Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 1759

1759 Chapter 1761 she firmly believed that a man had come before! 1

Gu Qiqi had no choice but to retract her gaze that was inquiring into the distance. Holding back her wildly beating heart, she helped the little boy find the medicine. Then, she quickly walked to Chu Junmo’s side, who had fainted, and gave him the medicine.

Chu Junmo had an old heart disease. It would be fine if it did not occur, but once it happened, it would be a fatal danger. If it was delayed for even a second, it was possible that heaven and earth would be separated forever!

Saving Chu Junmo was more important. Her cloning technique had been unstable ever since she gave birth to the Little Milk Bun, and she really couldn’t get away to find Gong Jue.

It wasn’t until Chu Junmo slowly breathed a sigh of relief that Gu Qiqi felt relieved.

He didn’t have time to talk to Chu Junmo anymore, so he immediately went to look for the person-in-charge of the wildlife park, wanting to get the surveillance footage of the park that day.

However, the person-in-charge had said everything to his face. After walking around the surveillance room, he was hesitant and refused to give it to Chu Junmo, saying that it was a company’s business secret. Unless there was an order from the higher-ups, it couldn’t be given to outsiders.

Gu Qiqi was so angry that she could only call special assistant LU to ask for help.

While Gu Qiqi was making the call, Little Tuan Zi silently took out the mini laptop he carried with him.

He silently started the hacker program he had designed, and in less than a minute, he broke through the surveillance system of the wildlife park’s surveillance room.

Then, he began to search for historical surveillance footage for the day.

In the end, he found that all the surveillance footage had been wiped clean!

The person in charge might not be lying; he really could not provide the surveillance footage.

Little Tuan Zi closed the laptop, and the doubt in his heart deepened.

Who else could kill the bad guy who kidnapped the little boy in such a short time and destroy the surveillance system of the entire park?

It was one thing for him to do a good deed without leaving his name behind, but he had even erased the evidence of doing a good deed.

Was this man so afraid of being found?

Could it really be… Him?

A tall figure appeared in Little Tubby’s mind. He walked away in his leather boots… he was silent for a long time. His small face was very serious, and the light in his eyes was very complicated.

Half an hour later.

Special Assistant Lu finally got the authority and ordered the person-in-charge of the wildlife park to hand over the surveillance footage. Only then did he have to admit that there was a malfunction in the surveillance room today. All the footage had been wiped clean, there wasn’t even a backup left.

Gu Qiqi left in disappointment.

It seemed that the clues to confirm the man’s identity had been cut off again.

However, the sharp teeth and wolf claws on the throat of the deceased made her firmly believe that the man had been here before!

If that man had been here before, then where would the man go next?

The steel and cement of the big city could not accommodate his uniqueness. He would probably have to return to the jungle.


She had to go to Hanbei Ridge once more!

She could not wait any longer!

She couldn’t wait for the restoration of the protective system of Hanbei Ridge to be completed. She had to find him immediately, immediately, without delay!

After returning from the wildlife park, she began to make preparations.

Her determination was too strong, and no one around her could stop her.

The night before she left.

As special assistant Lu had mentioned, she had really received an invitation to dinner from the Vice President’s wife.

The strange thing was that the invitation was not marked on it. Instead, it was marked with her maiden name: Gu Qiqi.

However, these details did not matter.

Gu Qiqi had never been interested in such a boring gathering of the upper class. If it was not because the vice president’s wife’s purpose this time was to send off the soldiers who were going to the border to fight, Gu Qiqi might have thrown the invitation directly into the trash can.

However, thinking that the soldiers who were going to fight should be quite familiar with Hanbei Ridge, and perhaps she could get some information from them, Gu Qiqi decided to make a trip to the banquet.

However, she had never expected to meet such a big, familiar person whom she hadn’t seen for many years at such a boring gathering of the upper class!

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