Close Combat Mage

Chapter 442

As the distance between them closed, they finally … Soga realised that the golden ball of light was split into three, although it was hidden by the dense fog, making it hard to see, but without question, it was not a light, but a Sea Warcraft!

Just as he was observing, Soga suddenly realized that when he was within a thousand meters of the golden ball of light, the three balls of golden light had actually gradually dove into the seabed, and their surroundings had once again sunk into a white mist.

"Holy sh * t!" Seeing this scene, Soga couldn't help but scold silently. The reason the ocean is so terrifying is because under the calm ocean water, it contains an enormous danger. Soga is sure that the other party has already discovered him. Those three unknown Sea Warcraft must be sneaking over from the seabed, and were ready to attack Soga at any moment!

Just as he was thinking, a sense of vigilance rose up from the bottom of Soga's heart, and in the next moment … Soga instantly activated the invincible Space Guardian, and at the same time, the bottom of the fast boat Soga was on, which was even tougher than steel, instantly suffered an intense impact!

Soga watched as Soga's fast boat shattered into pieces that filled the sky. Just how terrifying of an attack was this, to be able to shatter a tough Sea god wood with just one attack? This was simply inconceivable!

"Bam!" In shock, Soga suddenly saw a gigantic Golden seahorse, which quickly jumped out of the water and fiercely crashed onto the Energy shield formed by the Space Guardian, producing a dull sound.

Without waiting for Soga to regain his senses, a second seahorse leapt out from the ocean water, his head lowered, and used the golden horn on his forehead to ram towards Soga.

Looking at those terrifying horns, Soga knew that it was this guy who smashed Soga's speedboat just now. Counting these two, there should be a total of three Golden seahorses!

Not only were these three seahorses extremely destructive, they were also as fast as lightning. The only reason Soga could see their shapes was because they were too big, although not as big as those super sea monsters, they were still not small compared to the horses on the ground.

Floating nervously in the air, Soga knew that he had to think of a way as soon as possible. With Soga's current strength, the Space Guardian could only maintain it for around 12 seconds.

Just as Soga was pondering, not far away from him, three golden rays of light slowly rose. Looking around, there were three gigantic seahorses standing side by side on top of the ocean waves, cautiously looking at Soga. Just now, Soga had blocked their attack, which greatly shocked these seahorses.

Under Soga's attentive gaze, the three seahorses slightly opened their muzzle-like mouths. Looking at the one meter long mouth that was as thick as a human thigh, Soga couldn't help but become nervous. What were they trying to do? Do you still want to attack?

"Du, du, du … …" Accompanied by a strange whistling sound, in the next moment … Three icicles the thickness of a calf shot out from the mouth of the seahorse, whizzing like missiles. In an instant, they covered a distance of over thirty meters and heavily smashed onto Soga's Space Guardian!

"Bang!" Bang! "Bang …" Amidst the violent explosion, Soga opened his mouth wide in shock as he cried out in a trembling voice, "Dammit, it's actually an Ice Explosion Bomb! This was too exaggerated! This is the Magic Upanishads that only the Wizard Master can activate! "

Not only was the Icy Explosion hard, it also contained a large amount of cold energy. Most importantly, the moment it came into contact with the target, the Icy Explosion would explode violently and use the flying bullets to kill the enemy. It was a combination of a single Magic attack, a group of Magic attack s, and a body of super magic!

Looking at the three Golden seahorse in front of him, Soga knew that these three were all Sea Warcraft of the Wizard Master Realm. Furthermore, they were of the dual cultivation of Demon and Martial Arts cultivation, not only could they attack with a meter long horn on their head, they could even fire Ice Blast Bombs.

Looking at the three Golden seahorse s starting to gather blue light in front of their mouths, Soga couldn't help but become nervous. After calculating for a bit, five to six seconds had already passed, and if they were allowed to continue firing, then in another six to seven seconds, once the Space Guardian disappeared, Soga's life would be lost to the ocean.

While he was thinking, Soga did not dare to continue thinking, as things were already like this, there was only one thing left for him to do, fight! While he was deep in thought … Soga slightly extended his hand and the Sea God Trident instantly appeared on Soga's right hand. At the same time, three Golden seahorses once again shot out three ice bullets!

In the face of the Golden seahorse's attack, Soga did not dare to be negligent. The Sea God Trident moved slightly and in an instant, the Ice roar, with three Golden seahorse as the center, started to wreak havoc wildly.

Under Soga's expectant gaze, thousands of ice blades whizzed through the air, slicing towards the three Golden seahorses. The next moment … Soga opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

Under Soga's attentive gaze, the three Golden seahorses completely ignored the ice blades and allowed the ice blades to slice into the golden scales on the surface of their bodies.

"Bang!" Bang! "Bang …"

In the midst of the violent explosion, one after another Ice Burst Bullets exploded on Space Guardian. Although the flying ice blades did not harm Soga, their incomparable might caused Soga to tremble in fear, such a strong Magic attack, he was definitely unable to resist them. As long as one exploded on top of it, he would be smashed to pieces!

On the other hand, the Golden seahorse, on the other hand, didn't seem to feel Soga's Ice roar at all. Under the protection of the golden scales, Soga's ice blade wasn't qualified to harm the seahorse protected by the scales.

He bitterly laughed and shook his head. If it were any other Sea Warcraft, with Soga's strength, they would definitely be able to kill them, but these three Golden seahorses were really too strange. His solid golden scales ignored all physical attacks, and Soga's cold air was useless.

As he was feeling anxious and anxious, the Space Guardian finally started to stir. Seeing this scene, Soga knew … Space Guardian's time was running out, if he did not think of a way soon, he was dead.

"Sigh …" Soga let out a helpless sigh, and helplessly shook his head. Soga's figure gradually disappeared from the Space Guardian, that's right … This was the unique ability of Death Cloak — Disappear!

Entering into the gap between life and death, Soga sprinted forward at full speed. As matters stood, Soga was already extremely poor, although escaping was shameful, but as long as he could escape, did not care about the shame.

Seeing Soga's mysterious disappearance, the three Golden seahorses couldn't help but be stunned, searching the surface of the sea in a daze. Their small heads couldn't wrap their heads around it.

On the other side, Soga was using the Waves Steps, sprinting at full speed. Within the time limit, Soga was able to rush out more than a kilometer, but although he was already as fast as a meteor, when Soga's figure was released from its disappearing state, it was instantly sensed by the three Golden seahorses.

"Hiss …" In the midst of the sharp whistling sound, Soga entered into vanishing state for the second time, and when he entered the vanishing state, Soga turned his head to look behind him. Under Soga's gaze, three long lines of water extended out from the three seahorses, and with lightning speed, they travelled over a thousand meters and rushed towards Soga.

"Holy sh * t!" Seeing the Golden seahorse's exaggerated speed, Soga couldn't help but cry out. Soga had run for more than 10 seconds, and in just a breath of time the other party had caught up!

Unable to believe it, Soga clenched his teeth, and escaped with all his might, but the reality was cruel. When Soga had no choice but to break free from the state of disappearance again, the three Golden seahorse sensed Soga's location once again, and rushed at full speed like three golden streaks of lightning.

Soga bitterly entered his disappearing state once again. He knew, if he did not think of a way, then he was dead today, and could only use this ability four times today. Until now, Soga had already used it twice!

This time, Soga did not try to escape with all his might. Soga knew very clearly that escaping was already meaningless, and the absolute difference in speed made it impossible for him to escape.

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