Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1612 - Deep Slumber

Davis, Nadia, and Fiora moved towards Tina Roxley's room that has been assigned to her. Natalya had been more or less taking care of her because she had more or less felt her heart-wrenching pain enough to spurred into a suicidal action at that time.

Although she later understood that it was ridiculous of her to hastily end her own life, she wholeheartedly acknowledged Tina Roxley's love for Davis. Fiora also helped her take care of her too, although it wasn't much.

Davis pushed open the door and saw the lonely bed inside the empty room. On top of it was a white-haired woman who slept expressionlessly as she breathed once in a dozen seconds. She wore a purple robe, patterned with a few cauldron symbols that denoted that she could be an alchemist, and in truth, she is indeed an alchemist.


Davis's heart shook as he saw Tina Roxley's current appearance. He felt mortified that he stopped for a moment before he abruptly rushed towards her side. The memories of his original fate appeared in his mind, the years he spent together with her, knowing her. However, both were not the same as Davis and Tina Roxley in their original fate as they experienced different lives and tribulations.

Nevertheless, the little time he spent with her in this life, looking at her try so hard to make him look at her way, was precious enough to change his mind towards her.


'I no longer feel any kind of interference in my thoughts or emotions.'

'If I'm not wrong, when Fallen Heaven reached the eighth stage along with me, its powers inevitable made me recall bits and parts of my original fate, and when it made a breakthrough to the ninth stage while I was in a vegetative state, it unconsciously allowed me to view my entire original fate to the current time.'

'Now I understand. The life that I experienced with her in the original fate was interfering with my thoughts. It wasn't someone else's doing.'

Davis sat beside her as he reached out his hand towards her head, brushing her white hair. She looked so beautiful to him now, probably because he retained those memories, although it didn't actively influence him as it did before.

"What happened to her, Fiora? Tell me all you know..."

Davis wanted to know everything while Fiora explained how Tina Roxley fell unconscious and that she had been inflicted with Aching Desolate Soul Ailment as described by Apothecary Nazca Alstreim.

Davis nodded as he finished hearing that she lost the will to live upon seeing his death. He didn't show much expression, but his face remained gentle as he still caressed her white hair.

"Dumb Tina, you still came to view me as your pillar in this life while we walked different paths? The heavens must really detest its story being brushed off for it to send you to me. Haha..."

Davis couldn't help but laugh at the heavens. He mused that it was probably trying to patch up everything Fallen Heaven changed.

"Huh? She heard your voice, so why isn't she waking up?"

Fiora couldn't help but voice out her doubt.

Could it be what she wanted to hear was not Davis's voice?

"Fiora, this is a matter of the soul. How can she hear me while she is in deep slumber, closing herself up?"

"Ah~" Fiora looked embarrassed as she shut her mouth.

She totally misunderstood that. No wonder Tina Roxley didn't wake up when she tried to imitate Davis's voice to her. Now, she was doubtful if her fake voice would still work once she got inside her soul sea.

Davis smiled at Fiora, finding her adorable, before he turned to look at his sleeping beauty.

He was sure Fallen Heaven's life energy would be able to heal her, but feeling a bit selfish, he placed his finger and forehead and entered her soul sea.

His form took shape in her soul sea before he looked around.


It was practically silent and dull.

Evelynn's soul sea was stormy with darkness, but this was just the opposite as he could not sense activity. Only her fluctuations that said that she was still alive were visible to his senses, but even then, it was dull, like a faint heartbeat that indicated that person was about to die, except it continued for a long time, slowly deteriorating over time as Apothecary Nazca Alstreim said.

Davis wandered her soul sea for a few seconds, knowing where to go as if finding the source of the pulse before he arrived in front of her soul essence. Not many could find someone's soul essence as fast as him.

However, the moment he laid his eyes on her soul essence, his eyes went wide.

It was not because it adopted any color as it remained colorless, but a hazy figure curled up inside it, remaining in a fetal position. It was none other than Tina Roxley.

'Holy...! She really has closed herself off from the world. This ain't any ailment... it's self-inflicting solitary confinement that's enough to be considered as a major and fatal ailment. She didn't want to face reality to an extreme level...'

However, knowing that the stress she felt was real and overwhelming, he didn't blame her. Instead, he once again blamed himself for almost dying in the first place.

"Fallen Heaven. That's the manifestation of her soul imprint, right?"

Davis couldn't help but ask.

"Indeed, if you so much as harm this manifestation or cause it to waver heavily, her soul imprint could shatter, causing her to die..."

Davis nodded as he gulped outwardly.

'No wonder nobody tried to heal her. They knew that affecting this manifestation in the wrong way can essentially kill her.'

He flew closer before he arrived right in front of her soul essence. He looked around for an entrance, but there was no way there would be one.

'Do I really have to yell and shake her soul...?'

Davis couldn't help but wonder, hesitating to do so because he could just take a step back and use Fallen Heaven's life energy to heal her. This was needless in his opinion, but he selfishly wanted to save her all by himself.

"Tina Roxley, did you know that you and I were destined by the heavens, but I unknowingly-"

Davis stopped speaking as he saw her image tremble. He had just wanted to share his thoughts, but it caused a reaction from her. Just when he thought that he should gently speak again, he saw her raise her head from her fetal position and look at him, her eyes deathly still before it possessed a semblance of life within it, reaching out her hand towards him.

Davis subconsciously reached out his hand as well, his soul entering through her soul essence as though Tina Roxley allowed him to enter. The moment their hands touched, Tina Roxley trembled before she dispersed into thin air.


Tina Roxley sat up on the bed, reacting similarly to Davis when he woke up as she took deep breaths while her bosoms heaved. She noticed Davis sitting beside her before she leaped, embracing him as her entire body began to tremble.

"Davis... you're alive..."

She weakly uttered, tears welling up from her eyes as they started to fall like a river, flowing down her face as it splattered on Davis's shoulder.

Davis was a bit dumbfounded to think that only his voice was needed to wake her up. He misunderstood that Apothecary Nazca Alstreim was just metaphorically speaking and didn't think that it was literally what she meant.

His voice alone was enough for Tina Roxley to wake up from her deep slumber because that was what she wanted to hear the most!

Nevertheless, noticing her body unceasingly tremble while holding him, he wrapped his arms around her soft body and began to caress her back, consoling her.

"Everything is fine. Now that I am here with you, there is no need to worry."

Davis whispered ever so gently in Tina Roxley's ears, causing her tears to flood even more as she tightly held him.

"I was afraid... afraid that you died..."

"I know. Just take a few deep breaths and calm down, my love."

Tina Roxley's expression froze as her mouth went agape.

"You are not Davis. Is this a dream...?" She looked around, her eyes becoming wary while she still breathed heavily.


Davis almost couldn't help but laugh, but he knew that she was utterly confused, as she should be.

He suddenly leaned and kissed her forehead, putting her down in a sleeping position as a pure white light began to emerge from his palms as it fell on her.

Tina Roxley was completely taken aback by the kiss that she practically froze. Anger erupted inside her, thinking that someone else disguising as Davis kissed her, but at the same time, she noticed Fiora, whom she knew that Davis was romantically seeing as a few other women whom he wanted to marry.

Her body froze again, but this time, a pure white light descended on her, making her feel good while she felt her aching soul feel at ease, making her feel comfortable and relaxed.


Tina Roxley called out as she viewed his countenance, her eyes and voice appearing to be full of longing.

"That's right... Sleep, take some rest, my long-forgotten sweetheart."

Hearing Davis's gentle tone, Tina Roxley felt her heart flutter despite it still beating faster as she had just woke up from her seven months slumber. In the end, knowing that it was her Davis, she listened to him and closed her eyes.


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