilt.

As she wiped her tears, she glared at him. "You made me cry twice! I hate you!"

Varian laughed lightly. "My pleasure, lady Sia."

Right then, Boo yelled. "Master, the war has stopped!"


Varian and Sia exclaimed at the same time.

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