Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 272 - Secret Technique to Reversing Death

Chapter 272 Secret Technique to Reversing Death

Although Arantir had died, he had left a mess for the alliance army.

After losing Arantir’s control, this spectral dragon named Rafaro completely revolted. After all, the memories in his soul had already recovered. Out of envy for the living and seeing his old enemies, the angels, again, he turned around and began to attack the alliance army, immediately causing enormous casualties to the alliance army.

Undead creatures were much weaker than when they were alive, but because undead did not feel pain, they would often have the advantage in battles with the living. In particular, the death aura on their bodies often corroded and infected the wounds of the living, causing the loss of vitality and other negative effects.

Obviously, the death aura on Rafaro was much denser than most undead. When he swooped down from the sky and smashed into the formation of the alliance army, he immediately caused the alliance army to fall into a complete mess.

Rafaro directly resisted the fireballs, hailstones, and other magic fired by the mages. These low-level magic attacks could not break the death aura defense on his body. Similarly, the sharp swords that the nagas slashed on him were also ignored!

And when he opened his mouth wide and bit down in the crowd, dozens of mages would die immediately. With a swipe of his claws, he could cut a group of nagas into dozens of segments.

Seeing this spectral dragon wreaking havoc in the formation of their troops, how could Astral and the others let him continue? So a group of wizard heroes attacked. Not only did lightning continuously strike down, but huge rocks appeared in the sky and smashed down, baptizing Rafaro’s body with countless magic attacks in a short time.

These magic attacks naturally caused great damage to Rafaro. But what was strange was that even though Rafaro roared again and again, he had no intention of rushing over to fight Astral and the others. Even though his ancient enemies were not far from him, he did not have the slightest intention of charging over to attack the angels. He just kept slaughtering the mages, nagas, and elven rangers. Roy and the others also joined the battle. But because the alliance army’s formation had iron golems and stone gargoyles at the front, they encountered these puppets first.

Julia, Benia, and Giovanni were flying in the air and killing the flying stone gargoyles. Cassandra’s undead army and Fat Tiger faced the iron golems. Fat Tiger rushed into the formation of iron golems and attacked everywhere as the main attacker. As for Cassandra’s undead, they assisted from the side. With Roy’s enhancement magic, these undead troops displayed powerful combat strength.

To Roy, killing these lifeless puppet troops was insipid, but they had to kill them. The only good news was that the T-Virus that Roy released had almost wiped out all the gremlins in the alliance army, so after they destroyed these iron golems on the battlefield, it would be impossible to repair them and have them fight again.

Roy stretched out his palm, and a black bolt of forked lightning burst out from his palm. It quickly turned into a black electric net that exploded, easily melting hundreds of iron golems in front of him. But this move was of little use against the stone gargoyles. Because of the material of the gargoyles, lightning magic had a very weak effect on them. It could even be said that there was almost none. So they could only rely on Julia and the others to use physical attacks to destroy them.

While annihilating the iron golems, Roy also released Ice Storms against the alliance army in the distance from time to time to help reduce some of the pressure on Rafaro. With such a good meat shield to attract firepower, Roy could not let him die too quickly.

However, as time went on, Roy felt a little puzzled because Rafaro seemed to have lasted a little too long!

Roy had fought him before. Under the power of his Dragon Slayer Magic, Roy had beaten Rafaro to the point where he could not fight back at all. But even after Arantir died, removing Rafaro’s suppression and increasing his strength a little, it should be impossible for him to last such a long time under the joint attack of so many heroes. It was impossible for the combined attacks of eight heroes to be weaker than Roy’s punches, right?

It was too strange, and Roy realized that something was amiss, so he floated in the air and observed Rafaro’s situation.

Roy immediately found the issue. Despite this fellow Rafaro having a lot of wounds all over his body due to the magic attacks, and his black bones were full of cracks and chips, what was strange was that some fascia were appearing on his body!

These fascia appearing on his wings and leg bones were white and looked like cobwebs sticking to his body. Without observing carefully, Roy might not necessarily find them.

After recalling the scene of Rafaro continuously attacking the mages and the nagas, Roy summoned Cassandra and asked softly, “Take a close look. Is Rafaro absorbing the life force of the dead around him?”

Roy could not see life force, but Cassandra could. After all, Cassandra relied on the life force of living beings to practice magic power. After receiving Roy’s prompt, Cassandra observed for a moment and immediately nodded. “Master, you’re right. The remaining life force of those killed is flowing toward Rafaro… It’s very slow, but it’s continuous!”

“I understand!” Roy narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

No wonder when Rafaro mentioned joining forces just now, he felt that it was a little strange. He did not expect that this was actually what Rafaro was thinking!

How strong was Rafaro when he was alive? Roy did not know, but he knew that the original strength of a black dragon who self-proclaimed to be the Son of Malassa and had lived for countless years was probably not inferior to that of a true demon lord. Even the demon king level was possible. But the problem was that he had been dead for a long time before Arantir found and resurrected him. After becoming an undead dragon, even if he still had his soul, his strength must have plummeted.

Therefore, after regaining his memories, the first thing Rafaro thought of was not taking revenge but finding a way to restore his original strength.

And the best way to restore his original strength was to recover his dragon body so that it could bear his original immense power!

In the past, Rafaro might have just been a dragon that controlled dark power. But after so many years in the dragon tomb, death aura had condensed on his body and allowed him to control death power. And now, he seemed to be using this death power to seize the life force of the living and use it to transform his body!

Needless to say, this secret technique of growing flesh on bones and coming back to life definitely required a massive number of living beings as sacrifices. No wonder he was ignoring the attacks of the heroes and only concentrated on slaughtering the mages and nagas. It was because these two types of soldiers were the largest number of living beings in the alliance army presently…

What appeared now was only some fascia. Maybe in a while, blood vessels, muscles, skin, dragon scales, and so on would appear. At that time, Rafaro would be able to reverse death and achieve a complete resurrection in the true sense!

After truly obtaining a dragon body, no one knew how powerful Rafaro would be…

“Master, do you want to stop him?” Cassandra asked worriedly. “Don’t forget that you gave him a fierce beating earlier. Black dragons have always held grudges. He might be cooperating with us to kill enemies, but when he really recovers, he might have other thoughts…”

Roy certainly understood what Cassandra meant. In fact, when Rafaro proposed to cooperate, Roy had thought that Rafaro was afraid of being beaten. After all, under the enhancement of Dragon Slayer Magic, Roy’s attacks were indeed extremely powerful for Rafaro. But now, Roy realized Rafaro’s true intentions. This fellow had joined forces with him not only because he wanted an excuse to seize the life force of the living, but also likely because Roy’s group had too few living beings among them. Even if he took their life force, he would not be able to seize much.

Thus, he might as well attack the alliance army with Roy and the rest. With the demon Roy, the fallen angel, and the undead army helping to split the firepower, Rafaro would not be beaten to the ground as soon as he came…

“Heh. What a good plan…” After Roy figured it out, he could not help but grin coldly. He said to Cassandra, “There’s no need. Let’s continue attacking. He wants to plunder life force, so let him plunder. I believe we’re not the only ones who can see it. There are no idiots in the alliance army. In addition, don’t you also need life force to increase your magic power? You should also absorb as much as you can, snatching as much as possible from his mouth. I want to see how much he can steal in front of everyone…”

There were not many troops in the alliance army. The most numerous gremlins had long been killed by Roy’s T-Virus. There were less than ten thousand mages and nagas in total, and life force could not be absorbed from the puppet creatures. In other words, after absorbing the life force of the mage and nagas, Rafaro could only target the angels, titans, and green dragons to obtain more life force…

These high-level mythical creatures were the most powerful forces of the alliance army. Although they had not moved yet, even Roy felt that it was troublesome just by looking at their numbers, so he might as well let Rafaro fight them first…

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