Demon’s Diary

Chapter 1221: Black Water City

Chapter 1221: Black Water City

“It really is a good thing!” Liu Ming moved his body, and there was a faint layer of purple beastkin aura around him. He nodded in satisfaction.

“This Tapir Eye Bead is a treasure refined from the eye of the Real Pellet State cultivator in our Sunset Tribe. Please use it properly, Mr. Liu.” Han Ye said after hesitating for a while.

“Don’t worry, Patriarch Han. I will use such a heavy gift with care.” Liu Ming cupped his fist, then he handed another Tapir Eye Bead to Qian Rupin.

Qian Rupin took it, and she was immediately covered with a layer of faint purple mist.

Her cultivation was not high in the first place, but with this bead, even with Liu Ming beside her, he couldn’t detect the slightest human aura on her body.

“Sky Rift Valley is thousands of miles away from Luo City. There are countless dangerous places in the middle, so you should better plan the route in advance. I wish you 2 can arrive safely.” Han Ye said seriously.

Liu Ming said a few words of thanks.

Now that the trade between them was completed, Liu Ming had no intention of staying in Sunset Tribe anymore.

Early in the morning of the second day, he quietly left the valley where the Sunset Tribe was with Qian Rupin.

“Brother Ming, how do we get to Luo City now?” They stopped at a mountain near the Sunset Tribe. Qian Rupin glanced at Liu Ming and asked.

“Let’s go to Black Water City first.” Liu Ming took out the map near the Sky Rift Valley that Han Xin gave him before. There was a city closest to Sunset Tribe, Black Water City.

“Let’s make some preparations there first, then we will head to Luo City.” Liu Ming waved and released the Daiyue Jade Boat.

Qian Rupin naturally had no objection. A moment later, a white light shadow flashed into the distance from the top of the mountain with great speed.

On a vast plain far away from the Sky Rift Valley, there was a majestic and magnificent black city. A huge black river ran through the center of the city, from south to north, with no end in sight.

It was noon at this moment. The bustling stream of people was constantly coming in and out of the city gate. These people were dressed in different styles, which seemed to be beastkin cultivators from various tribes.

At this moment, a dazzling white light galloped from the distance and stopped over a mountain near the city. The white light subsided, revealing 2 figures surrounded by faint purple aura.

It was Liu Ming and Qian Rupin who came all the way from Sunset Tribe.

Liu Ming put away the Daiyue Jade Boat and looked toward the city.

The city walls outside the entire city was 240 meters tall. The walls were built with giant black stone blocks. In addition, 4 giant stone pillars could be seen faintly at the 4 corners of the city walls. There were faint white runes flowing around them.

This was the famous Black Water city in the west of the Savage Wild Continent.

The Savage Wild Continent was mainly ruled by the Savage Wild Eight Races. In order to seize resources, the small and medium-sized tribes who were vassals of these big forces frequently conquered each other and fought endlessly. Therefore, some trading posts such as Black Water City were set up in the jurisdiction area so that cultivators from different tribes and forces could trade their items. Fighting was prohibited here, so it was a relatively safe place for some small and medium-sized tribes and casual beastkin cultivators.

Before setting off, Liu Ming had learned from Han Xin that this Black Water city belonged to the Fissure Eagle Race, which ranked last in the Savage Wild Eight Races.

Since it was the first time for Qian Rupin to see such a huge city outside of the Yunchuan Continent, the surprise and excitement on her face were beyond words. Liu Ming didn’t say much and flew toward the city with her.

8 Fissure Eagle Race guards stood at the gate of Black Water City. They looked just like the Fissure Eagle Race’s cultivators Liu Ming had seen in the upper realm ruins before. They all had sharp eyes and hooked noses.

After these guards questioned them and collected some spirit stones, they let them through.

It was only after entering the city that Liu Ming deeply experienced the prosperity here.

After passing through the city gate, they saw a lively scene and several spacious streets in front.

The ground in the city was made of those black stone blocks, which were extremely flat. Each black stone was carved with various ancient patterns, adding some alien race charm.

On both sides of the spacious street were high-rise buildings in various shapes made of huge stones. Compared with the more orderly and solemn styles in the human cities of Yunchuan and Middle Sky Continent, these buildings with different styles add a bit of crude taste.

Most of these buildings had flags fluttering in the wind. They were trading shops with various names.

On the street, there were a lot of pedestrians coming and going. They were naturally beastkin cultivators of various tribes.

After arriving here, Liu Ming finally had the feeling of coming to the Savage Wild Continent.

The beastkin cultivators on the street were of different appearances. Although they were basically in human form, there were more or less traces of beastkin on their bodies. Half-beastkins could even be seen everywhere.

What’s more, they brought some ferocious beast pets and swaggered on the streets. The rest of the pedestrians didn’t seem surprised by it.

Although Liu Ming and Qian Rupin also changed their appearance, compared with these real beastkins, they looked a bit more polite.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Qian Rupin felt a little scared. She involuntarily took a step closer to Liu Ming.

“It’s fine. We have the Tapir Eye Beads. We’ll be fine.” Liu Ming said a few words faintly.

Qian Rupin nodded. Her face looked better.

After strolling around the city for a while, the night came. The shops on both sides of the street were also lit up with white light.

Liu Ming immediately took Qian Rupin into an inn in Black Water City and stayed there.

After a long day of travel, Qian Rupin was a little tired, so she went back to her room early to rest.

Liu Ming stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the bustling street outside the window.

The size of this Black Water city was a prosperous city if it was in the Middle Sky Continent. Just now, he took a casual look on the street, and there were many shops selling all kinds of spiritual materials, beastkin materials, spiritual herbs, elixir, and books. Many of them were hard to find even in the Middle Sky Continent.

Liu Ming secretly thought about the next day’s itinerary, then he soon sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

They left the inn early the next morning. Qian Rupin followed closely behind with a slightly excited face.

Liu Ming originally thought that Qian Rupin was afraid of the beastkin cultivators outside and wanted to keep her in the inn, but after half a day yesterday, Qian Rupin seemed to have fully adapted to the environment here. She insisted on going out with him to experience this place, so he had no choice but to bring her out as well.

Qian Rupin had lived in the Sea Region for a long time. When had she ever seen such a bustling place? She really found it novel, especially the precious spiritual materials and elixirs. However, Liu Ming didn’t seem to even glance at these things, so she didn’t say anything.

After turning 2 streets, Liu Ming stopped in front of a spacious building with several floors.

Looking from the door, it was a shop selling ancient books.

Liu Ming stepped in.

“Honorable guests, do you want to buy some books here? Our Yunji Pavilion is one of the best book shops in the Black Water City.” Just entering the gate, a kind-faced, blue-skinned and white-haired man walked up to him.

In the hall, apart from some quaint tables and chairs, there were rows of very orderly jade slips around. It seemed to have tens of thousands of books.

“Do you have a map of the major races in the Savage Wild Continent and the areas under their jurisdictions? By the way, I also need a detailed introduction of Luo City.” Liu Ming said calmly after seeing the scale of the place.

“You can go to the 3rd area on the second floor. You may be interested in the books there. However, there are some enchantments on them. You can only see a small part of the content. If you find a book you like, you can message me at any time. You can take it out after you buy it.” Seeing that Liu Ming was only looking for some popular books, the white-haired old man seemed a little disappointed, but he still said politely.

“Which area has the books about the totem array?” Qian Rupin looked at the bookshelves in the room and said with great anticipation.

“Totem array? This kind of book is difficult to study, and it is really difficult for ordinary stores to buy them. Fortunately, our shop belongs to the Cold Frost Tribe. We have many collections about totems. Miss, if you are interested, you can go to the 5th area on the second floor.” Hearing the words, the white-haired old man replied with great interest.

“Ping’er, you can go to the 5th area to have a look. If you come across an interesting book, just take it. Don’t worry about anything.” Seeing this, Liu Ming said with a voice transmission.

Qian Rupin smiled knowingly without saying much. She happily walked upstairs and looked for the books she needed.

After half a day, Liu Ming and Qian Rupin walked out of the shop.

At this time, Liu Ming not only had some more books about Savage Wild Continent, maps and other things, but he even collected a lot of bone fragments that recorded related information about Luo City.

Qian Rupin also found a lot of books about the totem arrays and beastkin runes. She was holding several bone fragments of different colors in both hands with satisfaction.

Of course, these items also cost nearly a million spirit stones, but it was nothing to him.

Although Liu Ming had already obtained what he wanted, he was not in a hurry to return to the inn. Instead, he took Qian Rupin and began to wander around other shops selling spiritual materials.

After walking through a few shops, he found that Savage Wild Continent’s rich cultivation resources far exceeded his initial imagination. Some top-quality spiritual materials that were rarely seen in Middle Sky Continent turned out to be very common in Savage Wild Continent.

This made Liu Ming very pleasantly surprised, and wondered how many spirit stones he could earn if he could resell these items in the two worlds.

However, this idea was obviously too absurd, so he quickly put it aside and concentrated on purchasing some things he needed. R1152

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