Demon’s Diary

Chapter 1234: Purgatory Mountain Range

Chapter 1234: Purgatory Mountain Range

“I didn’t expect Sister Xue Long to have such a rare treasure. This is great.” Lan Si said happily.

There was also a little joy in Liu Ming’s eyes.

The grade of this flying car was obviously much higher than his Daiyue Jade Boat. It was like a real magic weapon. It seemed that the Blood Vine Race had a lot of experience in making such transport treasures.

“Of course!”

There was a smug look on Xue Long’s face. She launched a symbol. A clear bird chirp sounded, and the fire bird totem on the flying car shone with red light. The flying car grew to the size of 24 meters, which was enough to accommodate a dozen people. It was more than enough to carry them.

They flew into the flying car immediately. Xue Long changed gestures and launched a few more symbols.

The flying car trembled slightly. Patches of red clouds suddenly appeared around it. The flying car transformed into a long and narrow fire bird phantasm. After shaking its wings, flames rolled all over its feathers, brightening the flames reflected by the entire mountain peak. At an inconceivable speed, it disappeared into the distant sky.

Tsk tsk, Sister Xue Long’s flying car is really extraordinary. It is 3 times faster than the dark wood carved car of my clan.” On the flying car, Lan Si looked at the rapidly moving scenery on both sides and said in admiration.

Xue Long smiled, looking quite proud.

Liu Ming glanced at the edge of the flying car. There were several grooves that were inlaid with several fiery red crystal stones. They were all top-quality fire attribute crystal stones. Each of them was very valuable.

While the flying car was speeding, the spiritual power in those fiery red crystals was also consumed at a very fast speed.

According to this speed, the spiritual power in these crystals would be exhausted within an hour or two.

He took a look at Xue Long, secretly sighing that Blood Vine Race was indeed the largest clan in the Savage Wild Continent. She just regarded the rare top-quality spirit stones as ordinary spirit stones.

At this moment, Liu Ming suddenly remembered something again, and he asked Lan Si,

“Miss Lan, how long will it take us to go back and forth to the Purgatory Mountain Range? Will it delay our trip to the Qing Ling Race?”

“Brother Liu, don’t worry, I have received solid news from that Qing Ling Race will not leave Hei Prison Mountain in a short time. When the hunting of crimson flame beastkin is over, we will rush there immediately. It won’t delay much time.” Lan Si smiled and explained.

“Okay, then I’m relieved!” Liu Ming heaved a sigh of relief, closing his eyes and meditating.

Lan Si flickered and landed on the edge of the flying car. She began to look at the scenery on both sides with great interest.

Xue Long glanced at Lan Si, then she looked at Liu Ming for a moment with a strange face, but she didn’t speak.

The atmosphere in the flying car fell silent for a moment. Only the whistling wind from both sides could be heard.

In the misty rolling mountains southeast of the Savage Wild Continent, there were few colors to be seen here except dull black and searing fiery red.

There were countless large and small craters all over the entire mountain range. From time to time, a crimson lava fire beam could be seen rising into the sky, and there were constant rumbles.

The air was filled with a pungent sulfur smell, and the temperature was frighteningly high.

This was one of the famous dangerous places, Purgatory Mountain Range on the Savage Wild Continent.

Although it was a dangerous place, the Purgatory Mountain Range also contained rare fire attribute spiritual materials, so beastkin cultivators often came to explore in groups, but generally, it was limited to the outer area.

The real core of the Purgatory Mountain Range was shrouded in a thick layer of fiery red smoke all year round. Except for the cultivators with solid strength, almost no one would approach here.

On this day, a thick red light stream shot from the distant sky and stopped outside the fiery red smoke.

With a flash of light, a light red flying car appeared. 3 figures were standing on it. They were Liu Ming, Lan Si and Xue Long who finally arrived here after more than 10 days of rushing.

Xue Long looked at the fiery red smoke in front, made a gesture and chanted a few unknown incantations in a very low voice.

The next moment, the flying boat under them turned into a flash of red light and disappeared into her storage bracelet.

“This is the famous fire miasma cloud of the Purgatory Mountain Range, right? Sister Xue Long, your flying car is also fire attribute, maybe it can pass through it directly?” Lan Si looked at the bursts of heatwaves and asked with a slight frown.

“It’s no problem for my flying car to break through this mere fire miasma cloud, but it’s not worth wasting its spirituality. I have an anti-flame bead here, which can protect you and me. As for Mr. Liu, I think you should have your own means of protecting yourself. If you can’t even pass here, then I have to re-evaluate your strength.” Xue Long twitched her mouth and said so.

As soon as she finished, she took out a crystal clear water blue bead and launched a symbol into it. A layer of blue light curtain appeared on the bead.

Then a wave of blue water light rolled out and wrapped Xue Long and Lan Si in an oval light ball about 3 meters. There was indeed no room for another person.

Xue Long glanced at Liu Ming again with a slight smile, then she made a gesture. The oval blue light ball rushed into the fire miasma cloud.

Liu Ming was expressionless!

The sizzling sounds were loud!

When the oval blue light ball touched the blood-red smoke, countless inaudible blue water lights were shot out from the surface, dispersing the fiery red smoke gradually. There was an empty space that was about the size of the oval blue light ball.

Poof“, the blue light ball rushed straight into the fiery red smoke.

“As far as I know, if there is no superb fire-resistance treasure, even the Celestial State cultivator may not be able to pass this fire miasma cloud. In case Mr. Liu is not good at resisting fire, facing the Celestial State crimson flame beastkin with only 2 of us, will it…” Even with the protection of the blue light curtain, Lan Si couldn’t help sweating. After looking back, she said a little worried.

Hmph, it’s just right to let that guy suffer a bit! Isn’t it just a crimson flame beastkin? I don’t believe I can’t deal with it.” Xue Long seemed to be feeling a little uncomfortable. She snorted.

As a result, the scene that stunned the two of them happened!

The fiery red smoke tumbled violently in the rear, then a green figure emerged. He was stepping forward with a blank face as if he was causally walking. The speed was extremely fast. Every step he made, he would move for 60 meters.

The figure was naturally Liu Ming.

And the scorching red smoke around him seemed to have no effect on him just like ordinary smoke.

If one looked closely, he could find that there was a thin layer of black water vapor covering Liu Ming.

With his powerful physical body that could rival the Celestial State cultivator, coupled with the Sky Beastkin blood essence and the extremely hard bones affected by the Hell Bone Secret, this miasma cloud could not cause any damage to him.

Now that he cleverly turned the hell river heavy water into a water curtain to protect his body, he was naturally even safer.

As a result, Liu Ming started to walk through the fiery red smoke together with the blue light ball transformed by Xue Long and Lan Si.

It took the three of them a few minutes to pass through the fire miasma cloud and came to a mountain range that was hotter than the outer area.

Fortunately, there was no red smoke here. The three of them immediately withdrew their means to resist the fire.

It was just that at this moment, Liu Ming was still calm and composed while Xue Long and Lan Si were dripping with sweat, looking quite embarrassed.

This made Xue Long sullen, but she couldn’t do anything to Liu Ming.

Lan Si looked at Liu Ming with more awe.

In the following time, under the lead of Xue Long, the three of them flew for another half an hour and arrived at the foot of a huge crimson peak.

There was a large cave at the bottom of the giant peak. According to Xue Long, the crimson flame beastkin should be inside.

“Let’s stop here. The crimson flame beastkin has keen senses. If we keep getting closer, we may be discovered.” Lan Si and Xue Long stopped when they were 40 miles away from the crimson giant peak. Liu Ming also stopped too.

He looked at the cave under the giant peak in the distance. The closer he got there, the higher the temperature was. Flames were faintly emanating from the cave, causing ripples in the air.

Liu Ming took out a green jade slip, which contained detailed information about the crimson flame beastkin. He had read it many times along the way.

“The Celestial State crimson flame beastkin is very powerful. In this lava field, it has an advantage in terms of location. Have you 2 thought of a plan?” Liu Ming turned around and said solemnly.

“Sister Lan Si and I have already planned this long ago.” Xue Long rolled her eyes at Liu Ming and said without thinking.

“Mr. Liu, the plan is like this. Because crimson flame beastkin is born with the ability to control the power of the surrounding fire element, and there is even a magma river under that cave, fighting it at that place will be a disadvantage to us. So, we plan to lure it out of the cave, then trap it with Wood Spirit Great Array and kill it.” Lan Si on the side explained to Liu Ming.

“Wood Spirit Great Array is a wood attribute array. Is it okay to set this up in such a hot place?” Liu Ming hesitated after thinking about it.

“No problem, Wood Spirit Great Array can summon trees with different attributes according to the environment. I will use fire attribute trees this time.” Lan Si smiled slightly. She took out a wooden box, which contained many fiery red cocoon-like tree seeds.

“In that case, let’s act according to the plan.” Seeing this, Liu Ming nodded.

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