Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 561 - Buying A Treasure For His Wife

Chapter 561: Buying A Treasure For His Wife

Chu Junmo’s eyes darkened. He remained calm and collected. “Then, I thank Chief Gong.”

The image of Gong Jue deliberately smashing the precious gift that Qiqi had given him kept flashing across his mind. He even messed up his house. He couldn’t wait to tear this b*stard in front of him into two halves.

However, Chu Junmo had cultivated the ability to remain calm and amiable on the surface for many years.

He knew that when experts competed, it wasn’t obvious.

A pot of good medicine needed to be slowly cooked and fire had to be controlled when fuel was added.

He was determined to get Gu Qiqi, but he had his own way…

Seeing that Chu Junmo was very sensible and didn’t go against him publicly at such an occasion, Gong Jue naturally socialized casually and said, “We’re all working for the country. There’s no need to thank me.”

Bai Lang, who was outside the window, went crazy and rolled his eyes.

Oh my! Master Jue, you were clearly saved by me, a genius doctor!! Why did you protect the little vixen and even put in a good word for the Chu Clan?! I ate dog food and still had to withstand ten thousand critical blows. How unreasonable!

Seeing that the two male idols of the Empire—one domineering and the other elegant—were chatting happily, the atmosphere between the reporters and the noblewomen became much more relaxed and cheerful.

Someone even took the initiative to ask, “I heard that Master Jue is a filial son. I wonder if he will choose a gift for his parents today?”

Gu Qiqi noticed that when that person said the words “filial son”, Gong Jue’s expression turned colder.

That coldness only flashed past for a moment. She almost suspected that she had seen something wrong.

Was there a problem between Gong Jue and his parents?

But in the very next second, Gong Jue’s answer gave her no time to think about this question. “I can’t say that I’m filial. A crude person like Gong Qing isn’t suitable to accept someone else’s gift. However, I have an intention of choosing a gift for Ms. Songsong.”

Everyone knew that the great painter, Ms. Songsong, was Gong Jue’s mother. For a moment, everyone gave him an idea.

“This necklace is made of mutton fat jade. She would probably like it.”

“Master Jue, look at this ring. It’s called tourmaline. It’s said that mothers love it when their sons give them rings. It’s even more beautiful than when their husbands give it to them.”

Amidst the solicitous suggestions, Chu Junmo said lightly, “The gift that Master Jue should choose is naturally the most expensive. It’s one in a million. Young Lady Xiaolan, just take out the best highlight piece.”

Gong Jue glared at him.

He knew that this sinister guy was deliberately trying to cheat him of his money. He was probably still holding a grudge against the time when his jade inkstone was smashed.

But so what?

He would take the most expensive one! It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford it.

Furthermore, spending money for Lan Ting was also supporting his wife! Money wasn’t a big deal.

Yang Xiaolan was delighted to hear this. She carefully took out a slender brocade box from the counter.

Everyone looked over curiously and saw that it was actually a paintbrush.

It looked noble.

“Master Jue, this paintbrush is made from Qinghai Soft Jade. It’s also our treasure.”

“I’ll buy it!”

Gong Jue decided without even looking.

The noblewomen couldn’t help but click their tongues. The diplomat’s wife had only bought a pair of Qinghai soft jade earrings just now. They were already very expensive.

At this moment, seeing such a carefully carved paintbrush was simply a sky-high price.

Just as Yang Xiaolan was so happy that she carefully wrapped the paintbrush again, Gong Jue frowned.

“Master Jue, do you have other instructions…” Yang Xiaolan said nervously.

Could it be that Master Jue regretted it?

Wuwuwu, this was the biggest order of the day.

God bless that Master Jue wouldn’t go back on his word.

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