Divine Path System

1022 Just who did we provoke?

While Julius focused on his ascension, Varian was about to finish off Water Queen. But two powerful auras locked onto him and his senses screamed of danger.

Varian’s body instinctively tried to pull back but his mind forcibly stopped the movement. ‘If I leave her, it’d be three vs one.’

The space behind Varian was split by a lightning bolt which was closed followed by the Undead Leader whose momentum seemed unstoppable.

Varian punched at the abyssal ruler without mercy.

“No!” A water bubble  enveloped Water Queen’s head and acted as her desperate defense.

Varian’s fist slowed down and before he reached her, they’d reach him.

‘Sia, Sarah, do your best.’ He urged them and dragged his fist through the water bubble.

The lightning bolt heading for Varian shook as the space around it twisted and darkness enveloped it from the sides, not directly fighting its momentum but trying to wear it down. Its like applying some sticky heavy material to an arrow, hindering its flight. Finally, an invisible power enveloped and decreased its time flow.

Thanks to the concerted effort, the lightning bolt slowed down a bit.

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Snorting, the Undead leader followed his instincts and continued forward.

Sia knew it’d be useless, so the illusions were used only to make him momentarily pause.

Then, the Undead felt a brilliant light envelop him. Then something weird happened.

The light around Varian began to twist and distort. In concurrence, the illusions also began to contort and twist.

The Undead Leader blinked in confusion. The world lit up in bright colors, space itself twisted and multiple Varians began to pop up.

Then, his head suddenly grew heavy. His neck strained and his brain was having trouble working accurately.

The perfect instincts he relied on were stressed and he grew unsure which Varian in front of him was the real one.

“Cheap tricks!” He cursed and shot forward.

He only had doubts about two Varians. One of them must be real. And they’re very close to each other, so he could check them both in a second.

Even though Sia and Sarah cooperated, this was the best they could do.

The extra time they created was very small. It wouldn’t have a made a difference if they were fighting a Sovereign by themselves.

But for Varian who needed support, their help was godsend.

In that little time interval, he broke the abyssal ruler’s defense and punched through her skull. And he immediately teleported.

The space where he previously stood exploded as a lightning bolt pour out all its mana. Shortly after, the Undead Leader reached that position, ready to kill.

“Haa.” Varian breathed out the tension and smiled at the two girls gratefully.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

They smiled back as they got into the ghost ship. If they remained out, it’d be dangerous should the Undead or Thunder King try to attack them in the middle.

They didn’t count on the abyssals’ morality. And they certainly didn’t want to implicate Varian by putting themselves to danger.

Still, they’re ready to poke around in the middle of the battle and disturb the Thunder King and Undead Leader as much as they could.

Their strength wasn’t enough to fight directly but to distract? It’s plenty.

Varian appreciated their understanding and turned his gaze to the two old enemies. His warm smile changed into a cold, cruel smirk and his eyes blazed with bloodlust.

When he returned from Hortus, Neptune was about to be destroyed.

Sovereign Ares stopped Thunder King and Evander stopped Undead Leader.

At that time, without the help of the two older awakeners, Varian could do little against these bastards. But things have changed in less than a week.

It’s not just one on one, even in a one on two, Varian wasn’t afraid.

“So, how do you want to die?” Varian’s voice was laced with coldness and bloodlust as he stared at the two bastards for Neptune massacre.

The Undead snorted and raised his hand to grab the corpse of the dead zombie sovereign’s headless corpse.

But Varian snapped and the corpse exploded into pieces of ashen flesh and bones remained.

Thunder King narrowed his eyes at Varian’s display of power. None of the paths reached Sovereign state, but the combination of them did.

Just now, he felt the usage of space, telekinetic, ice and even…some other powers he wasn’t sure of.

‘How can the legacy of devas be so outrageous? How can one person have so many powers? And how did he even advance so much in each of these paths?’ Thunder King’s heart thumped in fear and anticipation.

‘If we kill him, maybe we can get some special legacy from his corpse. Then, who can stop my race?’ His head grew giddy and his lips curled up unknowingly.

But Varian’s killing intent felt like sharp blades grazing against his skin and dragged him back to the harsh reality.

“I can kill you here like you’re dogs.” Varian said as if he was stating a normal fact and it caused both the Undead and the Thunder King to shudder.

Then, realizing the fear they just felt, their faces flushed with shame and anger. “No, we’ll easil—”

Varian continued without a care for their words in the same casual tone that caused the hair on their necks to stand on its end. “Or I can tear your limbs apart one by one, electrocute you, burn you, heal you and then burn you again until you break into mindless pieces of meat that would only crave for death.”

Thunder King’s heart sank as he stared at the eyes of the young man. They were completely cold and emotionless, as if…he was staring at some killing machine and not a living being of flesh and blood.

“Oh, I just got a better idea,” Varian’s face showed a warm smile and he clapped his hands, nearly causing the two to stumble back instinctively.

“You two orchestrated the genocide on Neptune. You fucking killed billions! Billions! So, I’ll beat you down, take you to your own abyss and have you watch as I slaughter the last member of your abyss.”

Thunder King watched Varian’s devilish smile and gulped. ‘Just who did we provoke?’

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