Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3650 The First Hidden Pagoda

Chapter 3650  The First Hidden Pagoda


Evelynn heard Rea Tyriel's words and was honestly surprised. She didn't think that this woman would amount to anything in this Candidacy, considering that she was young and didn't have anyone to back her up as Davis did for them.

She wasn't looking down on her but genuinely thought she was out of place like Yi Feng since the time she had after being born to grow was minuscule compared to the majority.

Evelynn didn't know what she would be capable of if she didn't have Davis. Perhaps she would still be mortal right now as she would've never chanced upon the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid's inheritance without entering his life.

"I see having the inheritance of the Lunar Moon Crow and being a possessor of the Glazed Light Soul Physique elevated your prowess to a significant level…"

"Yeah, the combination of the King-Tier Lunar Moon Crow's light and the Glazed Light Soul's light energy is significantly destructive…"

Rea Tyriel uttered with pride, "Using that power, I managed to clear the First Hidden Pagoda's Trial of having to destroy the highest number of statues first than anyone else."

"Wait… what do you mean by the First Hidden Pagoda?"

"You don't know?" Rea Tyriel went confused before her eyes widened, "So you never came across the monuments but chanced upon me? What kind of luck are you in possession of?"

"Luck… I would say I was the luckiest woman to be married first to him."

"You're pissing me off…" Looking at her scowl, Evelynn's lips curled.

"Get on with it."

"…" Rea Tyriel's bosoms heaved, "Fine, the First Hidden Pagoda was on a mountain, and it was ridiculously huge for something that's called hidden. It was really tall, and anyone within a few thousand kilometers could see it. It had us all flocking there like migratory birds, so we were able to touch it and know that everyone who had made it to the second step and above was allowed to have free entry while those who had only reached the first step required a thousand crystal units."

"I see…"

Evelynn started understanding the gist of these Hidden Pagodas.

They gave rewards such as this Empyrean Grade Pill.

It was no wonder those people came to mine crystals but were forced to escape by the crystal phoenix.

"Of course," Rea Tyriel continued reluctantly, sighing a bit, "There were many Candidates who were on the first step, but only the faster ones were able to make it back after collecting the crystal units, and as soon as the last one arrived, we started the First Hidden Pagoda's trial."

"We were taken to an empty space where we were able to control a replica of ourselves, one that is limited to Level One Immortal King Stage. The rules didn't say anything about killing each other, so I thought we would engage in a battle royale, but it was simpler than I had expected. All we had to do was to destroy the two hundred and fifty-six statues, and whoever destroyed the most won."

"But it wasn't easy. The statues were able to move and dodge. Candidates were killing each other left and right since it was easier to target them than the statues. However, after I won and returned outside, those supposedly dead Candidates still alive and even attacked me in order to steal my rewards even though they didn't know what it was— those bastards."

Rea Tyriel fumed before she glared at Evelynn, "So I theorized that when we enter the Hidden Pagoda, we aren't fighting using our real bodies but something else."


Evelynn frowned. Were there any dangers if they weren't competing with real dangers?

However, she didn't think so, as this Crystal World alone was far more dangerous.

'Perhaps… the trials are done that way to ensure fairness while the survivability out here is quite difficult with all those crystal beasts targeting those who intrude into their territory and Candidates looking to kill each other…'

"So, how did you escape?" Evelynn didn't stop asking questions.

She wanted to know everything as she lacked information the most after getting stuck there for many hours.

Rea Tyriel twitched, "Well, it took all my energy to escape. Even after I cleared the First Hidden Pagoda, my cultivation only increased by one. Becoming a Level Two Immortal King, my prowess wasn't enough to defeat those bastards who had only reached the first step. They were at Level Nine Immortal King Stage upon the dispersal of the seal, extremely hard to defend against, so I instantly tried to get away by using the Escape Talisman, but the hundreds of attacks falling on me managed to harm me, especially from a bastard who quickly entered the Immortal Emperor Stage."

"He rammed straight into me… trying to slice my body into two."

Rea Tyriel shuddered as she thought back to the scene.

Some Candidates were clearly prepared to unleash their stored energy in order to rise to the Immortal Emperor Stage in an instant. And since they were already Immortal Emperors once, they didn't even need to face their Immortal Emperor Tribulations, allowing them to quickly reclaim their power as Immortal Emperors.

She could only imagine what kind of bloodbath ensued after that as the two hundred and fifty-sixty and more Candidates fought each other. After all, the Immortal Emperors wouldn't let go of this chance to reduce competition.

Evelynn also felt the same, but there was also some minor chance that they could've all stopped and looked at each other, knowing there was more to come and that this wasn't the time to fight. However, were they a patient bunch?

Evelynn pursed her lips, heaving a sigh, "You said they targeted and attacked you since you cleared the First Hidden Pagoda? Was it announced, or was it because people saw you receive the pill?"


Rea Tyriel stared at Evelynn.

She wanted to hide this the most as perhaps after this, her head might fly off. The origin of the pill was the only leverage she had. If she revealed it, she might as well bury her own grave.

"You promise not to kill me?"

"If I did, would you believe me?"

"I would… since you're representing him…'"


Rea Tyriel's voice was meek, causing Evelynn to blink. She felt she had no choice but to swallow those words as the gospel.

"You finally said something smart…"

Evelynn shook her head before looking at her straight, "I, Evelynn Davis, promise not to kill you as long as you leave this place without coming back to me. If you didn't exit this Crystal World and still came chasing after me, then this promise is void."


Rea Tyriel laughed lightly without a sound. She leaned on the tree, gasping for breath while adjusting her position for more comfort.

Looking at this scene, Evelynn knew Rea Tyriel was in pain.

The remnant Immortal Emperor energy inside her must be wreaking havoc. She had only done first aid and not really treated the internal injuries as she couldn't. She was not capable of healing Rea Tyriel as her energy was of the poisonous type.

"You should leave soon so you can treat your injuries. You wouldn't survive here much long with those injuries."

"You think so?" Rea Tyriel laughed silently again, "I would die with this hex still sealing my cultivation, but if you could disperse it, then I would survive just fine for years to come."

"But you'll still be in pain."

"Not as much pain as getting that pill stolen…"

"Do you want me to kill you here to end your misery?"

"Dammit! Just why did you have to find me…!?"

Rea Tyriel clenched her teeth, glaring at Evelynn with bloodshot eyes before she finally spat out.

"It's called the Gilded Realm Ascendant Pill, capable of increasing the prowess of Immortal Emperors by two or three levels and even inflating the dantian's energy storing capacity, which means your energy storage would be as big as an Empyrean's…"


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