Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 580 - Epilogue 6- Roisin – A Day In The Life Of A Goddess (VOLUME 3)




When Queen Trinity told me about her ascension into being the Goddess, I was not at all surprised. I had chosen to serve Queen Trinity because I had known all along that she was going to be something special. I may not have known that she was going to be a Goddess, but I knew that I needed to stick with her.

When I first joined her, I was ecstatic that I was given the responsibility of taking care of the royal quarters within the castle. That was the highest honor for a servant such as myself. The only thing that would have made things even better, would have been to have become her personal attendant and taken care of Queen Trinity personally.

However, it didn't appear that Queen Trinity was the type of woman who wanted someone to attend to her like that. She was such a saint. She was the most kind and benevolent person I had ever met. And she was so beautiful too. I was happy to be serving her.

Today, I was to be serving tea for the Goddess Queen when she invited her friends over to talk to them about her new position. It wasn't something that I usually did, so I was happy to be spending time with the Queen like this.

Not to mention that I was ecstatic that I could call her my Queen. She may not be the queen of the Fae like Queen Gloriana was, but Queen Trinity was the Goddess Queen. She was the Goddess to the shifters, the magic users, as well as the Fae. She was my goddess so therefore she was my queen by extension. I loved the logistics of all of that. It made me feel closer and more devoted to Queen Trinity.

"Trinity!?" Juniper, the Goddess Queen's best friend ran into the room when she saw her friend waiting for her. Her husband and brother were behind her with their children. I knew that Juniper's sister in-law was in the hallway, I just couldn't see them. Between Juniper's children and her brother's children, they had five children, twins and triplets respectively. They were a lovely family that was very close with each other.

"Hey, Jun." Queen Trinity hugged her friend back, embracing her as if it had been so long since they had simply seen each other.

"Hey, Astro." Juniper's husband came up and added his arms to the hug. "I'm glad to see you're back. We all missed you."

They all sat down together, the children all going off to play while their parents talked and spent time with each other. I did my best to serve them tea and keep them well taken care of. I also kept an eye on the children, who were all very close in age to each other, all on the verge of turning four years old.

The tea party went great, in my opinion at least. They talked about the times in the Fae Kingdom and the battle. Needless to say, they were quite shocked to learn about Queen Trinity's ascension. They got over it quickly, though, and the conversation was able to move on.

After Queen Trinity visited with her friends, she had a few meetings with visiting Alphas who had come to settle some issues they were having. For some reason, I was asked to stand in with this meeting as well. I got to stand behind my Queen just like Gabriel, my mate, was doing. We were both there to take care of Queen Trinity and any needs that might arise for her.

Gabriel provided political support while I was there to help attend to her and the guests. This was a first for me, but I quite enjoyed this part of my job. Queen Trinity was truly giving me such wonderful consideration.

The meeting with the Alphas went great in my opinion. Their dispute had been over encroachment of territories. They were Alphas from different packs and different species so the territories seemed to cross over into similar or shared spaces. Queen Trinity listened to what they each had to say, consulted with Gabriel, and worked out a solution that would be beneficial for them both. It had taken a long time to come to an agreement of course, and there had been a lot of yelling and squabbling from the visiting Alphas, but my Queen kept her cool and was able to get them to see eye to eye. I was so proud of her.

Come dinner time, I was once again invited to stay in the room with the Queen. I was attending to Queen Trinity as well as King Reece, their three children, Reagan, Rika, and Talia. In attendance were also Wesley, Eve, Samuel, and Lila, members of the Queen Trinity and King Reece's families.

During dinner, my duties were to serve the food, keep the drinks topped off, and make sure that everything went smoothly. I honestly felt like a proper attendant doing all of this. This was amazing for me and all day I had been smiling with joy. What better job was there for someone like me than that of caring for the Goddess Queen?

When the night was finally winding down and I accompanied the Goddess Queen back to her room, at her request, I expected that I was going to be cleaning something or doing something that she asked me to do. I didn't expect her to sit at her desk and then look at me with serious eyes.

"So, Roisin, how was your day?" Queen Trinity asked me the moment we were alone in her room.

"It was lovely. I was so happy to be taking care of you personally, my Queen."

"I am happy to hear that." She grinned at me, something that made my heart soar with joy. "The reason I asked so much of you today, Roisin, was that I am thinking of having you become my personal attendant. And in turn, training personal attendants for the children. They have other people to help them, but I have a feeling that there will be times when my family will be too busy to help me with their care. They are not normal children and I expect them to come with their own unique set of challenges. Does this sound acceptable to you?"

"Most definitely. I would love to be your personal attendant. I will take the very best care of you. And I will even train the new maid that will be taking over for me. I am more than happy to be there for you, my Queen. Thank you for this opportunity." I think I might be a little too excited.

"No, Roisin, thank you."

This had been the best day of my life. I couldn't believe what it was that Queen Trinity was doing for me. I was going to be caring for Queen Trinity every single day. I was going to be training people to care for the prince and princesses. I was going to be so busy and that made me so happy. I couldn't think of a single thing that was better than what I just heard. Not one.

Well, maybe just one thing. And that was that I was soon going to be having my own baby. My baby was going to grow up alongside the princesses and prince. My baby was going to be able to see what wonderful people this family was up close and personal.. This was the best thing ever.

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