Divine Path System

Chapter 122 - Why...?

Chapter 122 - Why...?

Varian used the corpse to block, but it wasn't enough to block every attack.



Varian covered his vital regions and took in the attacks.

Without the interference on his brain, he was confident in protecting his vitals.

The fire wall burnt his skin and the ice spikes pierced his muscles, the lightning nearly paralysed him.

Varian didn't dare to fight with the dragon claw, so he always used the corpse. Even the plant morpher was blocked with the corpse.

[+40 Xp]

[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 4: 360/1000]

The green light shone again and his burnt skin, punctured muscles and insensitive muscles all reverted back to their peak.

This time, he was able to grasp the green light.

It was prana.

[+30 Xp]

[Morpher Level 1: 70/100]

From his heart, Varian felt the new power slowly rising. His strength didn't see any substantial increase, but his regeneration did increase significantly.

'Next is that space…' He grinned at the black-haired female Abyssal.

Hollow Queen. She was a Sovereign equivalent in Space Path.

Varian put the corpse in his space ring and shot at her with great speed.

Outside the Inner Space, it was a stupid decision to run at a Space Awakener. But here, in a place where teleportation was not possible, it was the best tactic.




The elemental attacks aimed at him.

Without the burden of the corpse and with increased physical stats, Varian dodged the fire snakes and ice spikes.

However, he was still hit by lightning spears.

But he just smirked. He knew he couldn't hide one attack, he chose lightning.

Zap! Zap!

Mana covered his body and decreased the lethality of the lightning spears before they plunged into his body.

"Ah" Even though he was still injured, it was at a bearable level.

He broke the space blocks with his physical strength and reached the Hollow Queen's clone.



Meanwhile, the dragon claw and the red branch reached his back.

Varian used his space sense and adjusted his position. Then, his lightning fist broke through her final space shield and crushed her heart.



The dragon claw and the red branch pierced his lungs from the back and came out from the front.

Varian summoned the lightning and channeled it into the dragon claw and the red branch.

Zap! Zap!

They were lightly injured and paused for a split second.

Banking on the opportunity, he pushed himself out of them.




Right after he escaped, the elemental attacks arrived.

Varian tapped his space ring, and the corpse appeared in between him and the attacks.


The attacks were blocked with ease as Varian smiled through his bloodied teeth.

[+40 Xp]

[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 4: 400/1000]

His injuries were healed instantly and his Morpher path quickly progressed.

[+30 Xp]

[Morpher Path Level 1: 100/100]

Varian glanced at the remaining five foes. Even though he had no injuries, his aura reserves weren't infinite.

'But…' He smiled, 'It's not so threatening anymore. I can use this chance to get more Xp.'

He eyed the golden robed Abyssal. Thunder King's clone.

Varian put the corpse into his space ring and rushed to him.

This time, they seemed to change their strategy as the clones finally looked at the two formations in the distance.

'Oh crap!' Varian got anxious.

If the Undead formation wasn't present, then Varian would have died after killing the Mirage Queen.

The only reason he was able to take them down so easily was because of the instant healing.

If the formation was absent, then Varian would already be a dead man.

He didn't know which one they would attack or if they would attack two at once.

But he had the chance to shield only one.

So Varian ran to the Curtail formation.

Even if the undead formation was destroyed, to kill the living clones, Varian would just have to be careful to not get severely injured and still stand a chance of winning.

If the curtail formation failed, however, then the clones would revert to Level 6. It'd be game over.

"Ghost, can it hold on?" He asked in a hurry as he inched towards the Curtail Formation.

"One attack! Only one!" The ghost said in a crying voice.

Varian took a deep breath and gazed at the two clones rushing to the Curtail Formation.

The Abyssal with dragon feet, and another Abyssal ran as he stretched his arms. They turned into branches and launched at the curtail formation.

On the other side, the three elementals raised their hands and prepared to attack the Undead formation.

Varian hurled his space ring at the Undead formation. "Use the corpse to defend!"

And he rushed at the incoming Abyssals without fear. As long as he protected his head and heart, he'd be fine.

"Argh!" Varian issued a battle cry and blocked the dragon fist.


His arm was flung back and Varian knew it wasn't separated from his body only because he could still see it.

He didn't give it a second thought and raised his other arm. Lightning crackled and the space around the Morpher solidified.



As Varian punched broke his fragile neck, his dragon claw punched Varian in the gut.

"Cough!" Varian felt his organs crumble.

If it was a normal battle, he'd surely die. But with the green light, it wasn't normal anymore.

He raised his arms in defense and lightly twisted his body.


The branch broke through his arms and pierced beside his heart.

Varian held the branch and pulled hard.

As the clone just attacked, his body wasn't in a proper stance, so with Varian's pull, he flew towards Varian.

But he didn't intend to give Varian any advantaged. He pulled his branch hand back and lashed at Varian's head. Varian jumped at the Abyssal.



The branch pierced through Varian's arm and nearly severed it.


Varian's knee crushed the chest bones of the Abyssal and his follow up kick crushed the heart.

"Haa!" Varian collapsed on the ground.

The green light flashed on him and healed his injuries, but he was already feeling tired.

"Damn!" He cursed and ran to the Undead formation.

The ghost AI stretched its arms and, through some means, tried to hold the corpse to block out the attacks.

However, the body wasn't wide enough to block all the attacks.


A lightning bolt landed on the undead formation and it shook violently.

Before he could attack again, Varian appeared behind the Thunder King's clone and ripped him apart.

The other two clones glared back at him and seemed to decide to give their best shot.



A huge fire dragon and Ice phoenix rushed at the undead formation.

"No!" Varian ran like a madman, but he knew he couldn't outrun them.

So, he decided to spend the last of his space power in one shot.

Space solidified in front of the attacks and was broken.

Once. Twice. Thrice. Four times. Five times....




The attacks quickly broke through, but the interruptions were enough so that Varian finally overtook them. He stood in front of the formation and shielded it.


Out of the fire and ice, Varian emerged and snapped the necks of the final two clones.

"Ha!" He panted as the undead formation healed him.

"It… It'd be cool if there's a stamina formation." He coughed and said.

"Yay!" the ghost AI cheered.

Varian leaned back in the undead formation and smiled.

The System prompts rang.

[+30 Xp

+30 Xp


+20 Xp

+10 Xp

+10 Xp


[Body Path (Enhanced) Level 4: 600/1000]


His heart shook for a moment and the prana is his body surged.

Varian wondered what his morpher path was.

[Morpher Path Level 2: 60/200]

"Right, why did you call me Mas—" Varian was asking when the ghost AI cut him off.

"Master! The corpse! Shining!" It yelled.

Varian scanned the eight corpses and saw a glow coming from the Demon King's clone.

To be precise, from a ring on his hand.

"Fuck!" Varian rushed to the corpse and pulled out the ring.

His heart screamed. An exceedingly ominous omen.

'This is it!'

He hurled the ring out of the spaceship.


As it landed, Varian turned to the ghost AI. "Start the ship! Get out of here!"

Right then, a blinding light flashed from behind and footsteps sounded.



With each step, it was like a mountain was pressing on him and air was knocked out of him.

Sweat rolled down his forehead, down to his back.

'This is it…'

As the eight meter tall Abyssal entered the spaceship, Varian gulped.

"Use the red light…" He yelled at the ghost.

"I used it already." It replied.

"Then why is he still at peak Level 5?" Varian's voice trembled.

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