Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 4132 Great Success?

Chapter 4132  Great Success?

Mingzhi looked at the crowd.

But after some time, she couldn't help but heave a heavy sigh secretly as she found no sign of those three villains in them.

Rather than Heaven's Warriors finding them here, the presence of those villains was the thing that scared her the most. If they found Accused Warlock Fraser Herrion, Vile Enchanter Kieran Hartley, and Wicked Tamer Jaxon Harrow here, then they would have no choice but to abandon them all again in the worst-case scenario.

That's why she remained near the three of their family members for some more time, talking as though she was interested in their family while collecting details about them, making sure that there wasn't an impostor among them. However, it wasn't like she was indifferent to their stories. She was indeed interested, as she was prone to gossip and drama, but she didn't forget about being vigilant.

Even among those three villains, Vile Enchanter Kieran Hartley had a mysterious method of possession. Unless he resurfaced in the soul he possessed, it would be very difficult to find him.

However, Mingzhi wasn't afraid. She had trained how to counter that kind of concealed possession as well with Ellia's help.


After making everyone think she was finished, she suddenly began singing in a monotonous tone, her melodious voice reverberating in the field. It caused everyone to grab their heads and grunt and moan as they felt their souls slightly in pain. It was as though someone was stabbing their souls ever so lightly, making them react with instinctive emotions.

At the same time, a strange power differentiated the pain. It split the emotions into light and darkness, two different wavelengths. Although they were different, it needed to be the same. If they were not the same, then it would confirm her fears.

Mingzhi was searching for a difference in the wavelength of their emotions. As long as she found any discrepancy, she knew they were compromised.

On the other hand, Fenren, Soaren, and Andiron watched their family members suffer. They clenched their fists, knowing that there was a possibility of those three villains appearing.

Fenren was still shaken. After all, his Renfa Jadelight was once possessed by Vile Enchanter Kieran Hartley. He was looking for payback, but not at this time when everything was settled and they finally made their way here safely.

He deeply wished they wouldn't appear now.

Perhaps his prayers were answered since Mingzhi showed no signs of panic after stopping. However, it could just be her way of not wanting to alert the enemy.

At this moment, Illumina, Lereza, Vereina, and the other Empyreans all secretly surrounded the rescued family members. They were ready to strike at the hint of a command or a strange reaction from the crowd. They could be lucky, or there might be some innocent casualties, but it was a small price to pay compared to losing everything.

Fenren and the other two naturally knew of the consequences. This was the most dangerous part after rescuing their family members.

Mingzhi slowly walked over to them before announcing.

"We're clear."


Fenren, Soaren, and Andiron finally released the breaths they had been holding.

"You're amazing, sister Mingzhi. Even though you're pregnant with Davis's child, you still came out to help us. I owe you a big deal." Fenren instantly thanked her profusely as he cupped his hands.

"You can ask us anything!"

Soaren and Andiron also echoed the same sentiments, but Mingzhi causally waved her hand.

"It's not a problem. Now that this rescue mission is finished, we're all safe. There's nothing that can harm us from the outside anymore."

Mingzhi smiled gently. She was also relieved that Davis could be free of those heavenly mosquitoes. It would also be good for her child, who was going to be welcomed into this world in seven months or less. At this point, she wished nothing big would happen, and they spent the rest of the time of the Covenant without a tumultuous chapter.

"If there's nothing else, take care of the traitors. Even if they are forgiven, I must say they wouldn't be allowed within any of the sanctuaries."


Fenren and the others nodded. Fortunately, they had them in the life ring, so they wouldn't know where they were. It became easier to spare them if they didn't do much wrong. After all, at least half of them appeared to be forced because of the circumstances. They couldn't really blame them.

On the other hand, the selfish ones who wanted to betray and come up in life were free game.

They went to punish them. As Patriarchs, they had done this many times, so it didn't shake them at all.

Mingzhi was finally free. She walked towards Illumina and the others and asked about how it went.


At first, Mingzhi was grinning since everything was mostly according to the plan they had concocted together. Illumina, Lereza, and Vereina all took on their roles with utter seriousness and managed to protect them.

Even Fenren and the others had to admit how stupid they were for trying to leave early. There was no way they could've rescued their families together. It was very dangerous.

Nonetheless, once Mingzhi heard about Calypsea's feat, she looked at her small frame in shock. Even now, Calypsea appeared to be focused on drinking some juice. She thought Calypsea had gotten some new food, but it seemed like the new food was actually a Realm Core's melted essence.

More than that, Calypsea actually appeared to have communicated with the Realm Core Spirit and has successfully got its word to not form with anyone other than who she pointed to.

'Holy shit… this is bigger than any chapter I imagined in the next ten years…'

In Mingzhi's imagination, she could see Davis's wanted level increasing from six stars to seven stars.

He was considered a Realm Calamity, but right now, he might go beyond that for owning a Realm Calamity like Calypsea. That's why they were keen not to reveal Calypsea's existence. Although Calypsea's existence was rumored, many refused to believe such an entity could exist.

After all, when apocalyptic flames appeared in a realm, it would mean the end of the realm!

In the same way, if it manifested into a lifeform, it would mean the destruction of all life!

Looking at it from another perspective, the Divine Emperor of Death could still be reasoned with even with all the negative connotations, so they wouldn't be desperate enough to amass their entire armies and attack them, but for a lifeform like the manifestation of an apocalyptic spirit, they would think it could not be reasoned with and hunt it down to death!

This meant that-

'Davis needs to come out and personally announce that Calypsea is under his control. Otherwise, it is no longer a matter of life and death but a matter of pure death which will force the people of all realms to move out and exterminate us all no matter the cost…'

Mingzhi instantly saw through the intricacies.

Lereza didn't have much experience, and Illumina lacked foresight into the far future, so they were quite happy to be able to control a Realm Core. It was true that their initial days would be good after this news spread, but she could see the disaster heading for them sooner or later.

She needed to tell Davis about this matter, so she told Stella to transport them all back to the Second Void Dust Sanctuary after they were done here.

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