Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 165

Chapter 165: Chapter 35

Translator:Nyoi-Bo Studio

Editor:Nyoi-Bo Studio

After resolving the conflict between the white and black pigmen, Sui Xiong did not advance towards the southeast but along the border of nomads and farmers. He was wandering in the area of Orc Empire.

He found out that situations like the pigmens' were very common. Among the Orcs, there were two branches of nomads and farmers in a tribe. Every time during autumn harvest, the two branches would have a war. Many battles among the tribe were very tragic, even to the point where they would be strewn with corpses. Comparatively, the pigmen's wars that couldn't kill, with wooden weapons, were considered mild!

Sui Xiong was too lazy to delve deep into the rights and wrongs. As long as it wasn't one-sided pressuring and slaughter, he could cast a grand heat spell to have those Orcs go into chaos. As for those pure invasions and slaughters, he also had a big scale spell to cast, a collective weakening spell. That would make the invaders suddenly turn into soft-legged prawns, and never think about recovering battle power for the rest of their lives.

Mm, then what? It would be none of his business. At the end of the day, they were out for war. Those who kill should be prepared to be killed.

Then, he wandered for another two weeks and he walked across the entire Orc Empire. He wasn't sure how many large-scale spells he cast. He left behind countless moving stories... maybe.

When he was ready to leave the Orc Empire, he was finally stopped.

A brawny dogman who held a short spear, and a fat pigman who carried a big club, hemmed him in from the front and the back. When he looked to his left, there was a tigerman who was holding a bayonet, and an elephantman who was carrying a big hammer, as well as various orcs that were carrying their weapons. They gradually encircled him from every direction.

"D*mn! A group of God clones..." Sui Xiong could recognize the origins of the Orcs before his eyes with a glance, and he couldn't help but mumble, "Who did I annoy? The entire Orc God system came to encircle and annihilate me..."

"Let's make this clear. We are not here to suppress you," the dogman who acted as the leader spoke. "We only wanted to talk to you properly."

"Talk? I agree! Keep your weapons first and we will talk!"

The dogman shook his head. "If we don't hold weapons, you could turn around and escape. Our clone strength is limited, and we couldn't surround you."

"D*mn! You are at least the main God of a region, how could you be not confident in yourself?"

"This has nothing to do with confidence," the dogman waved with a smile on his face. Various Gods in the Orc God system hemmed Sui Xiong in from all directions. Every weapon gave out cold light, and the piercing murderous auras were giving him goosebumps.

Sui Xiong sighed and raised both his hands to show his intention to surrender. "Can't you just move the weapons away slightly? It's inconvenient for me to speak!"

The dogman beckoned to the rest of the Gods and they stepped back slightly. He then finally felt better.

"Alright, let's talk." The dogman made a wooden post and sat down. "Void Mask, why do you want to get involved in our internal affairs of Orc? Destroying our traditions?"


"Don't play dumb!" said the elephantman who was carrying the huge hammer and roaring in anger. "From the east to west, and from the west to east, you have been casting spells. Do you think we are blind?!"

Sui Xiong then understood why the Orc Gods formed an alliance to block him, but he couldn't help but get more upset. "I am helping your believers to mediate disputes and safeguard an established truth. Forget about the fact that you didn't thank me for that, why do you blame me? Where did I go wrong?"

The elephantman flew into a rage, raised his hammer, and wanted to smack Sui Xiong, but he was stopped by the dogman.

It was quite strange. The dogman's height was at the elephantman's waist at most, but when he extended his hand, he could reach elephantman's shoulder. The brawny elephantman couldn't stand straight, but bowed lower.

"Let me tell you a story." The dogman looked at Sui Xiong and deepened his voice. "There was a fox, and his best friend was a rabbit. He saw that his friend was skinny, so he locked the rabbit in the house. Every day, he would catch a chicken to feed the rabbit. But the rabbit didn't like chicken meat. Even if he forced himself to eat, he would have an upset stomach. The fox got very worried and tried very hard to improve his cooking skills. He learned steaming, soy braised, and all the other methods. However, the rabbit still couldn't eat, and got diarrhea if he did eat. In the end, he starved to death alive."

Sui Xiong smiled. "You mean my thought process doesn't suit the Orcs?"


"But the truth proves that my method worked," Sui Xiong said. "The peace in the places I passed through could be used as evidence."

"We Orcs never required any peace," the dogman said calmly. "We are a war tribe. The great creator created us to challenge the 'golden tribe' that the Goddess of Life created. Although the great God has passed, our tribe is the tribe created for war at the end of the day. We don't need peace, but constant training in battle, and to strengthen ourselves constantly!"

"That was only your thought," Sui Xiong smiled coldly and replied in disdain. "The big figures always rattle on about dreams and great plans, but the people only ask for a peaceful life where they could be well fed and kept warm. You want to battle? Go ahead and do it yourselves! Why do you have to affect the peoples' peaceful life?"

"The dream of Orc Gods is the pathway that Orcs should follow!" the pigman that was quiet the entire time spoke. "Moreover, I created the pigman. Whatever I want them to do, they should do."

"They are living spirits with wisdom; they are not your tools!"

Then the discussion was over.

The dogman raised his hand to stop his subordinates from fighting with Sui Xiong. He wore a cool look. In his eyes, there was lightning and thunder, and his body was giving out a strong aura.

"Void Mask, does it seem that you insist on getting involved in things that you shouldn't meddle in?" he asked with a deep voice.

Sui Xiong smiled but didn't reply, and his body started twinkling with blue and white electricity.

In the next moment, an earth-shattering, ferocious explosion cracked the surrounding dozen miles. The soil turned to dust, and it covered the entire sky. It turned the originally bright sky into a sudden, pitch-black darkness.

In the darkness, there was roar and low bellow, and also noises of weapons clashing.

After a moment, there was another tremendous noise and a fierce wind whistling.

The sky that was covered by dust was dispersed by the gale, and the universe resumed its brightness. The clones of each of the Orc Gods could be seen standing among the smoke and dust, looking at each other in surprise and bewilderment.

"Did we take him down?" a catman asked angrily and touched his paw where part of his fur was burnt off.

"I hit him with a hammer," the elephantman said in a low muffled voice, "but I didn't manage to land a solid hit."

"He is very clever. He'd rather take others' hits to dodge my spear," the dogman sighed. "We should've brought a few original godly items. While depending on the projection of these godly items, we weren't able to kill him!"

"Where did he go?" the elephantman asked.

Various Gods turned around together and looked towards the eagleman.

The eagleman nodded, and closed his eyes to save some energy. After a while, he opened his eyes and it let out beams of radiating sunshine that one was unable to look straight at it. It glazed around towards the sky, ground, and all directions.

Sweeping one round only took a few seconds' time. However, when he closed his eyes again, he looked extremely weary, as though he had just fought a war, and he was covered in sweat.

After a while, he caught his breath and spoke as he panted. "He… is not… on the main dimension."

The dogman creased his eyebrows and remained silent. Then he asked, "Could you roughly tell where he went?"

"He first got onto the Shadow Plane," the eagleman said, "then jumped into the underworld and then to hell… I could only see his journey 'till then. I couldn't go any further."

"Did he want to hide with the aid of hell? Or did he go somewhere else?" the dogman muttered to himself. Then he told the wolfman that was slightly smaller than him, "Go take a look at hell. Look for clues to trail him. Do not have any conflict with him!"

"If I find him, can I tempt him to violate the rules of hell?" the wolfman asked.

The dogman thought and shook his head. "Those people in hell aren't exactly nice and friendly people. Don't get involved with them. The b*stard can't hide in hell forever! Plus… my gut feeling tells me that he might not even be in hell…"

The wolfman nodded, and his shadow gradually disappeared.

The dogman sighed, looked around and said solemnly, "Let's send out a God's order; we must settle down the trouble Void Mask has caused us! Our tribe doesn't need weakness and peace, we only need constant war!"

"Got it!"

After a while, various Gods disappeared and only left a chaotic scene on the vast grassland that told people a war occurred there earlier.

After a short while, the chaotic ground suddenly shook, and a huge head popped up from underground.

It was a ridiculously huge earthworm, and it had a circle of strange gold light, that looked just like a small crown.

It looked around and seemed to be investigating the traces left by battle. Its body suddenly shook as it seemed to have realised something. Then, it turned around and snuck underground.

At the border of the "Boundless Open Country" in Orc Empire, in the gathering of Desolation God system, Morani was bellowing in anger.

"I knew since the beginning that those bastards weren't any good!"

the huge lionman warrior exited the gathering center and gazed upon the Holy Kingdoms faraway. After looking for a long while, he waved his hand and a huge war-axe appeared in his hands.

"Since everyone practices different beliefs, let's go our separate ways!"

Then, he swung his huge axe and slammed it onto the ground brutally.

With one slam, a deep crack formed on the rough ground of the Holy Kingdom. With another swing, the crack expanded even wider and gradually turned into a valley.

He continuously slammed the axe down. After God knows how many slams, the Holy Kingdom where the gathering center was located finally separated from the boundless open country completely and became one bigger and one smaller piece.

Morani raised his legs and landed a brutal kick. The huge power shook the boundless open country, and the gathering center of Desolation God system left the boundless open country with a terrifyingly fast speed, towards the emptiness afar.

Among the emptiness, the God of Justice who was watching invisibly showed his smile.

"Although my little brother is a little reckless, his insight is not too shabby…"

Then, he turned around to look to the other side. The strong godly power penetrated the boundless emptiness and he saw another world.

The huge jellyfish was muttering while he was lying in a boiling pool. He was nursing his injury while complaining.

"Bro, wait until your return; let's head to the boundless wild to crash the place!"

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