Death… And Me

Chapter 581 - Found Out

Chapter 581 - Found Out

Frandin was taken aback by Roan's words.

"Uh? Leave the city? Are you not going back to talk with Rean and the others?"

Roan shook his head as he hastily said.

"There's no need. Let's go!"

Frandin didn't understand but nodded nonetheless.

At the same time, Roan sent Rean a message through their Soul Connection, explaining the situation.

'I see... In that case, there's a good chance that our rented workshop will be checked as well.'

Roan nodded.

'Yes. It seems like this City Lord is going all out to find where we are. If I'm not wrong, the city gates are probably closed already. However, this size of the wall is quite easy to pass over.'

Rean agreed with Roan.

'Do you need me to leave as well?'

'No. You can stay there and keep working. Just make sure to keep your Spiritual Sense bending skill active. If someone with a strong enough Spiritual Sense passes through the workshop's anti-Spiritual Sense Formation, you can just bring everyone into the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. After that, just teleport to my location. I already got the information I wanted anyway. As for the equipment you were planning to sell in this city's auction house, just do that in the next one.'

Rean didn't mind.

'It's fine. We still have a few Rank Two Spirit Stones. Even if we run out of them, it's not like we can't cultivate with the normal Spiritual Energy.'

With that said, Roan moved to the city gate with Frandin. However, Frandin quickly noticed that it had been closed.

"It seems like we really pissed off that City Lord, huh?"

Roan nodded.

"It's fine. Let's not get close there. Even though our appearances have changed and we're only a pair, I can't guarantee that we won't be questioned. Come with me. We're going to jump the city's wall."

Frandin nodded. Usually, doing such a thing would have you spotted straight away by the guards on the walls. However, Frandin already knew about Rean's Light and Spiritual Sense bending skills. That being said, they would be able to do that without alerting anyone. However, he noticed a problem.

"Wait. What about the Protection Formation of the City? Although it's only good enough to fend off the weather outside, we would still be found if we break through it, no?"

Roan faintly smiled.

"So what if they noticed that we broke through the Protection Formation? By the time someone strong enough to stop me appears there, we would have been long gone."

"If you say..."

Roan and Frandin then moved to an area where there wasn't much movement on the walls. Without anyone looking, Roan used Rean's camouflage skill, which made the two of them disappear from normal sight. The two of them quickly jumped on the wall after that, however...



Out of nowhere, Roan sent Frandin flying with a kick, using its counterforce to leave his position as well.


In the very next second, an explosion of Spiritual Energy came from there as the elements rampaged.

Roan then landed a few meters away, unscathed. However, his expression didn't show any signs of happiness as the camouflage skill disappeared.

"Oh! He dodged!"

Suddenly, three Zasfin cultivators appeared on both sides at the top of the wall. On the right, a Late Stage Core and Soul Fusion Realm cultivator was holding a spear. There were two more cultivators on the left, one with a sword and another without any weapon, both at the Initial Stage of the Core and Soul Fusion Realm.

"Truly impressive. It's the first time in my life seeing such a strong human, let alone one that looks so young. It makes me feel quite jealous to see such a thing while I'm already this old. I wonder how much effort his owner put into bringing him to this level. Don't you think, Luvia?"

The guy then looked at the woman by his side.

"That's true. Why would someone waste so many resources on this inferior race? Anyway, Ermio, don't kill him. We still need to find the blonde girl."

The right guy then smiled at Roan.

"Human, I'm Roce Troshi. Tell me. Where's your owner? Don't tell me that weakling down there is him because we're not idiots. Anyone able to train their human to your level can't be so weak. The City Lord is fuming, wishing to kill the one who cut his brother's arm. However, depending on who your owner is, you might still leave this place alive."

Roan then took a deep breath before faintly smiling.

"It has been a long time since I had some fun against something else other than demon beasts."

Right after, a sword as white as snow appeared on Roan's hands. Naturally, it was Roan's new White Star that Rean made for him. He then pointed it at Roce, who was the Late Stage Core and Soul Fusion Realm cultivator.

"I hope you can entertain me more than those two pieces of trash on the other side."

Roce, Ermio, and Luvia were taken aback by Roan's words. That was also the first time they heard a human talking like that with them. Of course, Luvia and Ermio were even more angered than Roce since they were called trash.

"I don't care who your owner is! Any human who defies the Zasfin Race deserves death!"

"Let me see how you deal with this! There's no escape for you anymore!"

In an instant, Ermio flashed forward with his sword as Wind Element gathered around him. At the same time, Water and Lightning Element gathered in Luvia's hand. As for Roce, he thought that there was no need to intervene now that those two acted. After all, Roan's cultivation was still in the Core Formation Realm. He just focused on Roan to make sure he wouldn't run away.

'Extreme Wing Flash!'

'Lightning Water Blades!'

Ermio's speed had dramatically increased as the Wind Element carried his sword towards Roan's neck. Luvia's Lightning Water Blades were even faster thanks to the Lightning Element imbued in them. Her blades appeared by Ermio's side, trying to close any escape route for Roan.

However, Roan snorted when he saw those attacks.

"Escape? Oh, right! There's an escape route... right in front of me!"

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