Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 648 Mother’s Love Again!

Chapter 648 Mother's Love Again!

Date- 31 Mar 2321

Time- 15:21

Location- Sky Blossom City, SSS-Rank Legend Grade Unparalleled Arena

'I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter!'

'Ding! (1/1000).'

'I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter!'

'Ding! (2/1000).'



'I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter!'

'Ding! (489/1000).'

'I am dumb! Mother…

Anna kept repeating the same chant within her mind. The idea was to repeat the chant 1000 times to activate the second bestowal card Anna's mother gave Anna when the morning star university called her regarding her insubordinate daughter being caught fighting other students on campus.

The treaty of no war on the central academic city seems to have an expectation, and they are the students of the universities of the central academic city. This exception is not in the treaty but is unspoken yet agreed upon by every party involved in the treaty. After all, the disputes won't disappear just because there is a treaty between them. So the treaty was only adults agreeing to keep out of children's arguments. And let them handle it themselves, in a way, a teachable aspect for the students who will soon be stepping out into society.


"Anna! Do you know where you were wrong?" When Anna's mother's incarnation visited Anna in front of the Dean's office, these were the her words for Anna.

"I was not strong enough to finish the fight quickly! Before the staff arrived." Anna responded, reacting to her mother's incarnation's disappointment.

"Wrong! You got caught! Take all the time you need to play with the cats and dogs but be smart enough not to get caught." The incarnation corrected Anna.

"There are too many of them. All of them are experts in different kinds of cards. I have a hard time juggling all of them simultaneously. They always ambush me fearing my field cards. Making it impossible for me to summon my field card in their trap." Anna did not understand what the incarnation was saying. She just kept giving reasons for her loss. She did not want to see her mother disappointed. To avoid being ganged upon, Anna invented arena dungeon-type field cards to isolate her enemy from the herd and take care of them one by one. But soon, her enemies adapted, and her bullies stopped assaulting her directly. Instead, they started lying in ambush and setting up traps so that Anna could not summon her field card or any other card for that matter. She had to take on all of them with her physique and unparalleled bloodline. This is how Anna began to depend on her physique more than cards.

"Whoa! You are stupid, aren't you!" Seeing her original body's daughter not understand what she was saying, the incarnation could help but blurt out these words.

"Mother!" Anna knew her mother was an expert at hiding affection, so she rarely showed appreciation. Therefore Anna didn't mind her and would let it be. But her blatantly calling her stupid was not acceptable.

"Silly goose, who are you?" The incarnation shook her head and asked Anna.

"..." Anna did not want to participate in her mother's charades. After all, her mother will never understand her.

"Anna! Remember, you are the lone heir of the Heatsend family's main branch. Own it! Do you know how many students get scholarships from our family to study in the top 10 universities? And why do you think that your family does that? You, of all people, must know your grandfather hates charity. Silly girl, be smart. You are not alone. You were never alone. Take this. It will help when your brawns alone are not enough." Reminding Anna that she is the long heir of a royal family, the incarnation handed Anna a card.

"..." As Anna glanced curiously at the card info of the card given to her by her mother's incarnation, the incarnation turned to the clerk escorting her and said, "my work here is done. Tell that fat assed bastard if my daughter or I are summoned to or even required to enter Dean's office, I will forget about the treaty and bomb his predecessors' motherfucking statues built at University gate to dust, and his fat ass will be next."

Passing her massage for the dean of morning star university to the clerk, Anna's mother's incarnation vanished in thin air before Anna's angry yell resounded throughout the campus, "this is not funny!" having read the incantation to activate the bestowal card.

'I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter!'

'Ding! (784/1000).'

"What are you doing hovering up there? Come join this uncle in a hot lava bath." The devil once again invited Anna to enter the lava pool with him.

"..." Anna did not reply to him. She continued to chant the incantation, 'I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter!'

'Ding! (904/1000).'

"Hey, are you ignoring me! What are you up to, you little rat!" The devil scooped up a handful of lava and threw it at, hovering Anna.


".." Anna dodged the incoming Sinister lava ball instinctively. Though she continued to chant the incantation in her head, her presence of mind was still in the arena. She was not a fool, nor was this her first battle. She restricted herself to a defensive stance. Still, she had completed the card's requirement.

"Incoming," finding the action of Anna dodging the lava balls he threw at her funny, the devil began scooping up a handful of lava and throwing them at hovering Anna. As Anna dodged his attacks silently, the devil felt entertained as if Anna was dancing while he pulled the strings




"This is not fun anymore." Unable to land a single hit on Anna, the devil started to feel annoyed as no matter how fast he threw the lava balls, Anna would dodge them all effortlessly. Taking it on his pride, the devil got serious and started to barrage Anna with Lava balls. Soon, she could no longer avoid the lava balls effortlessly. Sometimes, Anna had to counter them with her fists.

'I am dumb! Mother, help your silly daughter!'

'Ding! (1000/1000).'

"S-Rank Myth grade Starry Array Sky Slate Card, activate!"



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