Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 782 - 782 Inner Area

782 Inner Area

Two days later.

Xu Jingming surveyed the expanse of towering mountain peaks before him.

Is this the mountain range? Xu Jingming’s caution deepened. North River Boat Master had warned him that many formidable powerhouses had already ventured into the inner area. In this mountain range, my strength may pale in comparison. I must proceed with utmost care.

Suppressing his aura, Xu Jingming ventured into the mountain range without delay.

Beyond this vast land, all the third-realm beings from this parallel universe gathered. Thirty-five imposing figures followed the flow of karma, observing the progress of the half-step third-realm explorers.

With so many half-step third-realm powerhouses converging on the inner area from the outskirts of the land, it seems that many have already made their way inside. Feather Fire Lord watched from a distance, perplexed. Yet, nothing extraordinary has been uncovered.

Why would an Ultimate being leave behind such a place?

Perhaps to make a public spectacle of these characters?

The third-realm beings observed in bewilderment. While the treasures seemed precious, they held little significance for those who had attained the third realm. Ultimate beings could easily create a multitude of valuable materials.

Upon reflection, it was only the enigmatic characters that held true significance.

“I can sense a trace of Ultimate power within these characters,” Master of Antinight remarked.

“Merely relying on characters won’t grant you Ultimate status,” Feather Fire Lord disagreed, shaking his head. “You must first find your own path and push the limits of the third realm. Rebirth after death is the sole opportunity for becoming Ultimate.”

“Indeed,” agreed Connoisseur Grandpa Xu. “The four Ultimate beings have openly declared that they perished before their rebirth and eventual success. It is their shared experience.”

“Then, these characters might be a source of amusement for an Ultimate being,” Master of Antinight suggested with a smile.

“The path to Ultimate status cannot be so easily attained. These characters can only serve as supplements to bolster our preparations,” Lord Louye calmly interjected.

The assembled individuals nodded in agreement.

Across infinite time in a swath of spacetime, only a handful of third-realm beings were born.

And across those countless spacetimes, only four Ultimate beings emerged!

The difficulty of the path ahead left the third-realm beings despondent.

“Even an Ultimate being cannot groom another Ultimate,” Feather Fire Lord lamented. “The four Ultimate beings each followed a completely different path.”

The Primordial Star, the Abyss, the Mother Stream, the Heart Realm… The four paths diverged entirely.

“These characters might truly be a form of entertainment.” The third-realm powerhouses carefully observed. Even if it was mere amusement, it was the amusement of an Ultimate existence! It could potentially hold a fortuitous key for them.

If they performed admirably and caught the attention of an Ultimate being, if luck favored them to become an Ultimate being’s ‘follower,’ their lives would be transformed—they would step onto the grand stage of countless spacetimes.

Finally, Jingming has entered. Connoisseur Grandpa Xu had been keeping a close eye on Xu Jingming’s progress. Through karma, he remained attuned to Xu Jingming’s exploration process.



Xu Jingming moved cautiously, keeping close to the surface of the mountains as he made his way forward. He manipulated the surrounding void, suppressing his aura and any fluctuations. The suppression of the laws in a place left behind by an Ultimate being is incredibly potent. I’ve also controlled a small area of the void around me. At the very least, unless they come too close, I shouldn’t be discovered.

An hour has passed, yet I haven’t come across any treasures.

He felt a twinge of disappointment.

After all, he had covered a significant area in that hour, but there were no treasures to be found. Not a single native creature had attacked him.

Could it be that all the treasures on the outskirts of the mountains have already been taken away? Xu Jingming pondered. Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of an inconspicuous canyon in the distance.

The canyon appeared remote and dark, barely visible from his vantage point. Xu Jingming could vaguely make out numerous black plants within the canyon, as well as a beam of light.

Just the sight of that distant beam of light sent a shiver down Xu Jingming’s spine.

It might be a treasure. Xu Jingming wasted no time and approached.

As he drew nearer, he saw clearly that the beam of light was, in fact, an ethereal sphere slightly larger than his body. Light danced upon its surface, continuously absorbing power from the void and growing at an incredibly slow pace.

Absorbing external forces to grow? It must have taken countless Abyssal Eras for it to reach this size. Xu Jingming observed it carefully. Just looking at it affects my mind and consciousness! It must be an extraordinary treasure, but… I have never seen it, nor do I recognize it.

He was unfamiliar with this treasure, unaware of its nature.


Xu Jingming split his figure instantly, leaving one form in his original position while the other cautiously approached the ethereal sphere.

Just as he was about to touch the sphere—

A figure darted past Xu Jingming with lightning speed.

The figure was so swift that Xu Jingming, already on guard, had no time to dodge. The figure passed by his clone.

Wh— Xu Jingming widened his eyes in surprise. A tremendous destructive force surged from his wound, spreading rapidly throughout his body. The life force of his clone was completely severed, dissipating into nothingness.

With a single strike, the clone was obliterated.

At that moment, the assailant revealed its true form—a petite, dark-red mutated beast with razor-sharp claws.

To annihilate my clone in one blow… such destructive power is on par with an invincible half-step third-realm powerhouse. Xu Jingming observed the scene intently from a distance. Since he knew nothing about the ethereal sphere and was uncertain of its danger, he had sent a clone to retrieve it.

The dark-red beast fixed its gaze on Xu Jingming and vanished into thin air.

This native creature is much stronger than any I’ve encountered on the outskirts, Xu Jingming thought, instantly dividing himself into ten clones.

The ten Xu Jingmings positioned themselves apart, calmly surveying their surroundings. Simultaneously, they created an Abyssal Void illusory realm that encompassed a vast area in all directions.

This native creature is truly peculiar. Once it conceals itself, not even the Abyssal Void illusory realm can touch it. Xu Jingming had always been intrigued by the abilities of these native creatures.

When they hide, it’s as if they vanish from this spacetime. Nothing can touch or assail them.

Only when they reveal themselves can I make contact!

The hidden dark-red mutated beast hesitated momentarily upon spotting the ten Xu Jingmings, but then a surge of murderous intent ignited in its eyes.



The dark-red mutated beast reappeared, prepared to attack. However, this time, the area was already engulfed by the Abyssal Void’s illusory realm.

It was naturally drawn into the illusory realm’s grasp, and simultaneously, three of Xu Jingming’s clones wielded psychic weapons, transforming into three black beams that pierced through the dark-red mutated beast’s body.

The dark-red mutated beast’s response was slightly sluggish due to the influence of the illusory realm, yet it still swung its sharp claws as the three black beams penetrated its flesh.


In the distance, three black beams of light transformed into three clones, each brandishing a weapon. However, two of the clones suffered rapidly expanding wounds, swiftly replaced by new clones.

I’ve lost two more clones. Xu Jingming’s expression grew graver. This mutated beast’s techniques are unbelievably advanced. I can’t even block a single strike. If it hits me, my very existence will be annihilated.

The killing intent in the dark-red beast’s eyes intensified, accompanied by a low growl that sent shivers down Xu Jingming’s spine. Its roar has the power to affect my mind and consciousness.

This time, the dark-red mutated beast did not hide; it charged forward in a flash.

Numerous Xu Jingmings also rushed forward with fervor. The Abyssal Void illusory realm remained intact while Red Lotus Fire blazed. Intersecting black beams of light pierced through the dark-red mutated beast’s body.

Its injuries became increasingly severe, yet it grew even more frenzied as its killing intent heightened.


When another black beam of light penetrated the dark-red alien beast’s body, the madness in its eyes subsided, dimmed, and faded away.

Numerous Xu Jingmings converged.

It took 47 clones to bring it down. Xu Jingming examined the lifeless corpse of the dark-red alien beast. It seems rather dim-witted. The more it fought, the more unhinged it became. It didn’t retreat even when nearing its demise.

The native creatures in the outer area possess cunning instincts. They know when to escape.

But the inner area’s native creatures are stronger, yet they seem lacking in intellect? Xu Jingming felt a twinge of confusion.

The lifeless body of the dark-red mutated beast dissipated silently, leaving behind only three characters.


Xu Jingming stared in bewilderment at the trio of characters before him.

These characters were distinct in their colors—black, colorful, and translucent. They melded together, their auras flowing as one.

A flawless combination of the three characters? Xu Jingming instantly grasped a new revelation. He had already amassed over a thousand characters and gained some understanding, but his comprehension paled in comparison to the seamless fusion displayed by the three characters before him.

At that moment, Xu Jingming felt a surge of inspiration.

Can they be combined like this?

I can also merge the myriad characters I’ve collected. Xu Jingming’s mind brimmed with countless ideas. Though these notions were rudimentary and fell far short of the flawless combination showcased by the three characters left behind by the deceased dark-red mutated beast, they represented a new path forward.

Despite his excitement, Xu Jingming wasted no time. One clone swiftly stored away the three characters, while another clone approached the illusory sphere.

Upon contact, the Heart Realm Force seamlessly merged into the sphere.

This sphere?

Xu Jingming was dumbfounded.

As the Heart Realm Force infiltrated the illusory sphere, Xu Jingming sensed the presence of a chaotic world. This illusory sphere is a natural expanse of immense illusions! I can shape it into my own illusory realm?

From the moment he made contact, Xu Jingming felt an unshakable certainty that the value of this illusory sphere far surpassed that of a third-realm weapon. Truly befitting a wonder left behind by an Ultimate being.

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