Divine Path System

Chapter 116 - Fall Again?

Chapter 116 - Fall Again?

As Varian fell, he gazed up.

The magic beasts came to the cliff edge and stared down at him.

Their eyes held myriad emotions — regret, anger, sadness and some, gloating.

Varian laughed out in joy.


The magic bests were shocked.




As if they couldn't digest the truth, they roared and the lightning mana in their body roared.



Countless lightning bolts, no, Lighting beams, were projected at him.



The lightning beams scorched the air, cut the wind, and approached him in the blink of an eye.

On land, Varin was running using his level 4 speed. But during the fall, he could not run.

On the other hand, the lightning beams still maintained their speed.

This led to the situation of a slow-moving target.

Varian shook his head.

He thought they'd leave… but this was not a big problem.

He kicked into the air, and the sheer force of the kick blasted the air.


His direction changed, and he dodged the lightning beams. Then he adjusted his posture and faced the barrage of lightning beams.

He didn't even try to slow down his fall.

'Get out of their range. Quick.' As his descent speed rose, the lightning bolts rained down.

Even the beasts in the back of the pack above started attacking him.

'What are you trying to achieve here?' Varian was puzzled. 'Oh, wait… revenge. Yes. Revenge.'

These magic beasts weren't as intelligent as humans, but they surely held grudges.

'Tsk. I appreciate you wasting more mana and don't go back for healing.' Varian chuckled. His eyes, however, were cold.



With each rain of attack, Varian grew more proficient in dodging.

"Ouch!" Of course, considering so many attacks and his rather limited mobility, a few hits were inevitable.

In a few seconds, he was already halfway to the white mist. Of course, the major reason was that he didn't block the space to slow himself down.

'That should settle things.' He was about to sigh when—



A few magic beasts jumped down the cliff, and many followed.

"What the actual fuck?!" Varian gaped at the scene.

Even if magic beasts were vengeful, they shouldn't be this vengeful, right?

Were they willing to trade their lives for revenge?

Varian frowned, and the cute voice sounded at the right moment.

"They're still thinking it is a complete Ambrosia. If they consume mature Ambrosia, they could easily reach Level 6 and beyond." The cute voice said.

"At those levels, flight is a cakewalk. Nah. Even advancing to Level 5 is enough…" Varian shook his head as he saw the magic beasts above.

They covered themselves with lightning mana and used it to push themselves down.

Instead of decreasing the speed, they were accelerating!

Since Varian was already quite a distance away, they had to expend more mana.

Otherwise, with each passing second, the distance between them and Varian would only increase!

'Wait, do even magic beasts know physics?...' Varian was puzzled.

Dozens of lightning whips lashed at him.

He dodged them with little difficulty and looked into their eyes.

Greed. Desire. Craze.

'I see. They want it to be the first to approach me.' He sighed in relief. The worst thing humanity would've to face would be another intelligent race.

It didn't help that they were driven by raw emotions instead of intellect.

With their expensive mana fueling, the beasts at the forefront were closing the distance with him.

At the same time, their attacks were also turning harder to dodge.

The biggest problem of them all?

Varian couldn't attack! His lightning attacks would only tickle them. He couldn't go from one beast to another punching them, right?

"Fuck!" He cursed his bad luck but didn't panic. He channeled his space power.




As the lightning attacks continued, he decreased his speed lightly and dodged them with ease.

This meant the lightning beam that was about to hit him missed him since his speed changed. As his speed was already high, a slight shift was enough to dodge the attacks.

Of course, the price of this approach was that the distance between him and the beasts was further shortened.


The leading beast growled. It was the growl of triumph.

Varian smiled back at it. 'Not so fast, little guy.' And his body reached the cloud of mist.



The familiar lightnings all over the place greeted him, starting with a nice bolt to his head.

But this time, despite his moderate injuries, Varian was much stronger. He blocked the lightning arcs with ease.

On top of his lightning mana, his increased body defense played the major role.

After a few quick seconds, the magic beasts too entered.




The lightning arcs attacked the magic beasts as well.

However, because of their lightning resistance, they too could block off most of the damage.

Simultaneously, they were free to attack Varian, who they've almost caught up with.

Thus, another close range zapping started.

This time, Varian injuries spiked.

Soon, all the beasts that jumped down had crossed the mist and were attacking Varian.

Despite his mounting injuries and weakening defense, Varian remained calm.

At the same time, he used the attacks to push himself down and further increased his descent speed.

With each second of fall, the wind and lightning turned harsher. He lost a bit more blood. He took one more attack.

Soon, Varian curled up as his body speed was reaching an insane level, almost the speed of sound.



In no time, sonic booms started.

He used the defense of his body to protect himself, whilst on the other hand, the magic beasts had to use their lightning mana.

They had to be extra careful since wind of this speed was fatal to their physical bodies. So their defense was even tighter.

Varian grimaced at the pain from every corner of his body.

Magic beasts were incredibly close to winning. They were only a few meters away and with each hit; he was being injured.



Varian gritted his teeth and bore through the pain. He was only able to dodge a few strikes and started taking quite a few head on.

If the pattern continued, he'd be down in a few more hits.

Everyone's speed was still rising.



"Hey, when do I reach the ground?" Varian asked out aloud.

The cute voice responded, "Your current speed is too high. In 5 seconds. Why are you asking?"

"Here." Varian's smile turned evil, and he unleashed his space power.

Space Bind.


Varian's speed was abruptly stopped.

"Blergh" The impulse nearly shattered his bones, and he coughed out blood.

The first space bind was broken, but he quickly applied second, the third and so on until it stabilized.

On the other hand, even though they had mana, the magic beasts couldn't do this.

So there was only one result.



As they desperately tried to control their speeds with lightning mana, they were only able to slow down a little before—




Like a watermelon bursting, they crashed to the ground and burst into pieces.

The other magic beasts also followed.



In those few but long seconds, Varian's injuries worsened. He used his lightning mana to cover his space block in an attempt to ward off the lightning arcs.? But even that was quickly broken.

Thankfully, even though his space power was fast depleting, he used his body to defend and used space power only to control his speed.

Thus, albeit the injuries, he stayed much longer in the air.


Varian finally landed on the ground and smiled at the few magic beasts that were barely alive.

"Hehe." A bright light flashed and heads rolled.

Every magic beast was dead.

Varian sat amidst the gruesome scene without a care in the world and gulped down the green liquid.

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