Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 597

Chapter 597: Chapter 137

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“You are just too kind. Oh, this is going to become a hidden danger…” Augmentin sighed and said. “You really shouldn’t have given them time!”

With a smile, Sui Xiong replied, “Since they have subtly expressed through their tone, that they would conform to a compromise, then there is nothing wrong in giving them some time to investigate.”

“There is no need for them to investigate at all!” Wenner shook his head repeatedly. “In my opinion, we should charge our way straight towards them and wipe them out. Don’t you have the God of Knowledge under your command? Think about it from another perspective; let him absorb the priesthood of the Master of Mystery, and then, let him be the one to investigate. He will be more reliable than the Master of Mystery!”

Sui Xiong blanked out for a moment. He really had not considered this just now.

On second thought, he said, “Destroying the Master of Mystery and all of his men would not be easy at all…”

“How difficult can it be!” Wenner shook his head vigorously and asked. “No matter how powerful the Master of Mystery is, in a one-on-one fight, he will never be able to win. Then, I will lead our brothers to attack his underlings, chop them up like minced meat—plain and simple. Needless to mention, your underlings also have a group of people under their command… My dear alliance master, you are, in any case, a top master who could cause the entire Pantheon temple to vibrate from a single stomp of your feet. Can’t you be a little more confident!?”

Sui Xiong was taken aback, but thinking back carefully, it seemed like the situation was really like how Wenner had pointed out.

The reason why the Master of Mystery could earn himself such a resounding reputation throughout the world was because of that one major battle that wiped out the entire Elf God System. But back then, was the Elf God System really that great?

At that time, the Elf God System had nearly 50 real gods, more than 200 demigods, and thousands of Legendary Masters under their command. It was, indeed, extremely powerful. But through these years spent on understanding the Elf God System, Sui Xiong already knew the fact that at that time, throughout their entire god system, there was only one great Divine Power, three mid-level Divine Powers, six to seven low-level Divine Powers, and the remaining 40 or so real gods were weak Divine Powers.

As for those 200 demigods, a majority of them could step into the demigod realm only because they were bestowed with a trace of divinity by the gods. At best, they were immortals that did not grow old and die. To say they were extremely powerful was, in fact, an inept statement.

Also, their army of Legendary Masters would have no problem dealing with other races, but if they were to go against a god with great Divine Power, then these Legendary Masters would be nothing more than cannon fodder. Even the more powerful Oracles would be rendered powerless.

The reason why the elves were powerful was not because they had a god system, but because they had the backing of the Goddess of Life and the advanced fairies from the highly-reputable “Golden Race.” After these advanced fairies disappeared with the Goddess of Life, the elf race retained its status of a prosperous civilization with a massive territory and had an astonishing number of masters in its army. But in truth, their top-rated martial skills were already weakened by a great extent.

If Sui Xiong were to go back in time to exist in that era, he could easily defeat and wipe out the entire Elf God System relying on his powers alone. Though, he might not necessarily be able to annihilate the entire race at one go.

There were several occasions that clearly displayed how powerful Sui Xiong was. For example, a few years back, Sui Xiong defeated the Fear God System in one breath, and he was so close to annihilating the Alliance of Evil Gods. The number of gods that he had annihilated could be as many as the total population of two Elf God Systems put together.

Since ancient times, other than a few especially terrifying demons, there had not been any other gods with such intimidating combat accomplishments. Upon comparison, the Master of Mystery did not seem to have anything that could put him at an advantage over Sui Xiong.

“We have always been pondering, exactly how powerful is this Master of Mystery?” Wenner observed that Sui Xiong seemed to have gained some enlightenment regarding this question, and so, he continued to say, “He is powerful, that is for sure, but is he truly so powerful that even a great Divine Power would be rendered helpless before him? No matter what, this is something that I can’t bring myself to believe.”

“Back during that one battle that occurred many years ago where he annihilated the entire Elf God System, the time he had taken to wipe out the elves, from beginning to the end, was very short. The entire incident seemed hasty, and there were no witnesses among the numerous gods. After the incident, at least a hundred gods have investigated this incident. However, other than learning that the Elf God System had been annihilated by the Master of Mystery, there wasn’t anything else that they could find,” Wenner said. “At that time, I wasn’t born, so naturally, it was impossible for me to investigate this. But after I became a god, I had investigated this incident by virtue of my priesthood… As you know, my priesthood is ‘war,’ so everything related to battling, even academic debates, business competitions… so long as they were intense enough, my priesthood would be able to obtain some traces of information, and with those traces, I can try to investigate this.

“I have been investigating for almost 100 years, but what I can see is still very blurred. There is nothing I can see or tell for sure; the entire scene merely gives me a very hazy impression. It’s just like… a dream that I can’t recall clearly.” Wenner let out a gentle sigh, then said, “But I’m very sure about one thing. At that time, there was no fierce battle.”

Sui Xiong squinted, “There wasn’t a fierce battle? That makes no sense!”

“Indeed, that doesn’t make sense.” Wenner nodded. “At that time, I was very puzzled too. The Elf God System was, after all, a complete god system with a great Divine Power assuming command. How could it have been completely annihilated without first going through an intense battle? Could the Master of Mystery be so powerful to such an extent where the entire Elf God System would simply succumb without being able to resist at all? This would be more plausible if it was the doing of the Master of Order!”

What Wenner said made sense. If the Master of Mystery was really so powerful that even a god system under the command of a great Divine Power was instantly annihilated without the chance to fight an intense battle, then earlier on, he would have been able to kill Sui Xiong directly with one strike.

Even if Sui Xiong had been within the Main Plane at that time where it was inconvenient for him to make a move, he had all the chances in the world to attack when Sui Xiong had left the Main Plane to save the Desolation God System.

Even if he had boasted himself to be of more noble identity and was unwilling to join the siege that the others were staging, he could have waited for that battle to end where he could attack Sui Xiong.

No matter how sturdy the Sanctuary of Sui Xiong’s God’s Kingdom was, there was no way it had a chance against a super master who could reduce an entire Elf God System to ashes in the twinkling of an eye!

“After hearing what you just said… he is indeed not as strong as how the legends have portrayed him to be.” Sui Xiong recalled to the best that he could every single detail of the scene where he had met the Master of Mystery, along with everything that they had conversed about earlier on. Then slowly, he said, “He is powerful, there’s no doubt about this, but he does not make me feel suppressed. He is not that powerful to make me feel that sense of danger as though a blade were positioned right in front of me.”

Wenner nodded. Of course, he too had paid the Master of Mystery a visit before, and the conclusion he arrived at was similar to Sui Xiong’s.

Augmentin was a little puzzled though, so he asked, “So Your Majesty, who is the most powerful god you have ever seen? What kind of feeling does he give you?”

“Of course, it’s Master of Order,” Sui Xiong said. “Although I have only met a clone of him, the feeling he gave me at that time… it was indescribable. It carried a kind of feeling like ‘this is just how things should be…’ Anyway, I can be sure of this. If I were to really fight the Master of Order, I wouldn’t even be half as powerful as his clone.”

“Who is next in line?” Augmentin continued to ask.

“Next in line would be the frightening and sticky Chaos,” Sui Xiong said. “That fellow is extremely frightening. As compared to the Master of Order, he is probably only weaker by a tad. But exactly how much weaker? I have no idea. Anyways, I fled the scene.”

Augmentin stared blankly for a moment, then asked, “Sticky Chaos?”

“Oh… you didn’t know about that? Then I shall not go into the details, lest the Master of Order finds out and gets angry at me.” Sui Xiong shook his head then continued to say, “I am in no capacity to mention the third name. This concerns someone else’s secret. The fourth and fifth would most probably be the God of Light and my oldest brother, the God of Justice. Who is more powerful of the two, I am also not too sure. Do you need to go on with the remaining ones?”

“No need.” Augmentin shook his head; then he asked, “So, at what level do you think the Master of Mystery could most probably be?”

After a moment of careful deliberation, Sui Xiong turned to look at Wenner, “Honestly speaking, I feel that you and him… should be almost the same, he can’t be much more powerful than you…”

Wenner stroked the needle-like beard under his chin as a murderous intention surfaced in his eyes. “If that is the case, what are we waiting for?”

Sui Xiong gave a blank look and asked, “What do you mean?”

“Since he is not all that powerful, then I shall assemble our men now. In one swift move, we shall break through the ‘Seven Colors Spring’!”

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