Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 684 Schemes Of The Flowing Mist Sec

Davis inwardly laughed as he heard Emperor Kaiser Ethren speak.

He was the one who had Keith Ethren self-destruct while using Fallen Heaven to do his bid. But now, Keith Ethren's Royal Father, described his death in such a way that it became a sacrifice, essentially turning Keith Ethren into a martyr!

If he wasn't the one who orchestrated Keith Ethren's death, making the latter self-destruct, then he felt that he might've believed this fake story as well, just like Havle Alstreim who seemed to nod in response.

Davis's lips curled into a mocking smile before his deep voice echoed.

"Did Keith Ethren want to protect Conferred Queen Isabella before he decided to self-destruct? What were his real intentions towards her?"

"... No, he was harping in pain on how he was about to violate her, brutally harm her, and throw her to the magical beasts to be devoured if he ever had the chance to do so..."

The surroundings became completely silent as even the breeze seemed to stop as their waving robes hung stagnantly over them.

Davis shot a look towards Emperor Kaiser Ethren as he spoke a single word with murderous intent!


His voice deeply echoed towards Emperor Kaiser Ethren as the latter subconsciously slumped his posture from fear!

With a meek sounding "Yes~", he scampered away from the area, flying away as if his imaginary tail were hidden under his legs. The two Royal Protectors were even more afraid as they shot towards the distance the moment their Emperor turned tail.

Even Havle Alstreim felt his heart stop for a moment. He gulped and stayed tightly closed his lips, not willing to open his mouth and attract aggression from this expert. 

He felt that the Ethren's were rather let off scot-free but when he turned to look at those four Royal Protectors who had rather turned into slaves, his eyes twitched as he realized why this expert let them go.

The Ethren Royal Family has already paid the price for their transgression by having four of their pillars, Low-Level Eighth Stage Experts enslaved.

But even if the Ethren Empire were to raise their voice and demand their experts be freed of slave seals, he had already decided to pursue this matter to end the lives of these four traitorous bastards.

Namely, Dian Ethren, Ramez Ethren, Kalamaz Ethren, and Olyver Ethren.

Now, they were all nothing but slaves.

Eighth Stage Experts as slaves!!!

Havle Alstreim gulped in envy, fear, and jealousy.

Even the Alstreim Family only had a few Eighth Stage Experts as slaves, only up to the level of Mid-Level. These people had more or less offended the Alstreim Family and were designated to be slaves of their Grand Elders till the end of their lives.

These slaves were once foolish enough to offend them but they were subdued by their Grand Elders anyway. Even then, their own experts had found it difficult to cast a slave seal on them but this senior just seemed to throw those slave seals at them before they completely lost all their will.

Such a scary thing, he had never witnessed it before!

Davis didn't act.

When he heard what Keith Ethren thought about Princess Isabella, killing intent truly erupted from him as he felt like going on a killing spree. However, he still suppressed his emotions and that was the result of him telling them to scram.

Otherwise, the little death-like energy that had leaked would have made the Ethren's utterly submit in fear!

With a harrumph, he gestured for Havle Alstreim to continue with the interrogation.

Currently, only the two shivering subordinates stayed around other than the three of them, including Algos Yantra.

Havle Alstreim cleared his throat and took a moment to organize his thoughts as questions.

He then spoke, "Are there any more accomplices or allies in the Ethren Empire?"

"... No."

"I see... Why are there no allies?"

"Because allies cannot be believed. It will effectively cause our schemes to fall into ruin..."

Havle Alstreim nodded his head but then his eyes narrowed when he thought about the reply.


He blinked before his expression changed.

"You mean that the Yantra Family has not only targeted the Ethren Empire?"

"... Yes." Algos Yantra revealed without a care in the world.

Havle Alstreim's face became ugly as he looked towards his two subordinates who also looked at him as if their families were killed.

He couldn't help but turn back and shout, "What other places in the Alstreim Family Territory have you targeted!?"

"... Kazire Empire, Zeth Empire, Inciria Empire, Sea Plunderer's Alliance..."

Havle Alstreim heard the long list of Low-Level Emperor Grade Powers listed by Algos Yantra, even including sects and organizations that were supposed to have undisguised allegiance to them in territorial diplomacy.

His face scrunched up in anger!

"Have all these powers already defected to the Flowing Mist Sect's side?" One of the two subordinates' lips trembled.

Havle Alstreim clenched his fists as knuckles and joints cracked. He wanted nothing more than storm into the Flowing Mist Sect and kill them!

He posed his subordinate's doubt to Algos Yantra.

"... No. Only the Zeth Empire has secretly defected to our side. As for the other Empires, our other Elders are still in the process of having them defect to our side."

"Why?" Havle Alstreim's face became pale.

He only meant it as an expression of his disbelief but it garnered am answer from Algos Yantra.

"So that the Alstreim Family will be busy in quelling the rebellion and insurgents, we, the Yantra Family Elders, along with our ancestor will invade the Alstreim Family and plunder their resources before retreating in one piece or little causality."

Veins erupted on Havle Alstreim's fists. He instantly took out a jade stone from his spatial ring and relayed his intent into the messaging talisman!

Davis looked at this ongoing spectacle with narrowed eyes.

He thought the Alstreim Family was incredibly powerful but it was this vulnerable?

'Of course, in their own Territory, they're the Kings and Emperors. However, outside, they're nothing but a frog in a well.'

'According to mother and Grand Uncle Daniuis, the Alstreim Family's ancestor is a Low-Level Ninth Stage Powerhouse...'

Davis pursed his lips, feeling how powerful the other party was with just his imagination. However, when he subconsciously compared the Alstreim Family's ancestor to the powerhouses who were in the medium-sized and large Territories, he couldn't help but feel the stature of the Alstreim Family's ancestor fall by an entire level.

Just the level gap between Seventh Stage Experts was enormously huge... much less needs to be said about the gap between the prowess of Ninth Stage Powerhouses.

Perhaps to the medium-sized and large Territories, the Alstreim Family was nothing but a frog in a well.

Davis almost let out of a grin as he had his four new slaves align themselves behind him. With these four new slaves added who will obediently obey his words, he momentarily felt that he could even barge into the Alstreim Family and demand justice for his mother.

At least, in his view, it became possible.

However, these slaves, no, puppets with no will were unable to think for themselves. So if he told them to protect someone, they would only react after the attack had been launched and by that time, it would be too late!

They would be easily killed!

That's why Davis had never relied on puppets tamed by Fallen Heaven. Each and one of them were useless as a doll.

To effectively use them, he would have to constantly command and by the time they understand his words and act on it, something would have already happened.

Hence, these puppets were only effective for displaying power and stable yet stagnant defense, where they get to defend one single place.

In short, they were incredibly useful for protecting his residence against enemy attacks!

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