Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1930

1930 Chapter 1932: Master Qi’s plot to crush the SCUM! 1

Xiahou Susu had a flash of inspiration.

How am I Stupid? I don’t have to do anything. As long as I wait patiently for five minutes, Gong Jue will definitely fall ill.

Tianxian concentrated poison, the fastest effect is one minute, at the latest half an hour.

Gong Jue was lucky this time, he still maintained his human form for 25 minutes.

However, he definitely wouldn’t last more than 30 minutes!

And this idiot gu QIQI was actually clamoring to provide some new evidence?

What use was it? ? ?

That so-called new evidence, Gong Jue would probably have a seizure on the spot before he could even say a few words. Then, in the live broadcast, he would scare the entire nation into fainting again!

Hehe, she was afraid of Gong Jue’s beast image. It wasn’t deep enough in the hearts of the entire nation, was it?

Xiahou susu instantly calmed down.

She even took the initiative to urge Gong Jue’s former subordinates to shout together, “Lord Jue is not guilty! Please show evidence in court, lawyer Gu!”

It seemed like she was cheering for Gu Qi and Gong Jue!

In fact, it contained an even more terrifying evil intention — as long as Gu Qi started to show lengthy evidence, and as long as no idiot interrupted Gu Qiqi, she, Xiahou Susu, could sit and wait for Gong Jue to turn into a beast hahahaha!

On the stage.

In the witness stand.

Gu Qiqi indifferently swept her gaze over Xiahou Susu, who was the first to shout in the audience, and coldly retracted her gaze.

“Your honor, the evidence that I’m going to show includes not only the evidence of Gong Jue’s exoneration, but also the concrete evidence of Wu Chi’s betrayal… Yes, responsibly speaking, Wu Chi’s hoarding of goods has made the country rich, the location of the hoarding of goods has been found, and…”

Gu Qiqi said quietly, her tone unperturbed.

Opposite her, Wu Chi, who had been silenced, had a storm raging in his heart!

He was also the person who didn’t want to see this evidence, the person who didn’t want Gong Jue to be exonerated the most.

Because once Gong Jue was exonerated, his position would be awkward.

Once Gong Jue returned, Wu Chi would lose his job!

Moreover, Gu Qiqi actually said that he had found the location where he hid the goods. This was extremely terrifying!

He was bitten back after he failed to bite her. This felony of betraying the country was placed on him from Gong Jue’s head. He did not have a lawyer like Gu who could use such a shameless and sharp method to defend him!

The More Wu Chi thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. In addition, Gu Qiqi’s curse-like words kept ringing in his ears. Every word and sentence pierced his heart. He was really on the verge of a mental breakdown.

No Way!

He absolutely couldn’t let Gu Qiqi reveal the evidence.

He wanted to delay Gu Qiqi, delay time, and try to destroy all of her evidence.

In his anxiety, he couldn’t say anything. He immediately wrote a few words with trembling hands and stuffed them into lawyer Wang’s hands. Then, afraid that lawyer Wang would be slow, he personally held up a piece of white paper with the same words written on it, he raised it and shook it desperately at the judge!

The gavel that the judge had originally raised stopped in midair.

He had originally wanted to announce that he had agreed to allow Gu Qiqi to present new evidence in court.

However, Wu Chi’s request stopped him from speaking.

And this stopping was in accordance with the requirements of the law.

On the white paper and black words, it said, “Our side requests an adjournment!”

Adjournment! ! !

According to the Empire’s law, if either side presented new evidence in court, the other party had the right to request an adjournment.

This was because the new evidence had never appeared in the case. For the sake of fairness, the other party had to reprepare their arguments.

Therefore, Wu Chi’s request for an adjournment was in accordance with the Law!

The judge nodded. “Agreed. The case will be adjourned and the court will be reconvened at a later date. The court will rehear the case based on the new evidence provided by the defendant!”

The verdict was decided!

Wu Chi heaved a sigh of relief.

Gu Qiqi also heaved a sigh of relief from an angle where no one was looking.

No one knew that she did not want to present any new evidence at all!

There were still five minutes left. She had to quickly bring Gong Jue away. She could not let gong jue turn into a wolf in front of the court and stir up an irreparable situation!

Only Xiahou Susu’s face was ashen, and her mind was filled with a myriad of curses.

Wu Chi, you idiot, you ruined my good deed!

[ Master Yun: Good Night Kiss! The fairies understand this part of Qi Qi’s hidden plot, right? Also, did someone silently read chemical fertilizer’s tongue twister? Raise your hand! ]

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