Crying Brothers: The Little Sister We Hate Is Actually a Bigshot

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The Europa Building is a newly built office building in the city center. Its unique triangular shape quickly became a new landmark in City C, and it is also the new headquarters of the emerging real estate giant, the Lin family.

Master Fang, after experiencing his mother’s incident, was too shocked and turned directly from a firm materialist to a fanatical Taoist believer.

He curiously asked, “Master Zizhu, are you going to exorcise ghosts?”

Ji Jing replied, “No, don’t worry. In fact, there aren’t that many ghosts and gods in this world. Your mother’s incident was also a rare occurrence.”

Master Fang nodded and did not ask any further questions.

Ji Jing found it amusing that Master Fang was actually very open-minded. He had a high degree of acceptance of Taoism in the beginning. To her, he looked like a young girl who had just entered the society, and Master Fang trusted her without the arrogance of middle-aged men preaching to young people. However, he had a tendency to overthink things.

Master Fang didn’t ask any more questions on the way, but he introduced Ji Jing to many local customs and attractions of City C, including places to have fun, places to eat, and places to take photos for social media.

Although Master Fang regarded Ji Jing as respectful as a goddess in his heart, Ji Jing was only a few years older than his daughter. Master Fang thought that young girls always liked these things.

Ji Jing grew up in the Taoist temple and her mental age was a few years older than her actual age. But as she listened to Master Fang’s vivid description, she couldn’t help but recall some old memories.

In the Taoist temple, they had to focus on their practice, and they didn’t go down the mountain very often. The only time they could participate in festivities was during the annual temple fair in the village at the foot of the mountain.

As the Lunar New Year approached, the possibility of evil spirits appearing increased, just like the saying goes, “It’s hard to survive the end of the year.”

So the temple master would take them down the mountain to perform rituals and exorcise evil spirits, indirectly allowing them to participate in the temple fair and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

The temple fair was as described by Master Fang, with many fun activities, delicious food, and many lion and dragon dances.

So Ji Jing and Master Fang talked about the temple fair at the foot of the mountain.

City C was also located in the same province, and their customs were similar. Master Fang opened up completely and happily talked about the temple fair in City C, and the car was filled with laughter all the way.

Soon, they arrived at the Europa Building.

Master Fang’s habit of nagging about his daughter made him worry about Ji Jing, “Master Zizhu, I know you have great powers and you’re not an ordinary girl, but it’s already late at night. Please be careful. I’ll be around here, so if you need anything, just call me.”

Ji Jing smiled and nodded, “No problem. This is the city center, so don’t worry. I’m not sure when I’ll be back, so after you finish your errands, just go home. You don’t have to wait for me. If I come back late, your daughter will worry.”

Master Fang had no choice but to agree.

Ji Jing watched Master Fang leave and felt that she received more care and warmth from him than from the rest of the Ji family. She turned around and looked up at the tall new office building.

A new landmark in the city center with a triangular shape, a masterpiece of a well-known designer, the Lin Group celebrated its entry last month. Everything looks great.

Unfortunately, the Lin Corporation had just moved into the building not long ago when rumors of ghosts haunting the building during late-night overtime started to spread.

For a group that was in the midst of thriving and embarking on a new phase of development after relocating to a new headquarters, this was not good news.

The Lin family was also a well-known real estate tycoon in City C. However, unlike the Ji family who regarded Taoism as “feudal superstition” and a flood of beasts, the Lin family had a lot of faith in Taoism and paid great attention to feng shui.

Upon hearing the rumors of ghosts haunting the building, Lin immediately realized that something must be wrong with the building. He ordered the headquarters to strictly adhere to the nine-to-five work schedule and firmly eliminate overtime to avoid affecting the morale of the group.

Although this measure made the employees very happy, Lin was very worried and sent a card directly to the head of the temple.

Lingyun Temple seemed to be a broken Taoist temple on a small hill in a small county town. In fact, it was quite famous in the industry and was one of the top Taoist temples in the south in terms of ability.

Strictly speaking, Taoists and feng shui masters are not the same. Feng shui masters are not Taoists, and Taoists only have a part of the knowledge of geomancy. However, the handpicked geomancy skills that the head of the temple had learned from his old mentor were extremely exquisite, and he was designated as a feng shui master by many upper-class people.

The Lingyun Temple’s annual incense money was not small, but most of it was donated by the head of the temple. Only a small portion was used to support the various orphans that he took in and even less was used to repair the temple to maintain its “livable” state.

However, the head of the temple fell and hurt his leg a few years ago, and his leg has not been very good since then. Over the years, he has gradually begun to hand over his affairs to his apprentices.

Lin was one of them.

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