Crying Brothers: The Little Sister We Hate Is Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

The employees hurriedly supported the man in panic.

“Are you okay? What happened?” The employees asked in confusion.

“Is your heart uncomfortable? Did you bring medicine for the customer?” they continued to ask in a flurry.

However, the man didn’t have the strength to respond to them.

Several employees laid the man down on the ground, and he curled up in pain.

Someone quickly used the walkie-talkie to notify the manager, someone picked up the phone to call for emergency services, and someone rushed into the store to find the boss.

Five minutes later, an ambulance arrived with sirens blaring. The doctor jumped out of the car and immediately began resuscitation efforts.

However, despite their efforts, the middle-aged man still unfortunately passed away.

Subsequent investigations showed that the customer had a pre-existing heart condition and had consumed an excessive amount of alcohol that day, which led to his sudden heart failure and subsequent death outside the back door of the KTV.

However, this customer came with colleagues who were having a company dinner that night. He was drinking at the restaurant before coming to Starfield KTV, where they had not yet registered for a private room, nor had they consumed any drinks.

Therefore, this accident was actually not directly related to Starfield KTV, and the family would only seek compensation from the man’s company and the restaurant where they had dinner.

However, to maintain Starfield KTV’s reputation and to calm things down, Song Chao still offered a small amount of compensation to the customer’s family.

Just when Song Chao thought that this matter could be quickly resolved, the nightmare began.

What is being described here is a literal nightmare.

Every day after the incident, several KTV employees would dream of the man.

Most of the employees who dreamed of him were not present that day and had never seen the man before, nor did they know who he was in their dreams.

However, when the employees privately discussed their dreams, they quickly discovered a commonality: most of them dreamt of the staff passage behind the bar, and a few of them dreamt of a peach blossom forest. Without exception, the person they dreamt of was the middle-aged man!

A panic quickly spread throughout the KTV, as the employees all said that this was the ghost of an unjustly wronged person who could not rest.

Song Chao himself didn’t believe in these supernatural things until three days ago, when he dreamt of the man himself. He saw the peach blossom forest and the street behind the KTV that the employees had talked about!

Song Chao was directly frightened awake in the middle of the night.

He had originally been a staunch materialist, but the coincidence of the dream was really eerie. After much thought, he decided to seek help from a metaphysical practitioner.

Ordinary people would seek help from Buddhism, Taoism, or other religions, but this boss, Song Chao, would try them all!

Anyway, he couldn’t figure out which one was truly effective, so wouldn’t the probability of success in exorcism be higher if he tried several times?

Boss Song’s probability theory is really quite absurd, but he firmly believes in it. That’s why there has been a three-day gathering of mystics and religious groups in the backstreet of the Star Territory KTV.

Of course, another reason why Boss Song can do this is that he is not only the owner of the KTV but also the youngest son of the Song family, and his biggest advantage is that he is wealthy.

As soon as Li the driver drove into the alley, Ji Jing saw the crowded back door of the KTV from a distance. First, there was a statue of Guan Gong facing the door, next to it was a carefully placed Bible, and on the top of the door hung some garlic, mugwort, and other random items…

Now, there was even a Japanese onmyouji wearing hunting clothes standing at the door, performing some kind of ritual.

Even Ji Jing, who had dealt with many cases alone, couldn’t help but marvel at the “cultural diversity” here!

“Boss Song, the earthbound spirit has been banished,” Ji Jing got out of the car, and the onmyouji wearing a white kimono had just finished his sealing ceremony and was speaking with Boss Song in slightly accented Mandarin.

Ji Jing followed the onmyouji’s gaze and saw that Boss Song was actually a young man.

After listening to the onmyouji’s words, Boss Song nodded in satisfaction, then smiled and said some polite words, and had his assistant take the onmyouji to collect his payment.

However, as soon as he turned around, Boss Song sighed with worry. He had hired several masters, but he still hadn’t been able to stop the nightmares.

He couldn’t eat or sleep well after three days of continuous nightmares. His employees were also like they were in a lottery, with several people dreaming of the middle-aged man every day.

Which ordinary worker would want to experience such a thing?

Thinking of this, Boss Song anxiously tousled his hair.

Several employees had already resigned, and he had to give a bonus just to keep them from leaving. But if this nightmare continued for a few more days, his KTV would really go bankrupt!

He didn’t know if the people who came today were reliable or not, who did he invite again? Was it someone called Zizhu?

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