Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 537 - Reece – The Battle Wages On (VOLUME 3)




I had fought in the first wave of this war. I had spent the last few hours fighting what felt like an endless stream of monsters that was swarming out into this clearing that we were in. The beasts had been massive and fierce, but I had managed it.

Now, though, it was time for me to stand back and watch as my wife, my Little Bunny, went out there to fight with her group of soldiers. This was not what I had wanted to happen, but there was nothing else for me to do. I mean, I could run out there and fight alongside her, but she would just order me back and tell me to wait until I had regained some energy and rested up for the next wave, if there was one.

None of us had known exactly what to expect when we got here, and many of us had hoped that the sheer size of our army was enough to stop the enemy all together; I was among those that had hoped for that.

That had just been a dream, though. When we got here there was such a large number of creatures that showed up, that the first group of our troops had nearly been overwhelmed. I, for one, didn't think that the dark Fae were going to have so many monsters at their disposal. That was just ridiculous to see.

And now, as I watched, my Little Bunny looked like she was giving a speech to her personal guards that were in her platoon. I hadn't even needed to tell them that they needed to be in that one with her, they all decided to follow her on their own accord. They were good men, good soldiers, who all loved and cared for their Queen. They would protect her just the same as I would.

I was nervous and tense the moment that the speech ended. At that moment, my Little Bunny dashed forward and started to attack the monsters that were slowly starting to force their way across the field.

There was a massive python, it was approximately fifty feet long at the very least. That massive snake looked as if it were trying to sneak up on my Little Bunny and take her from behind. I felt my heart begin to pound and was about to yell out to her, but that wasn't necessary.

Little Bunny dispatched the large, winged monster that she had been dealing with as the snake got closer to her. I saw that she had already sensed the beast approaching her from behind and watched as she spun in place and started to run straight at the thing.

She was air walking. This is what we called it when she was literally able to walk on the air like it was solid. She didn't do that all that often, so many of our people, let alone the thousands here with us, had never seen her do this.

"Oh my Goddess! She is walking through the air."

"She's floating."

"She can fly through the sky?"

There were several awed voices around me that were shocked by what they had seen. That made me feel a sense of pride as I watched my mate fight, but it was short lived when I saw what she was doing.

Trinity had one of the swords from Sterling and Alloy in her hand when she started to air walk up and around the snake. The beast had sensed her and was following her movements through the air as she moved around it.

When my Little Bunny got closer to that thing, I watched on in horror as it reared back and prepared to strike out at her.

"Trinity!" I yelled when I saw the danger that she was in.

The snake missed her though, and she was unharmed. Now it was time for Trinity to execute her attack on the creature. She was still running, swiftly, up and around the giant snake until she was directly above its head, about forty feet higher than where its head currently was. If the thing rose to its fullest height, it still wouldn't be able to reach her. It would be close, but not quite there.

I was momentarily relieved that she was out of the thing's reach, that was until I saw what had planned next. Trinity leapt from her air platform and dove straight down at the beast below her. She was diving with her head going directly toward the back of the snake, the only thing that was between her and the monster was the arm holding the sword that was aimed at the back of its head.

She must have told Vincent what her plan had been, because he came in at just the right time to distract the monster and draw its attention away from my Little Bunny. With the beast following Vincent with narrowed, slit pupiled eyes, Trinity dove at the hard outer shell of the monster's head.

The point of the sword pierced the back of the serpent's head and a flood of thick black fluid erupted from it like a geyser. The beast screeched and thrashed around, causing the black blood-like substance to spray everywhere.

I couldn't see my Little Bunny at the moment. I didn't know where she had disappeared to. While I searched frantically for her, I felt my heart racing once again. Where the hell was she? What had happened to her?

All I could see right now was the black blood soaked field and the other warriors dashing all around. I saw Vincent jumping out of the way of the python as its head crashed to the ground. I saw Shane and Shawn fighting in unison as they took on a massive mastodon dinosaur-like monster.. David was dashing around the clearing so fast that my eyes could barely keep up with him. All of my Little Bunny's guards were there but, where was my Little Bunny? Where was my mate?

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