Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1851

1851 Chapter 1853: Lord Jue’s Charisma 1

500,000! What kind of concept is that?

The Empire had sent out less than 50,000 engineers in total!

At this moment, Gong Jue had only taken over 20,000 of Wu De’s men after killing him. Adding the 5,000 men he saved on the Snowy Plains, there was a total of 25,000 men.

25,000 men against 500,000 men, it could be said to be hitting a rock with an egg.

Therefore, if they wanted to win this restoration project, they had to come up with a strong technical proposal, and they had to fight for time!

The only fortunate thing was that in the engineering team, the old engineer had the absolute advantage. He was completely convinced of Gong Jue, the former chief officer, and he absolutely supported him, so there was no need to worry about his loyalty.

Gong Jue only needed to mull over how to take down Teuton’s 500,000 people with minimal casualties!

At this moment, he ordered Wu er to clear the mines. Although he was a little displeased with Wu er and Gu Qiqi treating patients together, having too much contact with each other, and being too close to each other, in reality, he did need someone like Wu Er.., to complete his work for him.

Wu Er looked around. “Is this the place?”

Gong Jue nodded and ordered coldly, “Yes. Let’s Begin!”

Young Man, there was no doubt that it was this small slope in front of them!

Wu Er had never done such a laborer in his life. He pouted and said, “Where’s the assistant? It Can’t be that I’m the only one, right?”

Gong Jue did not say anything and raised his eyebrows coldly.

Wu Er looked back and forth in shock. His heart felt cold. Oh My God, there really was no one else!

That small slope was not small, and the main point was that it was very dangerous. was he going to do it alone? ‘Lord Jue, aren’t you a little too cruel? Is this really a good way to settle a personal grudge?’?

Seeing that Wu er did not understand, Gong Jue curled his lips unhappily. “You’re acting like a woman, what are you thinking about!”

Wu Er’s lips twitched a few times. “Isn’t it better to get more people to work together?”

Why did he have to get him to do this dirty and tiring work alone.

Gong Jue was impatient. “What are you shouting for? Hurry up and do it!”

As he said that, he directly pushed Wu Er’s back.

Wu Er’s body slanted and was pushed to the edge of the small hill uncontrollably by Gong Jue.

Wu Er was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Heavens, if he had just happened to be lying on top of a lightning bolt, wouldn’t he have been blown up into powder? !

Just as he was about to fly into a rage, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps beside him.

In the next second, Gong Jue stepped on his leather boots and nimbly brushed past him. He had actually personally climbed up the hill and was even one step ahead of him!

Wu Er’s eyes were filled with shock.

Gong Jue was planning to go down personally?

The honorable chief was also going to do the work of a small demining worker?

The profanity that he wanted to spew out suddenly died down.

The head chief had already gone off to do this dirty and tiring job, wouldn’t it be too tasteless if he continued to bicker?

Wu Er had no choice but to follow Gong Jue up the ranks.

He stole a glance and saw that Gong Jue’s posture was very professional. He actually managed to successfully remove a few lightning bolts buried in the ground within a few minutes.

Wu Er clicked his tongue secretly. He had previously thought that Gong Jue was a high and mighty head chief who only knew how to bicker, but his actual abilities might not be that great. If he did not have a bunch of subordinates and users, he would be nothing.

At this moment, he deeply understood that Gong Jue’s position as the chief of the empire at such a young age was definitely not undeserved!

This man really had the ability.

He also had the charisma of a soldier who took the lead!

Wu Er was motivated and could not help but struggle as well, working hard to clear the mines.

HMPH, he could not fall behind the man that Gu Qiqi had taken a fancy to.

The two of them buried their heads and worked hard all the way until the sun rose in the sky. Gong Jue finally stopped when he could faintly see where Teuton was.

His gaze stared deeply at the other side.

Teuton, we’ve been enemies for so many years. Shouldn’t we settle the score today? !

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