Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 641

Chapter 641: The First Battle of the Crusade

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Although the Burning Legion was infamous in the future, who would have thought that the newly established Legion was actually like a headless fly running around in a mess?

After leaving with Sargeras and finding the Twisting Nether demons released from Mardum, Roy found that these guys, who had just escaped from prison, were happily venting their bloodthirsty desires.

Yes, these guys were fighting among themselves, and the situation of them killing each other was even more violent than in prison.

It couldn’t be helped. After Sargeras broke Mardum, the fel energy accumulated in the plane exploded, setting off an energy storm that engulfed all the planets within half a light-year. In this range, the only planet with life, but hadn’t given birth to intelligent life and civilization, was annihilated because of this unexpected disaster. The demons couldn’t find another planet with life in a short time, so they had nowhere to vent their energy and started killing each other.

Demons with the ability to survive in space fought in space. Those without the ability to survive in space fought on the planets they occupied. During the time when Sargeras left to find Roy, a large number of demons died in internal strife every day and every moment. It was utterly chaotic.

However, no one cared about this chaos at all, including Sargeras, because everyone knew very well that these dead Twisting Nether demons would be reborn in the Twisting Nether after a while.

This was also the real reason why Sargeras needed these demons to form the Burning Legion. As long as he could complete the integration, he would have an immortal and terrifying army.

Roy’s task was naturally to cooperate with Sargeras to integrate these demons. Although Boss Sar had now transformed into a demon, he was not a native demon after all, so his understanding of demon habits was naturally inferior to Roy’s. Sargeras’s working method was very rough, which was to suppress violently, but excessive suppression often led to resistance. But it was different when Roy came. He was good at using his rank suppression and releasing powerful magic power pressure to display his demon king-level strength, easily making demons submit.

The demons released from Mardum were scattered messily on dozens of planets around the explosion point. Roy subdued them one by one. He didn’t even need to make all the demons submit. He only needed to subdue a portion, and the rest would snowball into joining because of the crowd effect.

After Sargeras understood this method, it became even simpler. The power he displayed was stronger than Roy’s, and he subdued demons faster. So it didn’t take long for almost all the demons released from Mardum to submit to him.

During this process, the nathrezim had made a lot of contributions. The dreadlord Diathorus, whom Roy had met in prison, had already joined Sargeras with dozens of his people. During the subsequent process of gathering demons, they also listened to Roy’s orders and transmitted information to him to clean up the troublemakers among the demons. So after the integration, they naturally had a place in the newly established Burning Legion.

In the current Burning Legion, the highest level was naturally the big boss, Sargeras. Next was Roy, the demon king-level commander. The middle level was the nathrezim, and at the bottom were the chaotic demons.

After completing the integration, Sargeras couldn’t wait to begin his great plan and take the first step of the Burning Legion’s crusade.

But it wasn’t until this moment that Roy realized that Sargeras’s crusade plan was actually a bit like a shower thought because he didn’t even have a basic plan for the crusade. He just wanted to start a crusade toward the nearest galaxy to find planets corroded by the Old Gods.

Of course, this wouldn’t work. Roy could only find Sargeras and persuade him.

Sargeras’s goal was to prevent the material world from falling into the control of the Void. In Roy’s opinion, it was best to start the crusade from the Twisting Nether because it was the border between the Void and the material world. The neighboring galaxies were places that would soon be corroded by the Void, so it was best to start the crusade from there instead of blindly chasing after the footsteps of the Old Gods.

The Old Gods that the Void Lords had released were completely random. They had only released these Old Gods to try their luck and see if they could encounter planets with world-souls. Under such circumstances, it would be too troublesome and disorderly to chase after the Old Gods.

Under Roy’s explanation, Sargeras quickly realized this, so he immediately accepted Roy’s suggestion. He led many demons all the way to the border of the Twisting Nether and began to advance in the direction of Void corrosion.

After arriving here, Sargeras realized that there was another benefit. Because they were closer to the Twisting Nether, even if the demons of the Burning Legion encountered enemies and died in battle, they could return to the Legion faster after resurrection. This imperceptibly strengthened the Legion’s combat strength.

The area covered by the Twisting Nether was immense, so the range of the material world outside the border was also immense. There were many planets in this section of the universe, but judging from the reports of the scouts dispatched by the Legion, planets with intelligent life were rather rare.

This was a common phenomenon in the universe. Planets needed suitable environments to give birth to life, and many planets could only become resource planets because of incomparably harsh environments. As for stars, needless to say, demons hated sunlight and wouldn’t even approach them.

Therefore, a rather awkward thing happened. In the three years since the establishment of the Burning Legion, the entire Legion had not even initiated a single battle. During these three years, the demons had used violent means to extract resources from various planets to build bases and encampments. They had dug out everything usable on these planets and then directly burned them with fel flames. In these three years, the Legion had established many outposts and burned many planets, but there had never been a large-scale battle.

This was certainly not what Sargeras wanted. But he was fine because, with his strength, he could still destroy a few stars for fun when he was bored. But the demons of the Legion were about to explode.

There was more and more infighting among the demons under his command, and Roy couldn’t suppress all of them. He couldn’t do anything about this situation and could only hope that the scouts he dispatched could bring good news as soon as possible.

Fortunately, with the continuous establishment of the Burning Legion’s bases, some intelligent demons absorbed by the Legion began to play their role. The iconic first-generation starships of the Burning Legion had been completed. With these starships, the scouts of the Legion expanded their exploration range in the universe.

Finally, one day, Diathorus sent news that the dreadlords had discovered a planet with intelligent life and had already infiltrated it with some succubi. In the information transmitted back, there was the racial composition, population, countries, and civilizations of the planet. From the intelligence, this was actually a planet that the titans had visited. Not only were there many traces of the Pantheon on this planet, but there was even a constellar stationed here to monitor the civilization development of the planet.

After receiving the information, Sargeras couldn’t wait and personally led the Burning Legion to set off. Because this was the first battle of the Burning Legion’s crusade, Sargeras attached great importance to it.

There was a reason why Sargeras placed so much importance on planets with intelligent life in his crusade plan. He had pulled Roy into the Burning Legion not only because he wanted someone to manage the Legion for him but also because he wanted to use Roy’s ability to travel freely to and from the Void to better study the Void World. During these three years, Roy had gone to the Void several times at Sargeras’s request, and they had used various magic energy instruments created by the Legion to explore the Void.

And during this exploration, they had naturally discovered something.

This discovery was that the Void’s corrosion of the material world would basically only strengthen the energy of the Void World itself. But if intelligent life existed in the corroded worlds, then the souls of these intelligent lives might strengthen the consciousness of the Void Lords!

Sargeras had already understood that the existence of the Void World was unsolvable. It was the background of the material world. The Void World itself was inert and would not actively corrode the material world. The greatest threat to the material world was actually conscious Void Lords.

One was passive, and the other was active. Anyone knew what to choose. Therefore, in Sargeras’s opinion, it didn’t matter even if he let the Void devour planets without life. However, planets with intelligent life had to be eliminated because once these planets were devoured by the Void, it would strengthen the consciousness of the Void Lords and prompt them to wake up faster!

Intelligent life needed to be eliminated, and the murderous impulses of the Burning Legion’s demons needed to be vented. Therefore, under Sargeras’s lead, the entire Burning Legion couldn’t wait to rush over before even figuring out the name of this planet.

A large number of demons attacked without hiding anything, and many ferocious fel starships appeared in the sky of this planet. This naturally triggered the planet’s alarm mechanism. The constellar monitoring this planet of order immediately sent a distress signal to the Pantheon and went forward to try to stop the demons of the Burning Legion.

Unfortunately, this was the Burning Legion’s first battle. Sargeras was trying his best to establish his might, so how could he listen to this constellar’s nonsense? He waved Gorshalach and slashed this constellar, destroying his body, soul, and most of the planet!

After the demons of the Burning Legion saw Sargeras’s invincible attack, they roared crazily in excitement. Then they surged to the ground like a tide and began to slaughter all the intelligent life on the planet. Countless green meteors and fire fell from the sky. They were the war constructs developed by the Legion: infernals! Of course, it was the first version. After these enormous constructs smashed onto the ground, they turned into monsters burning with raging fel flames and joined the battlefield. For a while, screams broke out all over the planet.

All the demons of the Burning Legion joined in this revelry. Only Roy didn’t participate in the sky above the planet because he noticed something. Sargeras’s sword, Gorshalach, began to tremble inexplicably and became disobedient after killing the constellar.

Of course, Sargeras noticed this situation. In fact, when he destroyed Mardum and stirred up the fel energy storm, his Gorshalach was already broken. Half of the blade had broken off and disappeared. This was why he was holding half the blade and the hilt when he found Roy. Over the past three years, Sargeras had found the other half of the blade and tried to reforge and repair it. Unfortunately, this powerful weapon had its own intelligence. It refused to obey the orders of the fallen Sargeras. In fact, the original break had been of its own will. After recovering the other half of the blade, he had forcibly repaired the sword, but there was still a problem after using it for the first time.

This caused Sargeras to forget about participating in this operation of destruction and focus all his attention on suppressing Gorshalach.

At this moment, a powerful energy fluctuation appeared near the planet. This energy was so powerful that Roy and Sargeras instantly sensed it. Then a colossal body similar to Sargeras’s appeared.

Another world-soul titan! And it was none other than Sargeras’s former apprentice, world-soul titan Agrammar…

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