Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 667 - 84- Reece – Contacting Trinity Part 4 (VOLUME 4)




"Alright. So, are you ready now? You can find her now, right? Please tell me that we are not going to drag this out any more than we already have." I sounded desperate to my own ears. I could just imagine what they thought of me.

"Yes, King Reece, we can find her now." Charlie confirmed for me.

"I am sorry that this has taken so long." Chloe sounded repentant.

"That is fine. I was not reprimanding you. I am just anxious. Please, tell me where my wife is."

"Yes, Sir." They spoke that last one together.

Together, the twins went to stand next to my Little Bunny again. They each reached down at the same time and took one of her hands. Chloe took my Little Bunny's right hand and Charlie took her left. Then, the twins reached across my Little Bunny's body and took each other's empty hands. They made an awkward looking triangle. Actually, if I looked at them in just the angle, I could almost see a Trinity symbol formed by their arms and bodies. That was probably just me projecting my thoughts onto the situation. If I saw a Trinity symbol then I might feel like my Little Bunny was closer to me.

The moment that Charlie and Chloe grabbed each other's hands while holding onto my Little Bunny's hands a light started to glow around all three of them. The light seemed to be mixed with Chloe's black light, Charlie's white light, and the blue that was typical for my Little Bunny. That told me that she was still in there somewhere. Her magic was here and that meant that my Little Bunny hadn't left me forever.

"I can sense that we are getting closer." Charlie was obviously providing commentary for Trevor and I. His eyes, like Chloe's, were closed, but he didn't look as if this whole process took a toll on him physically. Chloe looked like she might not have been standing anymore if it hadn't been for the magical light that was connecting them all.

The light in the room reached an intensity that was too much for me and my eyes. I actually did what Chloe seemed to want to do. I fell to my knees and covered my eyes. Judging by the thud that hit the floor next to me, Trevor had done the same.

There was an upside to what was happening right now. I didn't feel those phantom-like, invisible ghost hands touching all over me. Maybe they only needed to get to know me and Trevor so that they could ignore us when they went out on their big excursion. I could just imagine what those hands would feel like now that the power of their little spell was intensified.

"I see that Queen Trinity went through a door near the throne room. That was where she first saw the children. She followed them through a door that took her out of her body and out of this realm."

"W..where did it take her?" I fought to speak, it was almost more than I was capable of right now.

"The door seems to have been a connection to the underworld."

"THE UNDERWORLD!" Trevor and I both shouted those words at the same time.

"She is alive, it is just her soul that went to the underworld. I can sense that someone had been drawing her toward the underworld for a long time. A phantom presence that was wreaking havoc on the Queen." Charlie seemed like he was having no problem at all continuing his search and speaking at the same time. Me on the other hand, I had a hard time just getting words out.

"I should have listened to her more. I should have paid more attention to her."

"The children saved the Queen by taking her through the door. The voice was leading her toward another door. One that went into the pits of hell, the halls of eternal damnation." There was actual fear in Charlie's voice now.

"The babies saved her?" Trevor sounded like he was awed by that statement. So was I.

The first place that the Queen ended up was a shadow version of the castle. It kept her close to the surface of the mortal realm, but she was not here. She heard a few things but only snippets of it. After that, she searched the castle and went through another door that the children showed her. That led her to the hall of self-reflection."

Self-reflection? What would my Little Bunny need to reflect upon? She was a good person and she never did anything to intentionally hurt people. Shouldn't that place just be for people that had done questionable things?

"She spent a lot of time in the hall of self-reflection. She had a difficult time with the seed of her darkness but I can see that things have been cleared up between the two versions of Queen Trinity." 

There had been two of her? Two versions of my Little Bunny? Whoa. This was not at all what I was expecting to hear. Still, I was happy to be getting all of this information. I needed to know it all. If I was going to help my Little Bunny, then I needed to know everything that I could.

"What happened after that? What happened after my wife reflected and spoke with her seed of darkness?" 

From there, it looks as if she walked through the hall of self-reflection until she found the children again. They led her through another door that took her into Limbo? She is still in Limbo at the current moment."

"Is that all? Is there anything else that you can tell me? How is she? Why is she in the underworld still? How can I bring her home? What can I do to help her?"

I was bombarding Charlie with questions, having fought against the light to see the man. He still just stood there with his eyes closed. He didn't even know how desperate and frantic I was looking.

"I do not know how to answer all of those questions, but I can answer a couple. She is in the underworld right now because if she came back, the voice that was drawing her there would not cease. She needs to stop it. And there is nothing for you to do. She just needs to complete her mission. She is, however, still doing OK on her own."

I couldn't go there. I couldn't help her. There was nothing that I could do. Those words stung. They hurt my heart.

"Alright." I nodded and closed my eyes again. "I will have to wait."

"I am sorry that I cannot do more for you, King Reece." Charlie sounded sad but his sister spoke up then, speaking in a voice that I think was meant to help cheer me up.

"We cannot bring Queen Trinity back here just yet, but we know that she will come back as soon as she can. However, would you like to know what you are having? We have not referred to the babies as anything other than children so far."

" can see them?" I was in awe and wished that I could look at them again without hurting my eyes.

"Yes, we can." Thankfully, at that moment, the bright light abruptly disappeared.

"Tell me." My head shot up the moment that the light was gone.

"Three identical little boys. You are very lucky, King Reece." Chloe's words made my heart soar with joy, even at a moment like this. I was having three little boys. I was so happy to hear that.. Now, if only their mommy would wake up.

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