Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 3325

.Chapter 3325

3325 Chapter 3328. He had no one to blame but himself

Unfortunately, after Xiao Ning finished talking about the case, not only did she not say anything, she even wanted to leave in a hurry. Brother Qingyun, I have to continue preparing the complaint materials. Just wait patiently and leave the case to me.

After Xiao Ning left.

Fu Qingyun stopped the staff member. Didnt you want to ask me a few questions yesterday? I can tell you now…

The staff member looked at him in surprise.

As a man who was familiar with the law, didnt he know that the best thing to do at this time was to shut up and not say a word, waiting for his lawyer to run around outside and help reverse the case?

After all, it would be wrong to say too much!

However, looking at Fu Qingyuns expression, he really wanted to say something.

Whatever. Since he was seeking his own death, he could not blame anyone else!

The staff member pouted. Then come with me to make a statement!

= = =

It was said that during the interrogation process, Fu Qingyun was forced to come up with a new confession that was disadvantageous to her. This made it more difficult for her to handle the case. There was a high chance that the case would not be overturned, fu Qingyun might really have to go to jail.

If that was the case..

Xiao Ning thought worriedly. Then she would have to stop all her work at the BAI Corporation and spend more time focusing on this case.

And if Fu Qingyun did not come out, she would not be able to let go of her worries.

As for the proposal of divorce, she could not bring it up at this juncture.

She really wanted to visit Fu Qingyun again and ask him about the new situation. She wanted to know if he was bullied by the people inside or used some tricks. Why did he not listen to her advice and was used by those people?

However, the cabinet was very wary of her. They were wary of her and did not give her the chance to visit again. They did not allow her to go even once.

Because of Fu Qingyuns case, Xiao Ning wasted a lot of Bai Corporations business.

After leaving her, the companys operations were greatly affected.

The Secretary of the Board of directors was fuming with anxiety.

On this day, the secretary finally found Xiao Ning and begged her to listen to the work report.

Chairman, recently, several of our big contracts have been blocked. We checked in the dark and it seems that the ye corporation has taken them away…

I heard that the ye group is going to release a new drug that has never been available on the market. Several big companies at home and abroad have already ordered a large sum of money from him… we havent found out the efficacy of this drug yet, but I heard that its very, very powerful. Once its released, it will definitely cause a sensation…

Chairman, is the ye group trying to threaten the position of our Bai Group by doing this?

Besides, Mr. Ye is also one of the shareholders of the BAI Group. He is now in the medicinal herbs business and is in complete competition with us. This is too dangerous and against the rules…

Xiao Ning had already been distracted by Fu Qingyuns case and had no time to care about the business. When she heard that boss ye had done so much dirty work while she was not in the company, her anger also rose.

Take back the orders that the ye corporation stole! From Tonight onwards, arrange a meeting with a client for me every day. Prepare the drinks at dige and I will talk to them personally!

With Xiao Ning personally making a move, the effect was naturally extraordinary.

Initially, those clients were thinking of changing partners without anyone noticing. But they were caught by the famous Iron Lady, Xiao Ning. All of them changed their tone obediently under her carrot and stick

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