Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1856: A Hoax?

Chapter 1856: A Hoax?


Just before Ulyzen could fall into the crevice, a heavy breeze struck against him, launching him away before he fell on the sand and rolled his way down before regaining balance, spitting out blood while looking miserable, his hair unkempt and his robes full of sand.

He raised his head and saw that he was saved by Jambei, who now appeared to be surrounded by formless windy blades that appeared extremely sharp. However, he noticed that they were not blades but resembled the edges of wings, almost like they resembled a magical beast.

But, what was even more astonishing was that he was overwhelming the successor of the Heaven Mandate Temple, causing her to take a step back each time a wing blade landed on her formless might.

*Whiz!~* *Whiz!~* *Whiz!~*

Countless wind blades with a sharp end attacked Clara, causing her to feel suppressed. Despite having her domain active and her formless might active, she still took plenty of steps, wanting to mitigate the wind blades that were constantly pouring at her.

She had no doubt that this could rend her to pieces, causing her to open her mouth.

“Retract the attacks you are launching at me~”

Her heavenly voice resounded with gait, bringing forth a heavy momentum that made Jambei clench his hands as he unexpectedly extinguished his attacks because of her forceful command! He looked at her with bright, shocked eyes, but it was also one of admiration more than desire.

Clara appeared unharmed, still staying calm.

She knew that the more overbearing the command, the more it is difficult to realize. The more lenient the command, the easier it is to control the other person’s actions and movements. This was also dependent on stages and levels as she could still command people a few levels lower than her prowess to die.

However, if she implied a condition while stating a command, the chances that it would be realized became higher, and that was what successfully managed to stop Jambei from attacking her, causing him to retract his attacks because he launched his attacks at her.

But… what she was truly mystified about was that the wind’s nature that suddenly changed, catching her off-guard as it almost destroyed her formless might if she hadn’t strengthened it more using the full potential of her domain in time.

The millions of people outside were also shocked at this scene.

How come Jambei suddenly became powerful? Did he use his blood essence? Or does this have something to do with the unique physique that everyone was talking about?

“This… the nature of his wind is no longer the same. Although it is still formless, there is more destructiveness to it, and… has a magical beast-like aura…”

The Starnova Emperor became wide-eyed, turning to look at the Karmic Guardian Emperor, who also looked equally confused.

“This… could it be…?”

“What is it?” Starnova Emperor eagerly asked when the Karmic Guardian Emperor spoke while heaving a regretful sigh.

“News that a remnant tomb of a wind-attribute inheritance was found in my Heaven Gazing Sect Territory around twenty years ago. However, when I sent my people, there was no longer anything left, not even a trace of inheritance, not even the slightest inkling that it even existed. We ended up classifying it as a hoax like many other sites claimed to be remnant sites, but it seems like this young man is…”

“You mean to say that Jambei is the one who got this wind-attributed inheritance and took away the tomb without anyone coming to know of it?”

The Karmic Guardian Emperor paused before he nodded.

“Indeed, and his wind has a magical beast aura to it because that remnant tomb was rumored to belong to the successor of the Emerald Gale Roc Immortal.”

“What? Such a being left a remnant tomb in your Territory, and you didn’t even bother to tell me about it?”

The Vast Sky Emperor displayed anger as he spoke. After all, his sect concentrates on Wind and Space Laws, not to mention that obtaining such a site would’ve allowed him to become a more powerful, perhaps powerful present than anyone in this world.

“Vast Sky. I don’t remember sharing my Territory with yours.”

The Karmic Guardian Emperor narrowed his eyes, looking offended.


The Vast Sky Emperor refused to speak as he cast his annoyed glance elsewhere.

“Relay my command to all the Four Great Righteous Sects and the Ascending Path Sect. From here on out, Jambei would be protected under our umbrella.”

At this moment, the Mandate Emperor spoke, causing the others to become alarmed. Each had their own thoughts to it, but they ended up temporarily nodding to the Mandate Emperor’s words.

At the same time, the Mandate Emperor sent a soul transmission to one of the two arbitrators of the battle stage.

“Mihangel Evans. Make sure that Jambei doesn’t harm Clara. We would want to avoid a conflict with the Emperor of Death no matter the cost, even if it harms our reputation.”

These strong words caused Mihangel Evans to be shocked. However, he didn’t display much reaction as he sent a soul transmission back.

“Yes, Temple Master.”

Coincidentally, it was not only the Heaven Mandate Temple who knew about this matter but also the sects living in its Territory. They all believed that it was a hoax like many other remnant sites that have been later proven to be fake, sometimes even made by wicked path experts to lure people into their traps. But since this happened around twenty years ago, it was fairly fresh in their minds, instantly being spread to the crowd as they gasped in jealousy and envy, even lamenting their own fates to the luck of one single person.

As for the Ascending Path Sect, they were dumbfounded once they found out about this matter. They were moved but also angered, especially the Sect Master.

Did this mean that Jambei didn’t trust them enough to reveal this information? Is that why he was always aloof, looking down on everyone?

“Young Mistress Clara, I admire your ability to defend against my winged wind blades, but I suggest you give up as I’m still holding back. I don’t want to harm my future in many ways, after all.”

Terrifying winged blades swirled around Jambei as he spoke with a calm demeanor. At this moment, it felt like he was truly one with the wind, capable of causing immense destruction as fire and lightning could.

“This aura… which magical beast is this?”

Clara asked, which instantly caused the people outside to be attentive to their projections.

“I’m sure the people outside already noticed. Ah, this sucks. I wanted to stay hidden or perhaps use it in the final round, but I never thought that I would have to use it at the beginning of this competition. However, this doesn’t mean that I am weak. It’s just; you are powerful that I should’ve, in all right, met you in the finals, Young Miss Clara.”

“As for the name of the magical beast,” Jambei smirked with pride, “It’s none other than the Emerald Gale Roc, one of the five Grand Sky Supreme Beasts.”

Clara’s eyes went wide in astonishment, and her reaction caused Jambei to feel fulfilled.

But different from what he imagined, what Clara found astonishing was not the magical beast he spoke about but that remnant tombs of immortal inheritances were still being found. Otherwise, it didn’t make sense to her. After all, if it were a whole Immortal Inheritance, it would’ve created a massive commotion already.

It made her think, what if there were more unearthed remnant tombs left in this world? It made her want to go on an adventure just to find and share it with her family members to strengthen them if it wasn’t useful to her because that’s what her brother did.

“Young Miss Clara?”

Jambei teasingly prompted, causing Clara to come out of her reverie, but the poor lad totally misunderstood that as admiration and acknowledgment.

Clara raised her hands suddenly, causing him to narrow his eyes as he wondered if she was still not convinced. However, instead of a formless might, he felt a chill embrace him.

Wisps of ice began to emerge into existence around his wind as they tried to solidify the strands of winged wind blades, effectively slowing them down, causing his as well as the pupils of the Four Great Righteous Sect Leaders to dilate! 

“Isn’t that the Ice Phoenix Flames we just talked about!?”

The Starnova Emperor flinched in shock, unable to believe his eyes.

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